𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 71🦋

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*me and vallyk laughed then went back to our gifts.

Vallyk:igh c.

*we gave eachother c.

Y/N:you copying. Vallyk: bruh you were watching me. Y/N:no i swear on everything i wasn't. Vallyk:well. y/N:copy cat, Mon just says daddy. Vallyk:mine says baby girl, still copy cat. Y/N:shut up.

The chain you got for vallyk^^

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The chain you got for vallyk^^

The chain you got for vallyk^^

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The chain vallyk got you^^

*we laughed then did d.

Vallyk:i was gonna do my ykw but you pregnant so i got you that. Y/N:a dog bear. Vallyk:a what now? Y/N:a dog bear. Vallyk:bae.

*we laughed then he opened d, it was a worlds best dad shirt

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*we laughed then he opened d, it was a worlds best dad shirt.

Vallyk:thankyou, is he mine? Y/N:ion know. Vallyk:k, ight e.

*i got his e and he got mine.

Y/N:you got me a elephant bear. Vallyk:bae just say elephant. Y/N:nope elephant bear. vallyk:bae no.

*he opened his and it was baby close, baby bottle, pacifier then a envelope saying he is yours.


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Vallyk:he mine?!?!

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Vallyk:he mine?!?!. Y/N:yes baby.

*he hugged me and gave me kisses.

Mom:what happened? Vallyk:the baby is mine. Kobe:lest go. Jaiden:yurrr. Nova:yay. V/M:wait so- Y/N:forced to do it with my ex long story. Vallyk:rn i am just happy he mine.

*i smiled and he kissed me.

Y/N:i love you. Vallyk:i love way more then you think. Y/N:aww.

*i kissed him then we went back to the gifts.

Vallyk:did you find f? Y/N:nope did you. Vallyk:nope i got stuck. Y/N:i mean f for fuck. Vallyk:shii ill be gentle. Y/N:k later we do f. Vallyk:bett.

*he kissed me then we went to go and i gave him his and he have me mine. Vallyk:you bought a new controller, thankyou.

Y/N:yes cause you got mad and broke yours. Vallyk:i forgot i was on facetime when that happened. Y/N:you got mad and threw it. Vallyk:ight shush cause i was missing you then i died and it pissed me off.

Y/N:yk it's custom ri. Vallyk:wym-

*he opened it, it had a me on one side and him on the other.

Vallyk:awww, i'm not using this one i don't wanna break it.

*I laughed.

Vallyk:open yours. Y/N: gator be- vallyk: don't you dare. Y/N: gator bearrrrr. Vallyk:oh my god. Y/N: i got 4 bearssss. Vallyk:only the whit one is a bear. Y/N:no they all are. Vallyk: whatever. Y/N:and i get a d bear. Vallyk:bruh. Y/N:what? Vallyk:ight so h aint here for both of us what you do?

*i hugged him and he hugged me.

Vallyk:you stole my gift. Y/N:no you stole mine.

*he smiled and put his head on my shoulder, we stopped hugging then we openend more gifts then it got to k and i kissed him, then it was m after a few more and we made out then p came up and he got me a phone, after that we had opened all our stuff.

Vallyk:can we do m again. Y/N: later. vallyk:pleaseee.

*i kissed him and we made out then i layed on the floor and he hovered over me.

Dad:what is wrong with teenagers. V/M:vallyk. Vallyk:☝🏼.

*he kept kissing me then we pulled away.

Vallyk:yea? V/M:stop kissing. Vallyk:why she mine.

*he kissed me again then we stopped and got up.

Kobe:my head hurt. Brooklyn:bae your tired. Kobe:*smiles* you cute. Brooklyn:*blushes* stawpppp.

*Kobe laughed.

Dior:*screams* Brooklyn:boy. Kobe: he jsut gonna scream for no reason. Mom:yup. Dior:*screams* Kobe:dior. Dior:*screams* Brooklyn: baby stop. Dior:*screams* Y/N:😭. Vallyk:😭i can't breathe. Dior:*screams* Brooklyn:baby shhh.

*Brooklyn gave him kisses and put his binky in his mouth.


*She laughed*

Koeb:i better not wake up to that. Ayla:*giggles* Nova:you laughing mama. Jaiden:*smiles*

*we all cleaned up the wrapping paper then me and vallyk went upstairs with our stuff, when we got in our room i went live on vallyk phone and he took his socks off and i smirked at him.

Vallyk:what. Y/N:yall wanna see vallyk toes? Vallyk:noooo.

*i flipped the camera and tried to show his toes.

Vallyk:babyy nooo. Y/N:why they wanna see the toes. Vallyk:no.

*I laughed, then sat the phone back up.

Y/N:guys vallyk got me a whole bunch of bears. Live: vallyk gotta ring and is on his knees, VALLYK PROPOSING!!!!!, AHHAHAHAH! Y/N:hu-

*i turned around and he was on his knees with a ring.

Vallyk:will you marry me- nah i'm playing its a promise ring. Y/N:baeeee, you were gonna make me cry.  Vallyk:ik i saw it in ya face, you love me ri? Y/N:yea i love you alot. Vallyk:you promise to be with me for the rest of your life? Y/N:as long as you promise me the same. vallyk: promise. Y/N: promise.

*he got up and put the ring on my finger.

The ring^^

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The ring^^

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