Chapter 53

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Lizzie and I ate together and I told her all about my day and how much I loved taking photos, I didn't realize how much I missed the photography, "I'm glad you enjoy your day my love" Lizzie said smiling at me "What did you do, while I was taking photos?" I asked her curious about her day, because I don't think she was waiting there for me, I mean I spent a lot of time there, even though I felt like time flew, I think when someone enjoys something you lost track of time "I was there waiting for you, and talking with my sisters" she said and I gasp "Did you wait for me?" I asked her even though I already know the answer "Yes, I really wanted to be with you, I tried to find you but I failed so many times, until I found you" she said giggling "Well now I'm all yours so what do you want to do" I asked her "Mmmm I don't know, I mean I'm sure you are tired" she said and I shake my head "Nop, I'm not tired" I comment her "Maybe we can go wander around New York" Lizzie said timidly, I don't know why she thinks I will tell her no, I mean I could never tell no to this woman "I love the idea, but I want an ice cream first" I said making Lizzie giggle

We bought our ice creams and we are eating them on a bench, I want to try Lizzie's ice cream, so I licked Lizzie's ice cream, she looked at me with a surprised smile "That was mine" she said and I nod smiling at her "I know my love I just want it to try it, and is pretty good" I told her and licked it again, she opens her mouth and gasp surprised "Okay" she said and licked mine too, but she licked a lot, that she almost finished my ice cream, "Hey that is mine" I told her and she chuckle "I know love bug, by the way, it tastes amazing" she said, mimicking me "That is not fair" I told her and when she was about to lick her ice cream I pushed her face a little and stained her nose with ice cream, I laughed and when she glare at me I run, she was chasing me but she is slower than me so she can't get me, I decided to stop, "You are mean" she said while catching her breath for all the running I smile at her and kiss her softly "I love you" I told her with my cheesy smile making her smile widely at me, when I thought she forgave me, she pushed my face and I have ice cream in all my face, I glare at her "Ups, I love you too" she said and I couldn't contain my smile

We were walking and I really love New York, I mean I always heard that New York was beautiful but I never imagine this, and I'm with the love of my life so I'm really happy, maybe being with Lizzie makes New York more beautiful because she is explaining a lot of shit I can't comprehend but I love hearing her talk so I listen to her

We were walking and I saw an Aquarium "OMG we need to go there" I told Lizzie dragging her inside, she looks nervous, "Why do you look nervous, don't you like the sea animals, or something like that?" I asked her and she shake her head "No, I mean I like them, not all of them but the thing is that someone can recognize me and I don't want that" she said and now I understand of course she is nervous she hates when paparazzis see her, "Ok we should go" I told her buts she shake her head "No, baby it seems you love this, it doesn't matter we can go in" she said "Lizzie of course it matters, you don't feel comfortable and I get that, I mean they are just animals whatever" I told her but she is not moving, "No, we are going to get in" she decided and walked in "Oh wait I have a hat, that you can use" I remind and told her, I search on my bag and handed the hat to Lizzie, she smile at me, "Oh and here you go take my sunglasses" I told her while taking off my sunglasses "Thank you my love I love you" she said kissing my cheek

I'm glad we got in, is super amazing, there are a lot of fishes and I really love them, the next thing we are going to see are dolphins "Do you want to swim with them love bug?" Lizzie asked me and I laughed "I don't have a swimsuit" I told her and she smirked "You should go in just underwear" she said and I laughed "Yeah sure and everyone can look at me" I told her and her face changed "You gave me a great idea I will do it" I told her and I was about to walked to register when Lizzie took my wrist, "No you will not, let's go you are just going to see the dolphins" she said and I laughed "Why?, don't you want to see other people to look at me?" I tease Lizzie "No I don't want, because you are mine, and they can't look at your body because your body is mine as well" she said and I really love possessive Lizzie

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