𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 101🦋

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Y/N:😭😭. Vallyk: don't leave meeee. Y/N: it's not like we leaving for a year again. Vallyk:true but still, i won't have kaiden or you. Y/N:you can spend time with kaiden tomorrow when he wake up. Vallyk:k. Kobe:y/n get out it's 12. Y/N:your an asswhole. Kobe:thanks. Jaiden:you so mean. Kobe:so are you. Derek:yall know he high right. Kobe:shut up. Jaiden:oh shi you are high.

*i kissed vallyk then he got off me and i went back to my room with the girls and got in the shower, after i took a shower i got kaiden ready for bed then gave him something to eat then we went and laid down and vallyk texted gn and i texted him back.

Kaiden:mama i see dada Y/N:wanna call him. Kaiden:yea.

*i called vallyk and he answered.

Vallyk:yea? Y/N:kaiden wanna talk to you. Vallyk:k.

*i gave kaiden the phone.

Kaiden:i dada. Vallyk:hey kaiden. Kaiden:are you come sleep. Vallyk:nah i'm not sleeping with yall. Kaiden:why... Vallyk:i'll see you tomorrow don't cry ok. Kaiden:but i want u sleep us. Vallyk: I can't after tomorrow i will cuddle with you guys ight and i will stay with you ok. Kaiden:k. Vallyk:i love you. Kaiden:wobe you. Vallyk:ight i'll call you tomorrow i'm tired. Kaiden:k🥺.

*vallyk kissed the phone then hung up and i hunged kaiden.

Y/N: don't cry it's ok.

*he calmed down and went to sleep then i went to sleep, skip to the wedding day, it was the day of the wedding and me and the girls were in the dressing room getting ready.

Aya:omgggg bestie getting married. Y/N:😭.

*derek called me and i walked away and answered the phone.

Y/N:hello? Derek:you still giving the flowers to gigi right? Y/N:yup. Derek:ight thankyou. Y/N:your welcome, don't hurt my bestie. Derek:i won't tell her not to hurt me...... physically. Y/N:😭😭. Derek:ight bye we gotta calm vallyk down. Y/N:k.

*he hung up and i went back to the girls.

Gianna:what he want. Y/N: don't worry bout it. Gianna: tell meeee. Y/N:you trust him? Gianna:yea- Y/N:ok then. Gianna:😒. Skyalr:ok who doing make up who doing hair? Aya:i'm doing make up. Gianna:i will do hair. Brooklyn:maya can you help nova with the flowers. Maya:k. Brooklyn:me and skylar will fix the dress up. Y/N:k.

*They walked away and aya started doing my make up and gigi started doing my hair.

gianna:curls right? Y/N:yea.

*she started straightening my hair and making it curl then kaiden came to me in his lil suit.

Y/N:aww look at you, cute behind. Kaiden:*giggles*

*then ayla came to me.

Y/N:yall are adorable. Ayla:*giggles* Dior:i hot. Y/N:oh god kobe personality all the way. Gianna:stop😭. Aya:😭.

*they finished my hair and make up, i put the dresss on, then gigi put the veil on and it covered my face.

Y/N:really. Gianna:i'm gonna fix it😭.

*i laughed and she fixed it then the girls went and got ready.

kaiden:momma, dada cry. Y/N:he crying 🥺. Kaiden:yea. Y/N:awww, tell him i said you gonna make momma cry. Kaiden:k.

*he waddled away and i smiled then then aya and gigi came up to me.

Gianna:you ready? Y/N:no i'm scared. Aya:calm down.

*Skylar Brooklyn maya and nova went and sat down then aya peeked her head out and saw everyone ready and vallyk standing at the stand.

Aya:vallyk really is crying. Y/N:aww.

*ayla came to me with the basket of flowers.

Y/N:ok you know what you have to do? Ayla:yea the music starts and i put flowers on the floor. Y/N:ok good job.

*she smiled and hugged my leg.

Aya:awww. Ayla:love you. Y/N:i love you too.

*the music started and ayla waited till someone came and told her to go then she went and i started crying.

Aya:baby calm down. Gianna:come on look at me, breath.

*i took some deep breaths and smiled then aya held the bottom of my dress and gigi gave me the flowers then helped aya hold my dress, then it was my turn to walk down the ile, i started walking down then i saw vallyk look at me and I started to tear up, when i got to the stand aya and gigi stood next to me, i looked at vallyk and he smiled at me then we held hands and everyone sat down, the preacher began then it was time to say our vows, valkyk went first.

Vallyk:*sigh* i wanna start off by saying i love you to death and i would do anything in the world to keep you and our kids safe, you used to be my best friend and now your about to be my wife, you gave me our handsome son and hopefully a baby girl on the way.

*i smiled*

Vallyk:i hope to spend the rest of my life with you and i promise to be there when you need me no matter what i'm doing, idc if i'm at work on my game if you need me i will be there


*vallyk got the ring and got my hand.

Vallyk:i give you this ring in a sign of love.

*he put the ring on my finger.

Kobe:*whispers* i'mma cry stop. Preacher:😭. Kobe:*smiles*

*i smiled and looked at him then it was my turn.

Y/N:i also wanna start off with i love you, i love that no matter what happened between us you would always be there for me, i love that you do anything in the world to protect me and our son, i love that even when we weren't dating you were there for me and were always by my side, i love how caring sweet, kind and handsome you are, and i love how you are an amazing dad to kaiden, i can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and make our family bigger, i love you.

*he smiled and looked up and mouthed damn, i giggled a lil and he rubbed my hands with his thumb, then i got his ring and got his hand.

Y/N:and i give you this ring in a sign of love.

*he smiled and i put the eing on then vallyk licked his lips.

Preacher:he's ready to kiss.

*vallyk laughed a lil then the crowd laughed.

Preacher:Vallyk M/N pena, do you take y/n m/n Morris to be your wedded wife? Vallyk:i do*smiles* Preacher:Y/N M/N Morris do you take vallyk M/N pena to be your wedded husband? Y/N:i do.

*vallyk smiled and licked his lips.

Preacher:You may kiss the bride!

*vallyk put his hands on my waist and kissed me and i put hands around his neck and kissed him back, the crowd clapped while we kissed then we pulled away, me and vallyk held hands and walked down the ile and out side to the limo, we got it then the brides mades and groomsmen got in then kaiden got in with us.

Kaiden:*giggles*. Jaiden:damn kobe was crying. Aya:bestieeee marriedddd.

Vallyk:nice ring. Y/N: thank you, also nice ring. Vallyk:thankyou.

*we laughed and kissed again, then everyone got into cars and we went to the ceremony, when we got there we walked in and music was playing.

Y/N:this beautiful. Vallyk:just like you.

*i smiled and he kissed me, when everyone got in, me and vallyk went and sat at the big table then aya and gigi sat next to me and kobe and jaiden sat next to vallyk.

Derek:congrats bro. Vallyk: thank you, was you crying or laughing. Derek:i was laughing at kobe. Kobe:bruh i tried so hard not to cry it's not fair. Ayla:daddy i did it. Jaiden:yes you did great, go to grandma. Ayla:k. Kaiden:dada i cute. Vallyk:who told him to say that. Dior:i did we hot. Kobe:boy go sit down.

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