𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 44🦋

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Y/N:welcome to going threw kobe's stuff to see what weird ass things we find, his room is messy asf, i'll show his bed not the floor cause this his room, ight, Is his closet mess- nope i'mm start here, wtf is thi- 😳 hell nah we done. Derek:😭. Gianna:baee be quite i'm tired. Derek:sorry, but y/n what was it. Y/N:ion know i'mma end this and call you so i can show you. Derek:k.

*he left the live and i ended it and face timed him.

Derek:wtf was it. Y/N:i don't knoooow, it was wet.

*i turned the light on and saw it was a conndom.

Y/N:it's a f*cking condom hell nah.

*Derek laughed.

Gianna:*groans* Derek:lil girl. Gianna:can i lay on you. Derek:mhm.

*he moved.

Derek:igh i'm bored cause Gianna wanna sleep. Gianna:what do you wanna do. Derek:you gotta additude. Gianna:no i don't. Derek:aww mamas mad.

*I laughed then turned the light off and shut kobe's door and went in jaiden room.

Y/N:is he sleep?

*i turned the light on and he woke up.

Jaiden:wha? Y/N:oh my bad yall all sleep.

*i tunred the light off and shut his door and went back to my room.

Derek:ri everyone sleeping. Gianna: sleep with me then. Derek:woah. Gianna:you dirty. Derek:i'm joking in a lil, where kobe go? Y/N:to Brooklyn house to meet her parents. Derek:he was scared wasn't he. Y/N:yup. Vallyk:who you talking to. Y/N: someone. Vallyk:mamas who is it. Y/N:derek jesus.

*Derek laughed.

Gianna:baeeee cuddle meeee. Derek:ok damn, y/n i gotta go. Y/N:ik gianna and her clingy ass. Gianna:stfu. Y/N:make me. Gianna:bett tomorrow at school. Y/N:😂.

*derek hung up and vallyk moved then i shined my flash light at him and his hands were in his pants.

Y/N:get out ya pants.

*he shook his head no and out one arm over his face.  Y/N:bae. Vallyk:hm. Y/N:i'm hungry. Vallyk:go eat then. Y/N:i can't drive. Vallyk:*groans* k wait.

*i said ok and went on my phone and he fell asleep again, after like 2 hours i fell asleep, A few minutes later dad walked in the room and turned the light on.

Vallyk:bae turn the light o- Dad:its me. Vallyk:oh. Dad:yall need to eat something. Vallyk:shi she said she was hungry, mamas come on. Y/N:no. Vallyk:we going to get food. Y/N:k.

*i got up, then I looked at vallyk then dad.

Dad:the hair. Y/N:stopp.

*he laughed and left then vallyk kissed me.

Y/N:no i don't want kisses. Vallyk:whyyyy. Y/M:cause i don-

*he tried to kiss me again and i moved then he hugged me and hovered over me and kissed me.

Y/N:stawwwp. Vallyk:no gimme a kiss.

*i kissed him then he got up and put his shirt back on then we left.

Vallyk:shi i have to pee. Y/N:then go pee. Vallyk:where.

*i laughed and he kept driving then we got lost.

Vallyk:bro where the fuck am i- ight i gotta pull over i have to pee.

*i laughed then he was about to pulled over but there was a cop so he kept driving.


*I started wheezing.

Vallyk:stop laughing at me, fuck it.

*he reached in the back for a bottle, he poured the water out the window.

Vallyk:yo where am i.

*I laughed.

Vallyk:can you help me. Y/N:nope. Vallyk:i would of helped you. Y/N:wtf you want me to do. Vallyk:aim it in the bottle. Y/N:now vallyk don't drive over no damn bumps. Vallyk:i won't hurry.

*he took it out, i laughed and aimed it and he went, when he was done i put the cap on the bottle.

Vallyk:oh ik where i'm at.

*he stopped at a red light and fixed his pants.

Vallyk:thankyou baby.

*he kissed me and i just looked at him.


*we got to Wendy's and waited in the line then i punched him.

Vallyk:tf was that for. Y/N:i have no idea i just felt like doing something.

Vallyk:wow. Y/N:you will live. Vallyk:you won't. Y/N:🖕🏼. Vallyk:go in the back then. Y/N:i'mma flash people. Vallyk:huh? you gonna what? Y/N:nun. Vallyk: that's what i though.

*we got our food then vallyk parked somewhere got out and said he will be back i said ok then i got my camera out cause i already knew i was gonna prank him, i sat the camera up and did the intro i'mma do the flashing people while he is driving prank, i set the camera up then he came back.

Vallyk:wha. Y/N:nothing. Vallyk:k.

*he started driving then some dummy kept switching over to every lane he went to.

Vallyk:DUMBASS F*BEEP*MOVE! Y/N:bae calm down. Vallyk:no he being annoying. Y/N:can i flash people. Vallyk:y/n.

*i turned to the window and acted like i flashed people.

Vallyk:STOP WHAT THE F*BEEP* ARE YOU DOING! Y/N:what just showing people what my baby got. Vallyk:stop.

*he sat back and stopped looking at me and drove then i "flashed" people again.

Vallyk:babe stop it's not funny your showing people what's mine.

*i laughed then he kept driving and i kept doing it. V

allyk:bett you wanna flash bett, he took his ykw out and flashed people. Y/N:dude. Vallyk:yea you don't like it do you. Y/N: it was prank look.

*i opened my sweatshirt and i had a crop top under, he looked at me then stuck his middle finger up, I laughed.

Vallyk:no it's not funny. Y/N:yes it is.

*i got the camera.

Y/N:guys i got him. Vallyk:i hate you. Y/N:guys vallyk hates me🥺. Vallyk:i'm sorry, i love you.

*he kissed me and i laughed.

Vallyk:bruh you do to much. Y/N:😂.

*i faced the camera towards him.

Vallyk:no stop.

*i laughed then did my outro and vallyk said he was gonna get me back.

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