𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 21🦋

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Y/N:no i didn't know how.

*He laughed*

Y/N: don't laugh at me.
Vallyk: it's funny thou.

*his voice changed and not gonna lie it turned me on vallyk noticed and raised his eye brow then started kissing me, we made out for like 3 seconds then he pulled away and took my shirt off then he went back to kissing me and backed me up onto the bed, i layed down not breaking the kiss and he hovered over me and broke the kiss into smaller kisses, then he moved to my jawline and started giving me lil hickeys then he went to my neck and started kissing and sucking all over.

Vallyk:moans are cute as hell.

*he smiled and i bit my lip then he went back to kissing my neck then he went lower and started giving hickeys near my boobs, he left wet kisses when he got closer to my 😺 then he stoped and went to my stomach then he started licking my belly button.

Y/N: stawwp that tickles.
Vallyk:gotta have a lil laugh while doing this fa ya first time.

*i laughed and so did he then he went back to kissing my stomach.

*he then went lower and un buttoned my pants and i started getting squirmy and my 😺 was getting wetter and wetter, he pulled my pants off then stood up and looked at my body and licked his lips.

Vallyk:damn your beautiful.
Y/N:*smiles* and your handsome.

*he smiled then went back up to my lips and kissed me, he made out with me and started massaging one of my boobs, i made lil moans and my back arched.

Vallyk: already arching for me.

*he laughed and kissed me then forced his tongue in my mouth after a while he moved his hand down to my 😼 and felt how wet i was then he pulled away and smirked.

Vallyk:you wet wet huh.
Y/N:y-yessss. Vallyk:good.

*he kissed me then he got up, he took his shorts off now he was just in boxers I could see his print poking out, he looked at me and followed my eyes and looked down then he smirked and went to my v line and started placing hickeys.

*he looked up at me to see if it was ok to take my underwear off, I nodded then he took it off and put it in his short's pocket.

Y/N:hey i just bought those.
Vallyk:to bad they mine.

*i playfully rolled my eyes then he started kissing around my 😼 thank god i shaved, anyway he kept kissing around it then he licked a long strip of it and it sent shivers threw my body, i moaned then he started eating me out, it was the best feeling i have ever felt, i started moaning then he started sucking, i felt something in my stomach.

Y/N:vallyk my stomach feels weird.
Vallyk:your gonna cum, just let it out when you can't hold it.

*i nodded and he kept sucking then i came and he slurped up all my juice's.

Vallyk:your sweet.
Y/N:is that a good thing?
Vallyk:yea you taste good.

*i smiled then he kissed me then layed next to me.

Vallyk:suck me. Y/N:i don't know how. Vallyk:put as much of him in your mouth and suck and use your hands for the rest. Y/N:k.

*i got on my knees and he sat at the edge of my bed, then he took his underwear off and his dick sprung up, i looked at it then at him then I poked it, he laughed.


*He laughed*

Y/N: idk i never saw one before.
Vallyk;oh well come on i want you.

*i smiled then licked it and he shook his head and laughed, i playfully rolled my eyes then i spit on his tip and rubbed my spit on it then i started sucking and used my hands for the rest, he put his head back and groaned,i thought i hurt him so i stopped.

Vallyk:why you stop.
Y/N:oh i thought i hurt you.
Vallyk:no it felt good.

*i said oh then started sucking again, after a while he said he was about nut then warm liquid shot in my mouth and he let out a loud moan.

Vallyk:uhhh shi.

*i stopped and looked at him

Vallyk: wanna swallow or spit, it's your first time so you can pick.

*i deiced to swallow.

Y/N:damn it's warm.

*He laughed then he pulled me onto him then he got up and pushed me on the bed and took my bra off now we were both completely naked, i moved up on the bed and he hovered over me.

Y/N:yea if it hurts alot can you take it out. Vallyk:yup just tell me when its to much ok.

*he lined up with my entrance and looked at me and pushed half of him self in me, i wimpered a lil and his face softened cause he doesn't like seeing me hurt.

Vallyk:i know baby it's ok.

*he kissed me, i scratched at his back and he moaned from it, then it started to feel good and i moaned.

Y/N:mmmm, val- fuckkk.
Vallyk:like it?
Y/N:y-yes faster pleaseeee.

*he pushed more of him in me and went faster, i moaned louder, he started breathing heavy and moaning, he went faster then i felt another knot and his strokes got weaker then i came and he pulled out and nutted on my stomach.


*he layed next to me then i sat on him and started kissing his neck and he moaned cause i found his spot.

*i gave him a few hickeys then i gave him some hickeys on his chest and v line then he told me to ride him so i put his length back in, it hurt a lil but i got used to it quick and started bouncing, i moaned, he groaned and rolled his eyes back, i bit my lip and put my hands on his chest to keep my balance, he then grabbed my waist and bonced me faster and our moans got louder then my hair started dangling in his face, we made eye contact.

Vallyk:FUCKK, damn your beautiful.
Y/N:mmm mmm ugh, i love so damn much. Vallyk:i love mor-

*We continued and finished around 2 am, cleaned up then layed down and went to sleep.

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