Chapter 20

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I wake up and see Lizzie on my chest, I'm not going to lie, I missed this, whatever this is, I really don't want to get up, if I could stay here cuddled with Lizzie I would, but she has work and I'm sure his fiancé is waiting for her, I don't know what I'm going to do about this things I'm feeling, I don't even know what I'm feeling, Lizzie starts to wake up so I have to pretend I'm still sleeping so I close my eyes, when I feel her move I decided to open my eyes and look down at her "Good morning" she said with her sleepy tone "Good morning" I told to her
"How are you feeling" I asked her "I'm still worry about you what if something bad happen to you" she told me worried "Hey nothing it's going to happen, I will be more careful" she stand up from my chest "What, no, you can't be working in this case anymore" I scoffed "And why's that" she scoffed "Are you kidding you will not put your life in danger again" "Lizzie you don't tell me what to do, so I'm not dropping the case" "Please Y/N please I don't want you to put your life in danger please" Lizzie beg me and damn those green eyes how can I tell her no "Lizzie I'm going tuve more careful I promise, but I have never drop a case so I'm not doing it now" she looked at me confused "Nor even when they kidnapped you" she asked and I shake my head "No, I mean they knew it was them who kidnapped me, so when there wasn't a case anymore, it was a search, so technically I didn't drop the case" she looked at me with sad eyes "Even though I want you to leave the case please is for your own safety" I sighed "I'm going to think about it okay" I told her while getting up "Where are you going?" She asked me "I'm starving so I'm going to make breakfast" I told her "You know we can go outside for breakfast" she told me
"Yeah I can't, I have to meet with A and also I don't want people start thinking we are a thing and that you cheat on your fiancé" I told her and left the room

I finished doing eggs and bacon and Lizzie came downstairs, "Here you go Olsen" I put her food in the island of the kitchen and sit eating with her "Thank you" Lizzie told me and I nod her in response, we were eating and talking about random things, it's almost like nothing happened between us, we finished eating "So I have to go to the Law Firm, but you can stay here if you want" I told her and a part of me want her to stay, if she stays I'm going to do quickly the things I need in the office "Actually I need to go, I have to go to set" I nod at her "Okay that's cool" I leave the kitchen and went upstairs to take a shower and to change myself. Once I finished Lizzie enter to my bedroom "Hey Y/N" "Mhm" "I just remember that my car is in the cafe of yesterday, I mean when the man saw us we left in your car, so we left mine" "Oh right I forgot about that, if you want I'll drive you to the cafe and then you take your car" I offered her "Yeah thank you, also do you have clothes for me" I laughed and "Yeah sure, just don't steal them" she chuckled "No promises" I passed her the clothes and left the room

"God Olsen what took you hours?" I asked while she was going down the stairs "Shut up it didn't take me that long, don't be dramatic"
"Believe it, it took you a lot of time, but whatever"
I was walking toward my motorcycle and Lizzie said "Nop, we are taking your car not your motorcycle" she declared "C'mon your not afraid of my motorcycle, don't you remember that you got on my motorcycle when we went to my tree house?" I told her "Yes but I was terrified that day so I'm not going in that"
"Lizzie really I need to go to the Law Firm right now, I'm not going in my car so you have to get on my motorcycle" I decided and got on my motorcycle "Fine but don't go fast please" she decided and I helped her to got on "You can hold on me, okay, don't worry if you hold on tight I don't mind" as soon I told that, she hold on me tight and hide her face on my shoulder, I chuckled

We arrived at the cafe and I didn't go fast but not too slow, when we arrived she let go of me and she tried to get off my motorcycle but she couldn't and I laughed "Shut up and get me off of this" I looked at her and start moving my motorcycle, so she hold on me again "Y/N stop please" I laughed but I decided to help her get off because I don't want to be late

I don't want to fall in love with you( Elizabeth Olsen x F reader) Where stories live. Discover now