𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 43🦋

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Kobe:what happened? Y/N:vallyk did what you did. Kobe:with the dumb exercise band. Y/N:yup. Kobe:bro that shii hurts. Vallyk:ik now. Kobe:ooo you live, wassup my niggas.

Live: Kobe move, heyyy baeee, your so cute, eww boy move.

Kobe:yall mean asf, and i gotta bae.

live:yea me.

Kobe:nah Brooklyn and - Brooklyn:an who lil boy Kobe:uhh.


*kobe backed up and Brooklyn went closer to him.

Brooklyn:and who?! Kobe:no one it was a joke. Brooklyn:mhm. Kobe:baby i swe

*Brooklyn grabbed him.

Brooklyn:was it a joke? Kobe:*bites lip* y-es i swear. Brooklyn;ok.

*she let go.

Kobe: Brooklyn abusive. Brooklyn:no i'm not. Kobe:she grabbed my dick she mean. Brooklyn:😐. Y/N:😭. Vallyk:get that thing away from me i don't want it.

*I laughed.

. Vallyk:no that shii hurt, bruh watch there be a mark

*he went in the bathroom and shut the door.

Kobe:well. Brooklyn:go back in your room. Kobe:why. Brooklyn:cause you testing me. Kobe:i didn't do anything. Brooklyn:so you didn't just say your bae is brooklyn and? Kobe:😐, and that's why i was wit my ex las-

*Brooklyn chased him out the room and vallyk came out the bathroom and jumped on me.

Y/N:ow boy. Vallyk:😂.

*i bit him.

Vallyk:oww dumbass.

*he tackled me and i dropped my phone and laughed then he got off me, i sat my phone up and we started playing fighting.

Vallyk:ugh! so we grabbing parts now bett. Y/N:noooo.

*we both fell and I grabbed his leg and he tried to get away.

Vallyk:baeee. Y/N:mine. Vallyk:wait chill you gotta be careful. Y/N:oh yeah, still come here.

*i pulled his leg and tickled his foot.

Vallyk:*screams* NOOOO! Y/N!!

*he started dieing and tryed to get out my grip but couldn't cause he was laughing so hard.

Vallyk:ok ok.

*i stopped then he got his foot back and stood on my bed, i got a pillow and hit him and he got down, he hit me back with a pillow, I laughed, he stood near the bed and i made my voice deep.

Y/N:arch for daddy. Vallyk:the fuck-Y/N:arch that back and gimme that juicy ass. Vallyk:ah hell nah. Y/N:do what i said. Vallyk:no give me my girl back..

*he got a spray bottle and sprayed me.


*i started laughing then i grabbed his shirt and he screamed and laughed.


Live:😭😭, yall are funny, y/n face she crying 😭.

Y/N:*wheezes* Vallyk:gimme my gf back.

*I laughed then Kobe screamed.

Kobe:*Screams* JAIDEN GET HER! Jaiden:nah i'm good. Vallyk:KOBE SOMEONE TOOK YA SISTER!

*kobe came in the room.

Y/N:*deep voice* Wassup my nigga.

*he smacked me.

Kobe:aye y/n come back, who you, yo elijah took over her body.

*Vallyk started dieing.

Y/N: really. Kobe:omg she back, the rat took you?

*vallyk started wheezing then kobe laughed and nova  jumped on him.


*jaiden came to the room.

Jaiden:what the hell. Kobe:yo she trying to suck my dick. Nova:boy. Jaiden:.. Vallyk:i can't. Y/N:wassup bro. Vallyk:nah she still a man,  i ain't dating no man.

*I laughed, I stopped talking in a deep voice.

Kobe:ri and i only have one brother. Jaiden:what?.

*Jaiden laughed.

Nova:  yall different, where Brooklyn? Kobe:i took her home. Y/N:why. Kobe:her mom wanted her. Y/N:oh, have you met her parents? Kobe:no...i have to tonight thou and i'm scared asf.
Y/N:ooo let me help my brother out, you need a hair cut, ya dreads need to be re twisted and colored. Kobe: what's wrong with the color. Y/N:nothing it's fading away. Kobe:oh. Vallyk:no i want you. Y/N:i'm not in the mood. Vallyk:bruh not like that i wanna cuddle dumbass. Y/N:oh...shut up. Vallyk: can i end this.

Live:nooo, stay on live, y/n don't leave us, oop vallyk big👀.

*vallyk saw that comment and covered his area with his hands.

Y/N:what wrong with it? Vallyk: nothing they staring at it. Y/N:oh.

*i went in front of him and twerked on him and he dry humped me then stopped, Kobe and Jaiden looked at each other then laughed.

Nova:whats so funny. Kobe:nun.

*Vallyk Jaiden and Kobe laughed.

Y/N:why yall laughing.

*i got the camera.

Vallyk:nun. Y/N:yall some weirdos.

*i ended the live then vallyk grabbed my neck and pinned me.

Kobe: that's why have fun. Y/N:nooooo, vallyk get off me. Vallyk:nah, you want me? Y/N:no. Vallyk:wow bett. Y/N:boy.

*He laughed, then he kissed me then got up and kobe sat in my chair, i got my stuff to do his hair.

Vallyk:baby kaiden. Y/N:vallyk. Vallyk:hm. Y/N:you better make up ya mind if you want this baby or not. Vallyk:i'm fine. Y/N:i'm keeping the baby. Vallyk:bae no i don't want you to stress out i can wait till after school, i'll be almost 21 by time you get out. Y/N:no you won't, i'll be 18 you will be almost 20. Vallyk:so you wanna have kids right when you get outta highschool? Y/N:i mean. Vallyk:ok. Kobe: Brooklyn wants a kid, but i'm not ready. Y/N:um tell her to wait till yall move. Kobe:idk if she is moving with me.

*i started cutting his hair then i re twisted his twist and dyed it, two hours later when he was done vallyk was sleeping on my bed and kobe was falling asleep.

Y/N:kobe what time you gotta be there? Kobe:8. Y/N; it's 7:30. Kobe:shii.

*he hughed me and said thankyou and went and got ready, i cleaned up the hair and put my stuff away then layed next to vallyk and went on my phone.

Y/N:you so cute.

*i went live.

Y/N: hey guys. Derek:add me dummy. Y/N:watch it derek.

*i added him.

Derek:i aint gotta watch nun. Y/N:shut up. Derek:baby she told me to shut up. Gianna:then shut up. Derek:wow, bett. Gianna:i'm joking. Derek:mhm, guys yall see how mean they are.

Live:poor derek😭, boy you will live.

Y/N: damn, they said you will live.  Derek:yall are so mean. Kobe:MOM I'M LEAVING! Dad:SHE NOT HERE BUT HAVE FUN! kobe:k.

*i heard the door close so i went in his room .

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