𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 63🦋

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*he kissed my neck then we talked to the live a lil more and added kobe.

Kobe:yurrr. Y/N:hey bro. Kobe:wass- Dior:*cries* Kobe:shhh it's ok momma sleeping. Live:awww, Kobe is gonna be a great dad if that is his kid. Kobe:he is mine. Y/N:*mine Kobe:nigga no mine. Y/N:i gave birth to him. Kobe:now i did not have sex with my damn sister. Y/N:it was a joke calm down jamal. Kobe:to be honest he look like u. Y/N:😏. Kobe:stop it.

*I laughed.

Vallyk:weirdo. Y/N:shut up.

*vallyk laughed and talked to kobe, i scrolled threw tik tok and saw a video of kobe and Brooklyn.

Y/N:ewwww. Vallyk:wha?

*i showed him.

Vallyk: it's his gf.

Y/N:still gross.

*i showed kobe.

Y/N:ya nasty. Kobe:she is my girlfriend. Dior:*cries* Kobe:mamas. Brooklyn:hm? Kobe:he trying to eat my nipple.

*She laughed.

Brooklyn: give him to me. Kobe:yo, dior aint nothing gonna come out.

*kobe gave Brooklyn the baby then sat his phone up

. Y/N:did you throw up? Kobe:ngl i almost did.

*Kobe:no cause they told me to hold her leg cause i was panicking, i saw dior come out and it freaked me out, i gaged and moved away, Brooklyn was laughing at me so was the nurses. Brooklyn:cause your dramatic. Kobe:bae, there was blood, white stuff like no then he was covered in the goey shii like no.

*Brooklyn laughed.

Y/N:vallyk gonna gag. Vallyk:nah i just won't look down there. Kobe:i cut the cord, then i started crying cause i still saw the stuff and Brooklyn started dying. Brooklyn:it was funny. Kobe:no, no it was not, then mom was laughing at me. Y/N:where is mom? Kobe:she left, idk where she went thou. Y/N:oh. Vallyk:are yall showing his face? Kobe:not rn- actually idk it's up to Brooklyn she gave birth to him. Y/N:i'm not showing kai kai face. Vallyk: the nickname omg. Kobe:dd? Brooklyn:no just dior. Kobe:mane you boring. Y/N: I don't wanna say his full name.

*Vallyk laughed and so did kobe.

Kobe:kai kai they gonna figure it out. Y/N:no they don't even know the gender. Vallyk:still kai kai is the beginning of the name we picked.

Y/N:fine kai- Vallyk:ah don't say the name. Y/N:make up your mind.

*Vallyk laughed.

Vallyk:Brooklyn have birth early. Kobe:you did? Brooklyn:yea i was due on Christmas. Kobe:we could of had a Christmas baby, dior you came to early, nah i'm playing happy you here. Brooklyn:tell daddy leave you alone. Kobe: aye i did the work. Brooklyn: what work? Kobe:i put him in you. Vallyk:right we did the work. Y/N:ok so umm, you guys don't gotta carry the baby for 9 months....we do, yall don't have to push the baby out of ya vagina we do. Kobe & Vallyk:😮. Vallyk:you aint have to say the word. Kobe:right damn sis. Brooklyn:no she had to say it, y'all don't have to deal with the back pain. Vallyk:we have to deal with sperm cramps, and other shii. Kobe:facts them cramps be hurting, derek had one. *

vallyk added derek.

Derek:them bitch- Gianna:DEREK! Y/N:wait your here? Derek:yea, hey mamas, i missed u. Gianna:i missed you too. Aya: baeee! Andrew:hey baby. Y/N:awww. Derek:she almost made me fall, she jumped on me. Gianna:i missed u. Derek: i love u. Gianna:i love u too🥺. Derek:babe no don't cry🥺, guys i'll join back. Kobe:igh. Derek:wait ya baby born? Kobe:yea. Derek: taking him. Kobe:try it. Derek:ok

*he left.

Kobe:uh. Y/N:vallyk. Vallyk:yea, what wrong. Y/N:nothing i have. question. Vallyk:wha? Y/N:what is the difference between i have a gf and sorry i have a gf. Vallyk:umm, sorry i have a gf your not being rude? Y/N:so your sorry that you have gf? Vallyk:no- i don't wanna be meannn. Y/N:your too nice. Vallyk:i don't like hurting girls feelings. Y/N:your to nice. Vallyk:what you want to say, BITCH I GOTTA GIRL FRIEND GET TF AWAY FROM?

*I laughed.

Vallyk:no, i'mma say it nicely.

*i put my head on him and died of laughter and so did kobe.


Y/N:bae no you aint gotta yell at her. Vallyk:what i would say it nicely. Y/N:ok show what you would do if a girl came up to you. Vallyk:k. Y/N:ok, hey sexy you look nice.

*i leaned in and he kissed me,i pulled away and he looked confused.

Vallyk: wha. Y/N:you would kiss a random girl who came up to you? Vallyk:no, your not a random girl. Y/N:ok act like i'm not your gf. Vallyk:but you are...

*I laughed.

Kobe:bro, act like she a random girl. Vallyk: whyyyyyyy.  Y/N:just do it.

*he nodded.

Y/N:ok, hey sexy, you look cute, are you single. Vallyk:no... Y/N:wanna sneak it. Vallyk:yea. Y/N:boy.
Kobe: he doesn't understand. Vallyk: what i want you.

*he grabbed my waist.

Y/N:if a random girl came up to you would do that? Vallyk:no, i don't get it your not a random girl. Y/N:aww, babe act like i'm not your gf and you have a gf but it's not me. Vallyk:... Y/N:ok, hey sexy can i get ya number. Vallyk:yea. Y/N:boy. Vallyk: what you said your not my gf so i'm cheating on my ex...

*Me and Kobe laughed.

Vallyk;i don't understand. Y/N:ok, if a random person came up to you while you were in the store and asked for your number what would do? Vallyk:say i have a gf and walk away... Y/N; exactly so act like i am that random girl. Vallyk:k... Y/N:ok, hey cuite can i get ya number.

*i started touching his stomach and i guess it turned him on cause he started biting his lip then i leaned in and he kissed me, i pulled away.

Vallyk:stawwpp kiss meee. Y/N: you don't understand. Live: vallyk 😭. Vallyk:stawwwp i don't get it. Y/N:ok ok, the driveway girl. Vallyk:k. Y/N:act like i'm her. Vallyk:k... Y/N:aww are you ok? Vallyk:yes.. Y/N:wanna hang out later? Vallyk:i have a gf. Y/N:she won't know. Vallyk:your right come on, sike bitch fuck outta here.

*I started laughing.

Y/N: babe. Vallyk:i did it??? Y/N:yes.

*Kobe laughed.

Vallyk:now i get my kiss? Y/N:yes.

*i held his face and kissed him and he smiled and hugged me, i laughed.

Kobe: bruh. Brooklyn:kobe what would you do. Kobe:put that bih in her place.

*She laughed.

Kobe:*mumbles* sike i'mma put a baby in her.

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