𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 82🦋

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Vallyk:just me and you buddy. Kaiden:*baby noises* Vallyk:why it sound like you moaning?. Kaiden:*baby noises*

*i smiled then layed him on the couch then i sat on the couch and got on the game sents he was quite.

Kobe:look who joined. Vallyk:shut up. Derek:where kaiden. Vallyk:in y/n stomach. Derek:i though she gave bi- Kobe: it's a joke. Andrew: congrats bro, now aya want a baby. Aya:pleaseeee. andrew:no when we get engaged. Aya:ugh no fun, i'm going to y/n. Vallyk:she sleep. Aya:then i'm going to gigi. Derek:sleep. Aya:who's awake. Kobe: Brooklyn out. Angel:skyalr going to sleep. Andrew: everyone sleep. Aya:yall boring. Vallyk:i'll tell you when she wake up thou. Aya:k. Kobe:what game? Angel: creative so i can beat yall asses. Derek:nigga this is Fortnite you aint winning nothin. Kobe:😭.

*we laughed and played the game.

Vallyk:derek chill! Derek:igh igh i'll leave you alone. Vallyk:thankyou.

*they laughed, 4 hours later we were now playing gta and y/n woke up.

Y/N:did he eat. Vallyk:yea. Y/N:how long ago? Vallyk:an hour then he went to sleep. Y/N:well look at you muilty tasking. Vallyk:😂. Y/N:what you wanna eat? Vallyk:idk you cooking? Y/N:yea. vallyk:umm ion got nun here so. Y/N:ik i'm going to the store. Vallyk:not by ya self. Aya:ill go with her i'm cooking tonight. Andrew:yay aya
cooking is good. Angel:nah skylar's the best no cap. Kobe:no y/n and Brooklyn's hands down are the best. Y/N: period. Kobe:😭.

*aya knocked on the door and i opened it.

Y/N: Vallyk. Vallyk:yea? Y/N:want me to take kaiden? Vallyk:if you want to. Y/N:i'll take him your into your game. Vallyk:k.

*i put kaiden in the carseat and got his blanket and pacifier and grabbed my keys to the house and left.

Y/N:ight we gotta take vallyk car. Aya:kk. Gianna:where yall goin? aya: grocery shopping. Gianna:i'm coming cause so am i. Aya:kk the trio back.

*i put the carseat in the car then i got in the driver seat and started the car, Aya and gigi got in the car, aya sat in the front and Gigi sat with kaiden.

Y/N:and i forgot the diaper bag. Aya:want me to get it? Y/N:yea.

*aya got out then a few minutes later she came back with the bag and got in the car.

Aya:vallyk was so confused on how i got in. Y/N:😭.

*we went to the store when we got there we got carts and went sperate ways, i was walking around getting veggies then vallyk called me.

Y/N:yea? Vallyk:i'm bored. Y/N:play the game. Vallyk:no we got off and you took my car. Y/N:yea cause it had kaiden's carseat thing in it. Vallyk:😂, what store you at? Y/N:publix. Vallyk:your right down the street k i'm coming. Y/N:k.

*he hung up and i got some veggies and put them in the cart, a few minutes later vallyk scared me.

Y/N:vallyyyyyy. Vallyk:😭. Y/N:you mean. Vallyk:how much stuff you getting. Y/N: enough to last us for a little while. Vallyk:can you make nachos. Y/N:idk how. Vallyk:we can search a recipe but please. Y/N:k search one

*he smiled and looked for one then showed me, we went and got the stuff for it, after that vallyk went and got cereal then we went to the baby ile.

Vallyk:what we doin here. Y/n: diapers. Vallyk:oh yea, forgot😭. Y/N:dang. Kakden:*babie noise* Y/N:yea daddy forgot about you. Vallyk:no i didn't forget about him i just forgot we needed diapers. Y/N:boy what? Vallyk: lemme lone. Y/N:😭.

*vallyk got diapers and put them at the bottom of the cart then i went and got a breast pump.

Vallyk:no it's gonna suck on them and thats my job. Y/N:boy. Vallyk:😂. Kaiden:*wines* Y/N:shhh don't cry it's ok, ik it's Loud and bright.

*i put his blanket over the car seat.

Y/N: that's what we need car seat cover. Vallyk:igh.

*we went and looked for one then we found a black one and got it, when we were done getting what we need we went and payed then waited for aya and Gigi.

Gianna: how you get here. Vallyk:i walked duh she took my car. Gianna:anyway derek wants a baby what should i do? Aya:lucky andrew said when we get engaged. Vallyk:that was the plan for me but then kaiden came. Y/N:you wanted a baby. Vallyk:ik i did, i was ready for one.

*we laughed then went to the car and put the stuff in the car.

Vallyk:yea no move i'm driving. Y/N:whyyy. Vallyk:cause it's my car Y/N:🙄.

*i got in the passenger seat then we all got in and went back home, when we got there vallyk got me and his bags out the car then brought them in then helped aya and gigi, and i brought kaiden inside, when i got inside i took him out and put him in his crib sence he was sleeping, i left the door open so i could hear if he cried, then vallyk came in and went live and sat the phone up.

Y/N:wyd? Vallyk:nun, need help? Y/N:yea.

*he helpes me put the stuff away then he sent me the recipe he found and i started cooking and he sat on the counter.

Vallyk:"what are yall doin-" y/n's cooking and i'm watching her. Live:wait she gave birth her stomach went down. Vallyk:😭, fine yes she gave birth. Y/N:oh my stomach that's how they knew.

Vallyk:yea someone just said that.

*he got down and i started cooking the meat then he played one day by tory Lanez and set the phone up so it can see us then he stood behind me.

Y/N:he weird. Vallyk:no i am not. Y/N:yes you are.

*then Brooklyn requested to join and vallyk added her.

Brooklyn:hey can i come over, kobe and derek are screaming at the basketball game. Vallyk:wait it's on.

*he turned the music off and turned the tv on and put the game on.

Y/N:i don't think you gonna get quite over herem Brooklyn:dang it. Y/N:😭. Vallyk:BRO! Y/N:if you wake him up you putting him back to sleep on ya own.  Vallyk:sorry. Y/N:guys he so - Vallyk:i'm so what?

*he was behind me.

Y/N:wtf- Vallyk:yea i'm so what? Y/N:nothing. Vallyk:oh ight.

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