𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 89🦋

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*In the morning when i woke up vallyk was still sleep so i got up and went and got kaiden cause he was awake, i turned the tv on and put kaiden in his bouncer and he played with the stuff on it and watched what was on the tv, i went and looked for my phone cause i couldn't find it, then i gave up on that and sat next to vallyk.


*i shook him and he wouldn't wake up.

Y/N:baby come on, what do you wanna eat.

*i kissed him and he wouldn't wake up, then i got up and made some scrambled eggs for kaiden and mashed them up so he can eat it.

Y/N: hey baby, you hungry. Kaiden:*giggles*

*i picked him up and gave him kisses on his cheek, i put him in his high chair,i gave him his sippy cup and then i put some eggs on the tray and he started eating.

Y/N: yummy*smiles* Kaiden:*smiles&giggles*

*i kissed his forehead then turned his chair to the tv so he can watch it while he ate, after that i went back to vallyk.

Y/N:vallyk come on ik you can hear me.

*i looked at him and he was sleep, i grabbed his ykw he always wakes up from that, I put my head on his shoulder.

Y/N:babe are you ok? baby come onnnnn.

*i started getting worried, i started ticking him and he didn't even smile, i started to tear up and on top of that i couldn't find my phone.

Y/N:vallyk please wake up.

*i hugged him and he hugged me back.

Vallyk:awww, don't cry.

*i layed on him and hugged him.

Vallyk:it was a prank.

*i got off of him.

Y/N:your meannn.

*he laughed and got the camera and i walked away.

Vallyk:baby come backkkk. Y/N:no.

*he chased me around then when he caught me, he hugged me from behind and i sucked on his finger.

Vallyk:what are you doin. Y/N:lemme lone.  Vallyk:😭, ight i got her- Y/N:i'mma get you back. Vallyk:😐, no she won't, anywa-

*i started twerking.

Vallyk:aye, what is she doin-*laughs* moveee.

*he smacked my butt.


Vallyk:bae gotta fatty. Kaiden:AHHHHH! Vallyk:what you screamin for😂.

*he went over to him and tickled him.

Vallyk:momma make you eggs, she aint cook me nun. Y/N:boy i asked you what you wanted. Vallyk:ok so i fell asleep i woke up when you started tickling me and grabbed my d*BEEP* Y/N: family friendly dude. Vallyk:my bad. Y/N:what you want for breakfast? Vallyk:whatever you make. Y/N:kk.

*i got all the stuff for french toast while vallyk recorded my butt.

Vallyk:look at that thang movin. Y/N:boy stop😭.

*he stopped and faced it to his face.

Kaiden:*wines* Vallyk:whats wrong?

*he pointed to his tray.

Vallyk:want more? Y/N:he want more? Vallyk:i think so.

*vallyk gave him more and he started eating.

Vallyk:kaiden getting big on me it aint fair*fake cries* Y/N:boy.

*he laughed then did the outro and ended the video then hugged me from behind and took a picture of me and him.

Y/N:what u doin. Vallyk:posting in my story, why? Y/N:cause your rubbing on my butt. Vallyk:oh it felt good my bad. Y/N: your so weird. Vallyk:no i'm not.

*kaiden started making noises with his mouth.

Vallyk:lil boy, i turned around for 2 mins.

*i looked at kaiden and laughed then vallyk went and cleaned him up and wiped his tray.

Vallyk: come here kaiden.

*i watch vallyk sit on the floor and play with kaiden, i smiled then went back to cooking, *i went live.

Y/N: good morning. Kaiden:*laughs* Vallyk:num num num. Y/N: don't mind the nosie vallyk is playing with kaiden. Live:gm, what you cooking. Y/N:i'm cooking french toast and eggs, should i make a fruit salad? Live:yes, make one, kaiden would eat some. Y/N:true kaiden would eat some. Kaiden:*giggles* Vallyk: i'mma get you. Kaiden:*laughs* Vallyk:ahhh i got you. Kaiden:*laughs* Y/N:should we have another kid? Vallyk:yes! Y/N:boy mind ya business. Vallyk:wanna get momma, lest go get momma.

*vallyk came over to me with kaiden in his hands.

Vallyk:she meanie. Kaiden:*giggles* Vallyk:say meanie.

*he lightly hit my arm then kaiden hit me and i laughed then vallyk kissed me.

Vallyk:whenever momma be mean do that ok. Y/N:no don't hit me. Kaiden:da.... Y/N:baby say momma. Vallyk:nah fuck that say dada.

*he walked away with kaiden.

Y/N:oh wow. Vallyk:😭.

*i shook my head and finished cooking, when i was done i cut some fruit up and put it in a bowl.

Y/N:food is done. Vallyk:lest see what momma made.

*he came over with kaiden and kaiden reached for me and vallyk gave him to me.

Y/N:hey kai kai. Vallyk:looks good baby.

*he kissed me and i smiled, he went and made his and my plate.

Y/N:thankyou daddy. Vallyk:guys she called me daddy😏. Live:boy😭, go touch some grass😭. Y/N:😭. Vallyk:i don't wanna touch grass thou. Y/N:you need to. Vallyk:😐, kaiden momma being mean.

*kaiden hit me.

Y/N:boy. Vallyk:😭😭, he listened 😭.


*i started eating and kaiden wanted some.

Y/N:nope mine you hit me. Kaiden:*cries* Vallyk:😭. Y/N:fine here

*he turned his head.

Y/N:kai kai.

*he reached for vallyk and vallyk laughed and took him.

Vallyk:whats wrong😭. Kaiden:eh. Vallyk:😭😭. Y/N: remember that.

*vallyk gave him some and it was to sweet for him.

Y/N:see you wasn't gonna like it, it's to sweet. Vallyk:spit.

*he spit in vallyk hand and vallyk put it in the trash then washed his hand.

Vallyk:mamas what we doin? Y/N:what you wanna do? Vallyk:😏. Y/N:he's awake. Vallyk:😐🙄. Y/N:😭. Vallyk:i want a baby girl. Y/N:wait till he's two. Vallyk:why so long. Y/N:you know how hard it's gonna be to have a baby when he's not even walking. Vallyk:ight true.

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