𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 66🦋

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*i flipped it back and he got in.

Vallyk: this shi hot. Y/N:no it's not. Vallyk:uh yes tf it is. Y/N: dramatic.

*i sat the phone up so they could see me and vallyk.

Vallyk:they see to much. Y/N:what my colar bone?  Vallyk:😐. Y/N:why is it floating. Vallyk: cause i'm soft. Y/N:oh. Vallyk:i want alone timeee. Y/N:umm? i'm pregnant. Vallyk:bruh....not like that i just want it to be me and you chilling in the tub talking about stuff that i am not gonna say on live. Y/N:k, guys vallyk don't want yall. Vallyk:bruh, now i aint say that, i wanna spend time with you for the 3 weeks i have with you. Y/N:k.

*i ended the live then vallyk opened his arms and i went to him and layed my back on him and he hugged me.

Y/N:i feel fat. Vallyk:your not fat, your carrying our beautiful baby. Y/N:oh speaking about that, when we get out i have ultrasound pictures. Vallyk:i get to see him!. Y/N:boy.

*I laughed.

Vallyk:wha i'm excited i wanna see kaiden. Y/N: i have an appointment tomorrow. Vallyk:how many months are you? Y/N:well now starting today i'm 4 months. Vallyk:so onlyy five for more months! Y/N:yes. Valkyk:wait would i have to come back down for the birth? Y/N:no when i move down there i would be almost 9 months. Vallyk:k, i'm excited.

Y/N:i was gonna get another abortion, but then you really wanted a baby so i kept him. Vallyk:happy you did.

*I laughed*

Vallyk:you sure it's my baby Right? Y/N:yes we can get a dna test if you want to. Vallyk:i don't want it to seem like i don't trust you. Y/N:trust me when i found out a month after you left that i was almost a month pregnant i was confused as well.

*he laughed.

Y/N:we can get a dna test. Vallyk:k.... i love you. Y/N:i love you too, i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Vallyk:*smiles* same, but are you keeping something from me?

💭:i was how he know, how wouldn't he know, he knows everything 🤦🏽‍♀️.

Y/N:um. Vallyk:babe tell me, is it bad? Y/N:yea... Vallyk:what you cheated on me? the baby isn't mine, what? Y/N:i'm hoping the baby is your. Vallyk:huh? Y/N: elijah did something to me. Vallyk: don't tell me he forced you to do it with him.

Y/N:i'm sorry.... Vallyk: it's not your fault calm down. Y/N:i don't wanna have his kids. Vallyk:we can get a dna test ight? Y/N:ok, if he is not yours i'm sorry. Vallyk: it's not your fault if he is not mine. Y/N:k.

*he hugged me then elijah called me.

Vallyk:why you got h- Y/N:he said if i didn't you won't exist no more. Vallyk:.... tf is wrong with him.

*vallyk answered but didn't show his face, I looked up at him, he mouthed and told me to talk.

Elijah:show your face. Y/N:no i'm in the tub. Elijah:idc, show your face, hows my kid. Y/N:what if he isn't yours. Elijah: then bye bye baby. Y/N:you would kill my son? Elijah:who said i was gonan do it? Y/N:your so mean. Elijah: ain't nobody tell you to get with vallyk. Y/N:i love vallyk and i don't love you please leave me alone, the baby might not be yours... Elijah:i'm coming over. Y/N:k.

*vallyk laughed a lil but he didn't hear, he hung up then me and vallyk got out the tub and got dressed then layed down and looked at the pictures.

Valkyk:he has my nose. Y/N:ik, he might be yours, he has your nose and lips. Vallyk:*smiles* ethir way i will still help you. Y/N:k*smiles*

*Elijah walked in and jaiden came in.

Jaiden:why tf is he here. Elijah:stfu, y/n why is he here. Y/N:cause he is my bf? Elijah:i don't give a shit, gimme the pictures for my baby. Y/N:no, he isn't yours.

*Elijah came closer and vallyk got even more angry.

Vallyk: it's bad enough that you fuckin raped her, and if he isn't yours you are not gonna kill my child, I don't give a fuck who you are and how many people you get on me i will do anything in the world to protect my family. Jaiden:so your the reason she called me and was crying.

Elijah:you told him? you don't believe me? i told you ya bf won't exist. Y/N: i hate it here.

*i ran out the room and went in Kobe's room and he was in there getting clothes.

Kobe:yo whats wrong. Y/N: Elijah raped me and now he wants to kill vallyk cause i told him and if the baby isn't elijah's he is gonna kill him, i don't want my son to die kobe. Kobe:he is here? Y/N:he is in my room.

*kobe went to my room and i followed him, when he walked in he laughed.

Kobe:why you here. Elijah:cause i wanna see my baby Kobe: shit man, get the fuck out the baby aint yours get over it. Elijah:then bye baby the fuck.

*Kobe got in his face.

Kobe:kill my nephew and i will kill you, you got it? and kill the person that makes her happy and i swear to god nobody will know your dead.

Elijah:nigga move.

*Elijah pushed him and kobe was about to swing but jaiden stopped him.

Jaiden:no kobe you have a kid go back to them. Kobe:fuck bruh you lucky i'm busy.

*he walked out the room then nova walked in.

Elijah:fine if i don't get y/n i get jaiden kid. Jaiden:my baby? ha try it, nova gonna kill u. Nova:oh honey, if you go near my baby, you are gonna die, i am not scared of you, yea you bigger then me but bitch touch my damn baby that i fuckin carried and you are dead, i will throw ya body in the ocean, try me.

*elijah went into jaiden room and shut and locked the door, then nova started banging on the door and ayla started crying alot.

Jaiden: ELIJAH OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!  Kobe:where ayla. Jaiden:in the room. Kobe:move.

*they moved, kobe kicked the door open and nova ran to ayla and picked her up.

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