𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 1🦋

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(A little about me, I live with my two older brothers, I am the only girl sibling, I also live with my mom and step dad. Something happened between my mom and biological dad when I was younger but my mom never told us what happened. Anyway I love my brothers, yea they mess with me alot but they always got my back no matter what. Enough about them and more about me, I am very clingy person, I love cuddles and hugs, I have a boyfriend, he is low-key kinda abusive but I'm scared to leave him I don't know what he would do, I Also love animals, and spending time with my family and friends, I wouldn't say I'm the nicest person but I'm not mean to the point I would bully you for no reason or hurt you, but not gonna lie I can get rude and have an attitude at times.

 Enough about them and more about me, I am very clingy person, I love cuddles and hugs, I have a boyfriend, he is low-key kinda abusive but I'm scared to leave him I don't know what he would do, I Also love animals, and spending time with my famil...

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Y/N^^ (15)

*Me and Jaiden were in my room sleeping. While we were sleep Kobe came in my room and laid next to me.

Kobe:i wanna sleep in here.

*In the morning i got woken up by dad.

Dad:come on wake up.

*he left the room, I stretched then looked at Jaiden and Kobe sleeping next to me, I shook my head then woke them up.

Y/N:kobe come on wake up.

*i slid from under him since he was laying on me.

Y/N:wake up.
Jaiden come on.
Jaiden:why? where we going?
Y/N:school where else.
Jaiden:don't get smart

*I laughed then we all got up and got ready. When I was done getting dressed i went downstairs and grabbed a bagel, I put the bagel in the toaster. When the bagel was done. I put some cream cheese on it, then kobe came downstairs. He came in the kitchen and took half of my bagel.

Kobe:your not gonna eat it.
Y/N:give it.
Kobe:bro it's half a bagel.
Y/N:I want it.
Kobe:fine damn.

*he rolled his eyes and gave it back then Jaiden got another bagel, it was the last one.

Y/N:you could've got that one but nooo you wanted to argue.
Kobe:shut the fuck up.

*he looked for some to eat.

Mom:you guys have to go before you're late.
Kobe:I'm hungry.
Mom:get a bagel.
Kobe:there's no more.
Mom?then you have to wait till lunch, you have to go.

*he rolled his eyes then grabbed his bag. We all went in the car. Kobe was pissed off.

Jaiden:bro you good?
Kobe:no i'm hungry.
Jaiden:just wait till lunch.

.he looked at Jaiden then went on his phone. when we got to school I saw aya and went over to her.

Aya: what's wrong with kobe?
Y/N:he's hungry.
Aya:he didn't eat?
Aya:he can have my breakfast Sandwich.
Y/N:what are you gonna eat?
Aya:what i ordered came with two sandwiches, so i have an extra and there's a hash brown.
Y/N: ok, kobe!
Y/N:come here.

*he rolled his eyes then came over to me.

Y/N:aya got breakfast for you.

*aya gave him the bag.

Kobe:thankyou, this why Aya my favorite. Y/N:uh- Aya:yw.

*Aya laughed then Kobe walked away, I looked at Aya and she laughed again, we talked the vallyk came and gave me a hug from the back.

Aya:oh wow. Vallyk:yea my best friend.
Aya:bet i got gigi.

*Gigi is our other friend her full name is Gianna.

Gianna:i heard my name.
Aya:yea vallyk took y/n from me.
Gianna:no you took her from him.
Aya:you supposed to be on my side.
Gianna:oh my bad, vallyk why you take y/n from her.
Vallyk:mine first she will live.

*We all laughed well except for Aya.

Vallyk:anyway I'm talking to the girl i told you about.
Y/N:aww yay, I hope she doesn't break your heart or hurt you.
Vallyk:yea i really like her.
Y/N:i think she likes you back.
Vallyk:i hope so.

*I smiled and so did he.

Y/N:i really don't wanna go to class.
Vallyk: imagine being in 10th grade.
Y/N:you really wanna do this? cause we can do this we can defs do this.
Vallyk: nevermind.
Y/N: exactly that's what i though.
Vallyk:i'm not scared of you.
Y/N:yes you are.

*i jumped at him and he flinched a little.

Y/N:I thought you weren't scared?
Vallyk:bitch I was bout to let you hit me.
Y/N:bitch is crazy.
Vallyk:shit the hell up. But anyway you're abusive.
Vallyk:you always hitting me, and you left me for ya new nigga.
Y/N:i aint leave you.
Vallyk:did to and speaking of him.

*I saw Elijah, he came over to me and hugged me. He smelled like another girl.

Y/N:who were you with?

Y/N:who were you with?

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Kobe & Jaiden^^

Kobe & Jaiden^^

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