𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 95🦋

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Y/N:ayla he can come over another day ok? Ayla:k, i go your house. Y/N:ofc make daddy bring you ok. Ayla:k. Jaiden:no we not going tomorrow.

*I laughed cause he already knew she was gonna say it.

Ayla:why. Jaiden:cause i have work and mommy don't feel good. Nova:we can go when daddy is off ok? Ayla:k daddy mean. Jaiden:get her. Nova: go upstairs. Ayla:k i sleep your bed. Jaiden:no not tonight. Nova:dirty. Jaiden:shut up. Vallyk:baby makingggg. Jaiden:yall having another kid? Y/N:yea.... kaiden gonna kill you. Kaiden:pow pow. Vallyk:😮. Y/N:he got that from kobe. Vallyk:no he didn't he got that from you know who. Y/N:oh him yea we don't talk about him.

*vallyk laughed and we got kaiden's stuff and left.

Y/N: wait was he supposed to stay over. Vallyk:yea but jaiden told me he had work in the morning and nova didn't feel well so i didn't wanna stress her. Y/N:ohhhh ok.

*i went and took a shower and vallyk got kaiden ready for bed, when i was done i got dressed then took over with kaiden and vallyk went and showered.

Y/N:you wanna eat eat. Kaiden:*giggles*

*i put him in his high chair.

Kaiden:tv. Y/N:say please. Kaiden:pease. Y/N:ok.

*i turned the tv on then i went live while i made mac and cheese.

Y/N:hey peeps. Live:hey y/n. Y/N:guys me and vallyk went out for my birthday and our anniversary and he proposed.

*vallyk hugged me from behind.

Vallyk:*smiles* Y/N:i'm getting marrieddddd.

*i started shaking my butt and vallyk put his hand behind his head.

Y/N:anyway. Vallyk:why you stop. Y/N:why your voice so deep. Vallyk:you know why. Y/N:horny freaky fuck.

*He laughed*

Kaiden:*screams* Y/N:boy. Kaiden:*laughs* Vallyk:whats so funny. Kaiden:*wines* mama. Y/N:whats wrong. Kaiden:dada eh. Vallyk:after you eat dinner you get those. Y/N:what he want. Vallyk:cookie. Y/N:oh did he eat over jaiden house? Vallyk:idk.

*i added kobe and gigi.

Aya:omg its the girl that hasn't been hanging with me. Y/N:lil girl. Gianna:😭. Kobe:shut up dumbasses. Dior:OOOOOOO! MOMMY! DADDY SAY WORD! kobe:*whispers* fuckin snitch.

*Vallyk laughed*

Y/N:dior keep messin with you. Brooklyn:he tellin on you. Kobe:ik.

*dior jumped on kobe.

Kobe:*groans* bro. Brooklyn:what yall wanna eat. Y/N:kobe look. Gianna:i forgot i was in here. Aya:ANDREW STOP I'M SORRY. Andrew:nah come here. Derek:tf-. Andrew:*screams* Gianna:ok.... Y/N:anyway i'm getting married. Kobe:ik congrats. Gianna:awww congratulations, kobe's boring. Vallyk:i told the boys the girls talk to much. Aya:well damn. Andrew:they abusive. Derek:fax. Gianna:aya come on.

*she set her phone up then aya and gigi attacked derek and andrew.

Derek:oww! Andrew:why is your knee so hard. Vallyk: don't look at me.

*i laughed and finished the mac and cheese and gave some to kaiden.

Kaiden:nummy. Y/N:*smiles* Kaiden:dada. Vallyk:yea? Kaiden:juice......pease. Vallyk:good job.

*vallyk gave him his sippy cup.

Kaiden:*giggles* Live:kaiden ugly. Vallyk:"kaiden ug-" so is your mom. Y/N:😭😭. Gianna: vallyk 😭. Kobe:well damn😭. Y/N:*wheezes* Vallyk:whats so funny. Kobe:he said so is ya mom😭. Dior:momma mean🥺. Brooklyn:DIOR GET YA ASS IN HERE! Dior:no. Kobe:oooo. Dior:*screams* no. Brooklyn:if you pee on this damn floor you gonna clean it up. Dior:no bitch. Kobe:i'll be back.

*he left the live.

Y/N:ooo dior😭. Vallyk:dior finna get his ass beat.

*derek took gigi's phone and sat down.

Gianna:gimme. Derek:no i wanna talk to them. Gianna:oh i though you was about to do sum stupid like you did last time. Derek:😭. Y/N:when he posted that picture of you? Gianna: yes😭. Aya:i'm tired. Andrew:now can we go cuddle. Aya:fine, bye gigi. Gianna:bye.

*i heard a door shut the i added kobe back.

Kobe:ight i'm back. Dior:*cries* Y/N:aww what you do to him. Kobe:nun he in the corner😭.

*kobe showed dior.

Dior:meanie. Brooklyn:say sorry. Dior:sowy. Kobe:nah don't baby him. Dior:i come out pwease. Kobe:😭.

*Brooklyn picked him up. Kobe:bruh.

Brooklyn:he's to cute to be mad. Dior:haha. Kobe:😐. Y/N:you never win. Vallyk:this man having a whole war wit his son. Kobe:you to much. Y/N:i'm tired. Vallyk:can i put you to sleep then? Y/N: boy

*i looked at kaiden and he was sleep I took his bowl and cup and put it on the counter then i took him out and he woke up.

Vallyk:guys i think they goin to bed. Kobe:i'm about to play the game. Derek:bett i'll join. Vallyk:i might.

*they said ok and vallyk ended the live, i wiped kaiden's mouth then put him in his crib and he went back to sleep i covered him and gave him his bear then i went back in the living room and kissed vallyk.

Vallyk:still wanna do it? Y/N:mhm.

*he grabbed my neck and we started making out then we took it in the room, we did the nasty and i had fell asleep.

Vallyk:put her ass to sleep.

*i laughed and put my clothes on then the boys called me.

Kobe:yo they sleep what y'all wanna do? Angel:shii late night smoke or sum shi? Kobe:ight bett. Vallyk:i'll vape i'm not smoking. Kobe:ight.

*i went and put a sweat shirt on and my shoes then i went outside, the boys came down and we went live.

Mike:bro teen years. Kobe:shi the live finna get band. Derek:vallyk got cum on his lip.

*i licked my lip.

Derek:ayo. Vallyk: don't you eat ya girl out? Derek:ight shut up. Kobe:if you don't eat ya girl out you a pussy. Angel:😭. Andrew:Remember angel was scared to do it. Angel:bro i wasn't scared i just never did that shi before so i didn't wanna do it. Live:why so sexual, how does it feel to get head. Kobe:"how does it deel to get he-" tbh it feels like you getting jereked off but slimy? Derek:😭😭, bruh my stoamch got fucked up. Kobe: bro.

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