Chapter 13

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Lizzie's POV
I didn't tell Y/N the truth why I did te entendí to go to my house, it's just that I don't want her to know about Robbie, Robbie and I haven't been so well, the last night that I stayed with Y/N Robbie was home, so he got mad at me because didn't sleep in the house, and yesterday before work he was still mad and he was shouting at me a lot of things so I didn't want to go home

I'm still at Y/N's place any I'm so comfortable with her, I'm glad I don't have work today but I'm worried if she has so I'm going to ask her
"Y/N" I call her name she hummed in response "You don't have work today" she chuckle "Well I do have but I'm not going" "What why is it because I'm here you know I can leave" "No no I mean yes it's because I don't want to leave you alone but mo I don't want you to leave" I smiled "Your brother is going to be mad" "Oh I'm sure he's going to, and I bet he's going to come over or send someone here" "So your brother is going to come?" I asked worried I mean I'm not ready for meeting her brother "I don't know he hasn't call and it's already" she check her watch "3:00 so yep he's going to come, when he comes he can't see you, because he's going to be mad and when he's mad no one likes him, and I want you to meet him when his herself and not the boss" she  explained to me, she wanted me to meet her brother "So you want me to meet her brother, and you want me to like him" I ask flirtatious, she chuckle "Well she's family and my big bro so I hope you like him" then it was a hard knock at her door "And he's here it seem we invoke him"

We went downstairs and she looked at me "Lizzie I told you not to be here he can't see you" "Oh right I went upstairs but I stayed in the stairs to look at him

"Hey bro, to what do i owe the honor of your visit" she said sarcastically
"Are you kidding Andrea se suponía que ibas a ir a trabajar ( you we're supposed to go to work)" his voice was more rough when he speaks Spanish
"I know boss, but it's just I didn't feel well"
"Are you okay, what happen?" He asks very worried even though she was okay
"It's just that next week it's Leo's death anniversary" wait so she's not okay
"I know, I'm sorry sis, you should call Luca, you know he always bring you comfort when it's about Leo" who the hell is Luca and why he brings her comfort is it her boyfriend it can't be I thought she was lesbian maybe she's bi
"Yeah I'm going to call him"
"You should call dad too"
"Por favor Roger no empieces (Please Roger don't start)"
"Gli manchi molto (he misses you a lot)"
"Non mi interessa, è stato molto chiaro che non voleva vedermi ( I don't care, it was clear he didn't want to see me)" now they're talking Italian and let me tell you that she talking in Italian it's so hot
"Per favore, pensaci (please think about it)"
"I don't have nothing to think about and now you need to leave my house" she said angry
"I love sis" he said and he left

I come downstairs and hug her "Are you okay?" I ask her worried
"Yeah it's just he wants me to talk to my father" she explain to me
"And to Luca" I remind her and she notice my jealousy, so she chuckle, and she put her hands on my waist and I leave my arms on her shoulders. "Are you jealous" she ask wiggling her eyebrows I huff "Why would I be?" She can't know that I was jealous "Well it would be weird I mean Luca it's my little brother so" she say and I can't help but smile "So you have other brother, what else I don't know about you stranger" I ask her "There are a lot of things you don't know about me Lizzie" she say smiling "Well I want to know everything about you" "I think you know the basic things you need to know but I don't know anything about you, you just want to talk about my life it's seems you're obsessed with me do you have a crush on me dear" she asks and now I'm blushing "I I think you know what you need to know about me"
"Mhm" she say and she let me go

"I'm hungry" she say while she was looking what to eat "We can cook pasta" I suggest
"I think we can" I smile and tell her "Well you can do the pasta I want to taste your food again" she laughs and tell me "Well if I fuck up our food don't be mad" "I don't think you can fuck up anything" she smiled at me and started cooking

We were eating and I ask her "I thought you didn't eat here" "Well you make me do things I didn't do" she said flirtatious I laughed "I hope just good things" she shrugged

We finished eating and now I have to go to my house as much as I would love to stay here I Have to fix things with Robbie, we were hugging but she wasn't letting me go
"Y/N I really need to go" "Why if you feel lonely in your house you can be here with me" "I would love to stay here but I need to go" she let me go and pout "Now I'm going to be lonely" she say dramatically "Don't be such dramatic we're going to see again" "I don't believe you, you have a lot of work so do I" "We're going to text each other's okay" "You promise" I nod she sighed sadly and gave me a kiss on my cheek "See you Olsen" "See you Italian girl" she chuckle for the new nickname

I'm at my house right now and Robbie is here
"Hey Lizzie" he greeted me
"Hey"   "I think we need to talk" I just nod
"Look I'm sorry if I shouted at you it's just that you're acting weird and then you don't sleep at home, and I'm insecure you're going to left me because I don't desarme you" he explain
"I wasn't the one who was acting weird Robbie, you weren't sleeping at home either, and I didn't know where you were" I yell at him
"I told you I was working"
"So was I and then you were shouting at me accusing me of cheating on you, when all the things I do is love you and don't doubt you but it seems that you don't trust me"
"I do trust you Lizzie, please forgive me please" he bed me and he kiss me and I kiss him back


A/N: Hey i was just wanted to tell you that I don't re read the chapters and English it's not my first language so there are going to be a lot of mistakes, I'm sorry but please don't judge me 😂

Also if you have suggestions tell me because I know I'm going to run out of ideas I hope to post another one today

Also the next week maybe I wouldn't be able to post because I'm going to have exams so it's going to be complicated but I'm going to try

And I have a question do you like the chapters to be short but post more or to me long even if it takes me longer??

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