𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 72🦋

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Y/N:guys i'm married- jk.

*We laughed.

Vallyk: wanna mess with them downstairs? Y/N:yea.

*vallyk got the phone so he can act like he was recording their reaction, we went downstairs and i went up to them.

Dad:hey princess. Y/N: look vallyk did it. Dad:😮. Mom:omg! he proposed ! Dad: congrats princess.

*they hugged me.

Y/N:aww now i feel bad. Dad:why? Y/N:cause it's a promise ring. Vallyk: damn now i wanna propose. Dad:still congrats. Mom: dang it. Vallyk:😭. Mom:yall better get married. Vallyk:ight, where the other peeps go. Mom: they went to other family to see them then they coming back. Vallyk:k.

*I went over to kobe.

Y/N:kobeee. Kobe:what. Y/N:so mean, but look. Kobe:😮, you getting married and you 18. Jaiden:what now? Nova:awww congrats girl, jaiden taking to long.

*she side eyed him.

Jaiden:wow. Aya:bestie Westie getting marriedddd, i'm the brides maid idgaf. Gianna:girl no me. Y/N:i can have two calm down. Vallyk:jaiden and kobe. Kobe:i still get to mess wit her. Vallyk:yall her brothers. Mike:meanie. Vallyk:lil boy. Mike:older then you. Vallyk: but yet shorter then me. Mike:shut up. Vallyk:make me. Y/N: it's a promise ring. kobe:😐. Jaiden :i knew it was a promise ring, if yall know vallyk, he would get something extra. Vallyk:well he aint lie, bae i'mma go jump on ya bears. Y/N:noooo.

*he ran upstairs and i went after him, when i got in the room he was laying on them.

Vallyk:guys she mad. Y/N:get off my bearssss. Vallyk:girl i bought them.

*i sat on him.

vallyk:get off meeeee. Y/N:nope. Vallyk:baeeeee, your on my balls.

*i moved up.

Vallyk:now you on my stomach, baeeee.

*i started grabbing and moving his ykw around.

vallyk:babe no, babyyyy, she playing wit my giraffe neck. Y/N:shut up.

*i got up and we both laughed.

Vallyk:she laughing at me😭, y/n they said you mean. Y/N:i am not mean. vallyk:sure about that.

*i threw a foam box at him.

Vallyk: y'all see she be throwing stuff me.

*he threw it back.

Y/N:bett no cuddles. Vallyk:😮,she not gonna cuddle wit me🥺. Y/N:boy you will get over it. Vallyk:no i won't. Y/N:😭, i'm using ya blanket. Vallyk:NOOO MINE!

*he got up and took it from me.

Vallyk:mine. Y/N:😭, gimme my bears.

*he threw the white bear at me then i threw it back at him and laughed and he threw it back then he threw the other ones at me.

Vallyk:yea don't play wit me. Y/N:shut up😭. kobe:wassup, wyd? Vallyk:she hit me. Y/N:😮i aint touch you. Vallyk:you touch him and he got offended. Y/N:boy i touched him before. Kobe:and i'mma go. Live:😭😭. Valkyk:girl- Y/N:😭, yes babes. Vallyk:....

*vallyk set the phone up.

Vallyk:guys look what sh- oh wait merry Christmas, anyway look what y/n got me.

*he showed the controller and the chain.

Vallyk:and she got me a phone. Y/N: gimme my phone. Vallyk:new one? Y/N:both.

*he gave me both, i set up the new one and he set his new one up in live.

Vallyk:i got the iPhone 12, y/n got the same one. Y/N:copy cat. Vallyk:we both got white😭. Y/N:you lil copy cat. Vallyk:😭, i saw you come out the apple store so i wanted to get you sum. Y/N:yea then you scared the shit outta me. Vallyk:😭. Y/N:no you mean fa that. Vallyk:😭, i'm sorry. Y/N:yea ok. Vallyk: i am. Y/N:mhm. Vallyk:mtch.

*he talked to the live and sat his phone up and i set my phone up.

Y/N:baby. Vallyk:yea? Y/N:come here.

*he came to the side of the bed that i was on.

Y/N:i miss u. Vallyk:same.

*he hugged me and kissed my neck and i kissed his lips, he smiled then rubbed my stomach and went back over to the live.

Vallyk:i need a gf who want my number. Y/N:omg he's cute and got mussel. Vallyk:baby🥺 i was joking.

*he went over to me and looked at my phone and saw the guy on my fyp.

Vallyk:nooo look at me.

*i looked at my phone. 

Vallyk:nooo🥺 me look.

*he lifted his shirt up and i looked at my phone.


*he went back to the live on the verge to cry.

Live:aww vally, see she gonna break his heart. Vallyk:no i'm just not good enough for her. Y/N:baby- it was a joke, i only did it cause you said i need a gf who want my number. Valkyk:your mean🥺.(damn I made vallyk soft soft.....oops😭😭)

*he ended the live and started crying.

Y/N:aww baby come here.

*he came to me and layed next to me and put his head on my chest.

Y/N:i'm sorry. Vallyk:your mean. Y/N: bubs i'm sorry.

*i kissed his face,he put his head in the crock of my neck and sniffled.

Y/N:you ok? Vallyk:yea...

*i tried to kiss him, he stick his tounge out.

Y/N:baby. Vallyk:*smiles* Y/N:gimme beso. Vallyk:no, can we do d when you not pregnant i don't wanna hurt you. Y/N:k.

*I tried to kiss him and he stuck his tongue out.

Y/N:bett. Vallyk:no i'm joking. Y/N: nope.

*he sat on me in riding position and kissed me then he hovered over me and kissed me then dad walked in.

Dad:aye. Vallyk:😂. Dad:yall are a mess, anyway come downstairs. Y/N:k. Vallyk:k .

*he left the room, vallyk looked at me and winked.

Y/N: what you wink for.

*he got up got his phones and left the room, i got my phones and went downstairs with him.

Y/N:dude come back. Vallyk:yea? Kobe:bro move. Vallyk:no. Kobe:😐. Vallyk:deal wit it. Kobe:🖕🏼. Vallyk:ew. Y/N:good thing about being pregnant.....no period for 9 months. Brooklyn:then it gets karma and comes back heavy as ever. Kobe:haha. Brooklyn:shut cause when it does come back you gotta deal wit it. Kobe:shi i won't be here. Brooklyn:damnit, i'll call you then. Kobe:bruh- wait I won't see you or dior till summer.

*he put his head back and groaned.

Derek:damn. Vallyk:nooo i forgot i'm leaving you again🥺. Jaiden:vallyk not Gonna wanna do anything again. Vallyk:no,i don't wanna leave them. Mom:aww don't think about that the time will come faster then you think. Vallyk:no i will be lonely. Y/N:🥺. Vallyk:see she upset now.

*vallyk hugged me.

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