𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 29🦋

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Y/N:what you do. Jaiden:nun.

*I rolled my then Jaiden and mike laughed then we chilled, i layed on vallyk sence he was sleeping.

Vallyk:*groans* bro move. Y/N:why. Vallyk:oh nvm, I thou it was derek. Derek:so you wouldn't wanna cuddle wit me. Vallyk:no you be snoring in my damn ear. Derek:rude.

*Gianna laughed.

Aya:yall are something else. Jaiden:so are you, baby are you ok? Nova:no i feel bad for kicking him.

*jaiden hugged her then vallyk got up.

Y/N:where you going? Vallyk:to get a pillow and use the bathroom. Y/N:k.

*he went and did that then he came back with two pillows and put them in the couch then layed down, i layed on him and had my
head in the crock on his neck, we ended up falling asleep.

*An hour later y/n and vallyk were sleep, derek and gigi were laughing and doing tik tok videos, mike was sleep, aya was doing her own tik toks and me and Nova were cuddling and scrolling threw insta and tik tok.

*Kobe had came out his room with his airpods in, he went to the kitchen area and sat on the counter.

Jaidne:go talk to him. Nova:no he looks angry. Jaiden:he wouldn't touch you or hurt you he would push you a lil but he wouldn't hurt you he would give that look telling you to go away if he didn't wanna talk to you. Nova:jaiden he's your brother, we just met i'm surprised he is even nice to me. Jaiden:tbh so am i. Nova:*sigh*. Jaiden:go talk to him if you feel bad it will make you feel better.

*she nodded and went over to kobe and i watched.

Nova:kobe. Kobe:.... Jaiden:he can't hear you.

*novs tapped his leg and he looked up and took his airpod out.

Kobe:i could hear you i just choose not to listen. Nova:bro- anyway i'm sorry for kicking you. Kobe:mhm.

*he got off the counter and tried to walk away but nova grabbed his arm.

Kobe:jaiden get her. Jaiden: nova shouldn't do that. Nova:kobe please i'm sorry forgive me. Kobe:the only two people i would forgive quickly is jaiden and y/n, please let go of me.

*she let go and came back and sat down and hugged me.

Derek:gigi how the fuck you do this shii. Gianna: look. Kobe:*sigh*

*he walked out the room.

Aya:whats wrong with kobe? Derek:right. Jaiden:he is still mad at nova amd the only person that can make him go soft is y/n but she sleep.

Vallyk:*snores* Y/N:boy. Vallyk:*snores* Y/N:baby. Vallyk:*groans*

*she went back to sleep but I woke her up.

Y/N:stop. Jaiden:sis can you calm kobe down. Y/N:you do it i'm tired. Jaiden: please. Y/N:fine

*i got up.

Y/N:where is he.

*vallyk turned on his stomach.

Vallyk:where you going? Jaiden:find kobe, i think he in mom room. Y/N:k. Vallyk:you are not going out there like that. Y/N: what? Vallyk:your in a bra and shorts. Y/N:and? i'm going right across the hall. Vallyk:*sigh*

*i looked at him confused then went to mom room.

Y/N:momma is Kobe here. Mom:uh yea. M/M:he is in my room. Y/N:k where dad? Mom: getting dinner. Y/N:k.

*i went to m/m room and kobe was there with his air pods in on his phone i went to the bed and saw him looking threw pictures of couples on Instagram, is he lonely?

Y/N:kobe? Kobe:yes... Y/N:aww you sound sad. Kobe:i wanna gf, i want a girl to just love me and not break my heart. Y/N:talk to brooklyn it will make you feel better, she wants you she doesn't know how to tell you.
Kobe:she told you? Y/N: yes she said she likes you and she thinks you don't like her. Kobe:oh.. Y/N:you good now? Kobe:no, i made nova sad... Y/N:how? Kobe:she said she was sorry and i accidentally gave her a look or sum and i guess it scared her a lil but she kept saying she was sorry and i just said mhm and left. Y/N: forgive her she feels bad. Kobe:k, your like my damn therapist . Y/N: well i guess if you ever needed one you got one right here.

*he smiled and hugged me then we went back to the room and kobe went to nova and hugged her.

Kobe: it's ok. Jaiden:how the fuck do you calm him down. Y/N:i got my ways.

*i went and layed on vallyk.

Vallyk:move. Y/N:why. Vallyk:cause. Y/N:fine.

*i got off him and sat next to aya.

Aya:hey. Y/N:hey what you doin. Aya:to be honest i am bored asf. Y/N:same, wait how long we staying here? Derek:untill monday. Jaidne:igh bro, beat it. Kobe:...

*Jaiden looked at Kobe and he was sleep.

Jaiden:how you fall asleep that freaking quick, that's not even possible.

Derek: bro. Jaiden:no cause dis nigga was just awake like 3 mins ago! and now he fuckin out.

*Me and Derek laughed.

Aya:i am so glad they are your brothers. Y/N:same. Jaiden:aww, but what the fuck, how you fall asleep in 2 mins.

*Nova laughed.

Jaiden:no no don't laugh, this nigga acting like he was sleep for more then an hour, no bitch- HE WAS AWAKE FUCKIN 3 MINS AGO. Nova:who you calling a bitch. Jaiden:wha- no one.

*I laughed.

Aya:ya brother go crazy. Y/N:i know. Derek:ba- gigi how y- Gianna:you can call me bae. Derek:*smiles* bae.
Gianna:yes bubs. Derek:stawwwp your making me smile hard.

*Gianna laughed.

Aya:go talk to vallyk you look like you want him. Y/N:i do he's mad at me.

*vallyk got up and went in our room then i went in there and he was laying on the bed falling asleep untill he heard me walk in.

Y/N:vallyk why are you mad at me? Vallyk:cause i told you not to go in the hallway with a bra on... Y/N:why is it a big deal? Vallyk:because my ex did it when we went on a trip together she went in the hallway wirh a bra on because she had to get something then she came back with hickeys and all smiley. Y/N:oh, i'm sorry i wouldn't cheat on you thou.

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