𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 65🦋

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*Vallyk pov*

*i saw y/n come out of the apple store.

Vallyk:did this girl really get an apple product? tf- shii she coming, i hid then scared her. Y/N:*screams* vallyk.

*I laughed then she playfully hit me.

Y/N:your annoyingggg. Vallyk:you got me sum from apple. Y/N:mabey, peaceee. Vallyk:no come back. Y/N:byeeee.

*she walked away.

Vallyk:guys he left me🥺- sike ight i'mma get her an apple product sence she got me one its only fair- wait she wnats the 12 bett.

*i went and got her the iphone 12 in white then i went to go look for b.

Vallyk:what should i do for b.... bear? banana? blanket ight i'mma get her a blanket then i'mma spray it in my colone so when i leave it smells like me, ight bett.

*i went over to the blankets.

Vallyk:now ik for a fact i'm not getting her white cause her tears finna mess it up, umm should i get red sence it came from me? wait but if i get a bear i can do the same th- i'm getting a bear, not no giant one but a decent size.

*i went over to the stiffed animals and got her a pink bear that said i love you on it.

Vallyk: this is the one..


*i already got a and b, for a i got an apple phone, for b i got him a blanket.

Y/N:c should i give him a ca- 😏,*BEEP* Y/N:lemme stop.

*i went and walked around then i though about a case.

Y/N:b*beep* i could of got a case. Vallyk:omg it's y/nnn. Y/N:who you? Vallyk: damn. Y/N:i'm joking hey babe. Vallyk:can i get a kiss i miss u.

*i laughed and kissed him.

Vallyk:i want a longer one. Y/N:no. Vallyk:pleasee.

*i kissed him then we stuck our tongues out and let them touch then we laughed.

Y/N:ok byeeee. Vallyk:no i'm stuck on c. Y/N:i was but now i'm not. Vallyk:babeeeee- wait never mind bye. Y/N:wait-

*we looked at eachother and ran in the same direction.

Y/N:no. Vallyk:slow ass. Y/N:guys he trying to take my idea.


*i was running away from y/n trying to get to the chains cause she thought about it.

Y/N:baeee wait come back my stomach.

*i stopped and went to her.

Vallyk:whats wrong.

*she was about breath.

Y/N:to much movement, owwww. Vallyk:calm down.

*i turned the cameras off and brought her over to a chair.

Vallyk:sit down.

*she sat down and groaned and she held my hands.

Y/N:owwww. Vallyk:look at me.

*she looked at me and she had tears in her eyes.

Jaiden:what happened? Vallyk:she was doing to much moving. Nova:ow those cramps hurt. Y/N:*groans* baeee i can't it hurts. Vallyk:wanna finish the video tomorrow? Y/N:yea. Ayla:*cries* Jaiden:bae you got her i'mma help wit y/n. Nova:yea. Vallyk:bae want me to pay for the stuff? Y/N:yea don't copy my stuff. Vallyk:nova can you scan her stuff so i won't see it. Nova:yea come on.

*i kissed y/n and gave jaiden the keys to the car, he helped her go to the car then me and nova went and pay, When we were done she payed for there stuff then we went to the cars.

Jaiden:vallyk she wants you. Vallyk:k.

*i went and put the stuff in the trunk then i shut it and went on her side and opened the door.

Vallyk:you ok? Y/N:nooo, it hurts. Vallyk:nova. Nova:yea? Vallyk: what helps these cramps? Nova:umm a warm bath, and she needs to relax and not do anything for a lil bit. Vallyk:k.

*i shut the door then got in the driver seat.

*Y/N'S POV*.

*vallyk got in the car and i put my seat belt on, he rubbed my stomach then kissed me.

Vallyk: it's ok calm down. Y/N:they hurt. Vallyk:ik, but you gotta calm down for me ok? Y/N:k.

*he rubbed my stomach and started driving, when we got home he helped me go inside then he went back out and got the stuff then came back in and i sat on the couch and cried.

Vallyk:mamas go upstairs. Mom:what happened? Vallyk:i guess movement cramps??? idk. Mom:where does it hurt. *

i pointed to the middle of my stomach.

Mom:go take a bubble bath and relax. Y/N:k, vallyk can you come with me. Vallyk:yea.

*vallyk helped me go upstairs then he turned the water on for the bath, he let it warm up and let it fill up, then he made the bubbles and helped me get in.

Vallyk:and just to be extra.

*he put strawberry shortcake sented candles near me and lit them.

Y/N:*smiles* thankyou. Vallyk: anything for you.

*i smiled and held his hand and he kissed me then went and turned my shower on.

Y/N:wyd? Vallyk:about to take a shower. Y/N:get in with me. Vallyk: ight hold on, lemme shower first i'm sweaty. Y/N:k, i love you. Vallyk:i love you more.

*he smield and got in the shower.

Vallyk:There goes my babyyyyy. Y/N:ooo girl look at u. Vallyk:you don't know how good it feels to call you my girl. Y/N&Vallyk:there goes my babyyyyy. Vallyk: damn we hit that note. Y/N: ow. Vallyk:stop laughing before you hurt ya self. Y/N:well now i wanna laugh. Vallyk:bae.

*we both tried not to laugh, then i got my phone and took a picture and went live.

Y/N:hey guys. Live:hi y/n, where vallyk? Y/N:vallyk disappeared. Vallyk:well damn. Y/N:jk he in the shower, and I'm in the bath cause i have cramps. Live:hope you feel better. Y/N:ty. Vallyk:move the camera i'm getting out. Y/N:k.

*i flipped the the camera so it faced the door then vallyk got out.

Vallyk:ight now flip it back.

*I laughed.

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