𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 15🦋

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*kobe got his vape and started vaping then jaiden got his then derek got his.

Y/N: hold on, Derek you vape.
Derek: surprise?

*Mike laughed*

Gio:i forgot mine.
Brooklyn:vaping is bad for you.
Kobe:shut up.
Brooklyn:your mean.
Kobe:nah i'm just hard to make a bond with.
Y/N: didn't lie there.
Kobe:if i didn't meet you when i was little then you gonna have a hard time trying to bond with me, derek is the same way.
Derek:i'm nicer then you.
Y/N:eh nothing he is nicer.
Kobe:jaiden can you throw her.

*Vallyk laughed*

Jaiden: why i gotta do it?
Kobe:idk, i'm full.
Y/N:same. Jaiden:yall ate fries. Y/N:bitch I ate my whole meal.
Y/N:bitch sit down

*I laughed then went and hugged him, he hugged back.

Vallyk:look at you being nice.
Y/N:i will bite you.

*i laughed then we got our stuff and went back to my house, everyone but vallyk aya gigi nova and derek went home.

Vallyk:y/n curls.
Y/N:i know come on.

*i got my chair and put it in the bathroom then i went live.

Y/N:hey guys, vallyk want me to do his damaged ass curls.
Vallyk:these are not damaged,yours are damged asf.
Y/N: didn't your hair get set on fire?
Vallyk:yo Derek's dumbass put the sparkler near my head.

*I laughed*

Aya:oh hair i wanna help.
Y/N:k you do that side i do this side.
Kobe:can you re twist my twist.
Y/N:yea you need a hair cut.
Kobe:you do it.
Derek:y/n got steady hands?
Kobe:yea she like doing hair, she did my twist. derek:for real?
Y/N:yea and i do vallyk curl thingy.
Vallyk: don't soak me like you did last time.
Y/N:the cap came off.

*i got my spray bottle and he sat down .

Gianna:i wanna do hair.
Y/N:re twist his things
Gianna:k where the stuff.
Kobe:hold on all three yall know how to do hair. Aya:yup.
Derke:shi i could of came here for free.
Y/N:i should charge yall.

*i started spraying vallyk's hair then me and aya detangeled it.

Vallyk:what yall talking about in the chat.

*he got my phone and read the comments.

Vallyk:"vallyk do ya own damaged curls" y'all mean.
Live:vallyk look like an angry baby.
Vallyk:leave me aloneeeee.
Kobe:nah vallyk look like a cucumber.
Vallyk:..... cucumbers are good for you bitch. Kobe:nigga you lucky i can't get up.
Aya: Derek look lonely.
Derek:no cause i'm trying to decide if i want twist or curls.
Aya:want me to do twist after i'm done with vallyk?
Gianna:y/n are you cutting his hair.
Y/N:he trust me to do it.
Kobe:nah cause if one of yall fuck my hair up we fighting.
Y/N:my hands are steady, vallyk you need a haircut.
Vallyk: then cut it.
Y/N:just cause you getting smart i should cut ya hair.
Vallyk:we ain't gonna be friends if you do that.
Y/N:you will come back to me.
Vallyk:sadly that is true.

*I laughed then aya finished her side then went and detangled Derek's hair.

Vallyk:guys get ya self a girl best friend that can do hair.
Gianna:i'm ya girl best friend?
Kobe:yea you and aya, i told yall if we bonded when i was little and i grew up with you we gonna be best friends.
Derek:you would of been my friend ethir way. Kobe: shut up that's not the point.

*Derek laughed*

*kobe went live and people started leaving mine to go to his.

Y/N:wow you just taking my people.
Kobe:sorry not sorry, anyway look my bestie doin my hair.
Gianna:*smiles* kobe's being nice to me. Kobe:shut up.

*Aya laughed*

Vallyk: I'mma look sexyyyy.
Y/N:boy bye.

*Vallyk laughed then dad walked in.

Dad:hair salon?
Kobe:yup. Y/N:aya you got a scrunchie? Aya:here.

*she gave me one, i put vallyk's hair in a bun.

Y/N:want ya curls cut off or not.
Vallyk:igh igh.
Y/N:ok then.

*He flipped me off*

Y/N:*sigh* love you too.
Vallyk:i know you love me you told me on the couch.
Vallyk:when you were crying and we fell asleep on the couch.
Vallyk: something wrong wit ya memory.
Y/N:Boy you got one more chance to say something smart and bye bye curls.
Dad:i'm not in this.
kobe:what is jaiden doing. Dad:i don't wanna know i heard nova scream his name.

*Kobe laughed*

Derek:nova getting pounded.
Jaiden:yall weird.
Kobe:put a shirt on.
Jaiden:no i live here.
Kobe:where my bestie.
Kobe: fine where my homie at? Jaiden:still.....
Kobe:so you don't want me to be cool wit ya girl, cause you know if i'm not cool wit someone i'm not nice to them.
Jaiden:i'm joking, i put her to sleep. Kobe:yeaaaa.

*they dabbed.


*i started fading the side of vallyk hair, when i was done with fading i did his hairline and fixed up the edges.

Y/N:ok your done.

*i took then bun out.

Vallyk:hold on this look like i went to the Barber shop.
Kobe:see she good at cutting hair.

*I laughed.

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