𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 62🦋

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Jaiden:aye i had to deal with for 9 you lucky. Nova:shut up, you be pregnant for a day. Jaiden:i can't get pregnant... Vallyk:ri😭.  Y/N:i don't want this. Vallyk:😐, can i have one. Y/N: idc. *he took on then put the pack back then sat down and went on his phone and i put my head on his shoulder then a unknown number texted him a image and he pressed it  and it was the girl from the driveway sending him nudes, he gave me the phone and closed his eyes. Vallyk:why me. Y/N:who is this. Vallyk:idk. Y/N:what did the driveway girl look like. Vayk:she had brown hair i think and she looked mixed. *i covered her parts wirh my hand. Y/N:this her. Vallyk:i'm not looking at it. Y/N:i covered it. *he looked and said that was her.

Y/N:want me to block her. Vallyk:please. *i texted her something then blocked her. Vallyk:what did you do. Y/N:oh nothing. Vallyk:babe what did you do😭 *i smiled and winked. Vallyk:baby. Y/N:yes. Vallyk:what did you do. Y/N:why yku care, you like her. Vallyk:no i like you, i just don't wanna be rude i respect all women. Y/N:your to nice. Vallyk: it's not my fault. Y/N:😂, can we mKe a youtube video. Vallyk:can we do touch my body? Y/N: sure. *we went upstairs and vallyk set the camera up and i sat on my bed. Vallyk:whats up yourube it's vallyk and. Y/N: y/n. Vallyk:so lame😭. Y/M:boy, purrrr b*BEEP* it's y/n. Vallyk:stop cussing. Y/N:my bad, anyway. Vallyk:we doing touch my body challenge. Y/N: should we do first to 15? Vallyk:yea.

*yall did rock paper scissors shot to see who goes first, vallyk won and y/n closed her eyes. Vallyk:idk what to do😭. Y/N:just do sum. Vallyk:igh. *vallyk put her finger on his stomach. Y/N:again. *he laughed and did it again. Y/N:stomach? Vallyk:you cheated. Y/N:how😭. Vallyk:she already cheating. Y/N:boy hush. Vallyk:😂. *Y/N:closed ya eyes lil boy. *he closed his eyes then y/n put his finger on her collar bone. Vallyk:why is hard😭. Y/N:😂. Vallyk:again*she did it again. Vallyk:tooth. Y/N:nope. *he opened his eyes. Vallyk:what was it. Y/N:my collar bone. Vallyk:why the f*BEEP* is it so hard. Y/N:stop cussing 😭. Vallyk:ight i'm going hard mode, shut them eyes. *Y/n laughed, vallyk lifted his arm and put her finger on his arm pit. y/N:what the hell- *vallyk laughed. y/N:again. *Vallyk did it again. Y/N:um- I don't know. vallyk:you give up? y/N:no, neck? Vallyk:nope.*she opened her eyes. Vallyk:it was my arm pit. Y/N: Bett. *He laughed. y/N:close em. *Vallyk closed his eyes then opened them. Y/N:close ya damn eyes. *He laughed. vallyk:y)n bullying me. *Y/n rolled her eyes, she lifted her shirt to show her stomach, she put spit on her belly button then put vallyk's finger on it. vallyk:y/n. *She started laughing. y)N:y-ea. Vallyk:why is it wet. Y/N:I don't know. Vallyk:did you put my finger in ya p*BEEP* Y/N:no! *They both laughed. *BEEP* Vallyk:umm, ya nose? y/N:no. Vallyk: what was it. Y/N:my bellybutton. *He opened his eyes. Vallyk:why was it wet... Y/N:I don't know. *He looked at the camera. Vallyk:what was it? Y/N:it was spit. vallyk:ya nasty. y/n:boy shut up, you was touching way more then just my spit, you was touching my c*BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP Vallyk:😮. *BEEP*
Vallyk:we have to cut out that whole thing you just said. Y/n: it's try thou. Vallyk:they don't need to k- Bett close ya eyes. *Y/n closed them, vallyk stood up and turned his back towards the camera then took his y/n out and put y/N'S finger on it. y/N:that your finger. Vallyk:no it's not. Y/N:again. *He did it again then y/n grabbed it. vallyk:yo! Chill! Y/N: it's your d*beep* Vallyk:you cheater. *He put it away and sat down. Vallyk:fuckin cheater. *Y/n laughed then hit him, vallyk hit her back then they went back and forth, y/n got up then vallyk smacked her butt, y/n looked at him then attacked him. vallyk:ight bae, I'm sorry. *They both laughed then they both fell. Vallyk:owww. y/N:that's what you get. *Vallyk rolled his eyes, they got you and finished the rest of the video.

*When were done the video Vallyk went live in the bathroom and I went to the bath.

Vallyk:we just finished a youtube vid- bae wtf are you doin. Y/N:idk. Vallyk:y/n is dancing on the toilet. Live:y/n crazy, vallyk not trying to be rude but is y/n pregnant? Vallyk:bae. Y/N:hmm. Vallyk:tell em? Y/N:you can. Vallyk:yea she pregnant, and it's not mine she cheated on me😞. Y/N:boy, the baby is yours. Valkyk:i was joking. Y/N:do to much finna make people come for me. Vallyk: guys it was a joke she didn't cheat on me the baby is mine. Live:they fucked👀. Valkyk: y'all is nosy, no shi we fucked.

*I laughed then finished and washed my hands then stood in front of vallyk, he put his hands up and rubbed his ykw on my butt, i laughed then i shook my butt.

Vallyk:aye aye aye ay-

*We both laughed.

Live:they are so happy when they are together but then when they aren't together they are sad. Vallyk:she is my baby i can't leave her.

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