𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 2 🦋

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(💭= talking in your head).

Y/N:you smell like another girl and you don't have a sister and you live with your dad. Elijah:Why don't you ever trust me.

💭:Nigga how am I supposed to trust you if you always smelling like another damn female, I get there's females in the world but he smell like the bitch was all over him.

Y/N: because you always smell like another girl. Elijah:ok there's girls in the world.
Vallyk:but you wouldn't smell like one unless you were all over them.

💭:See vallyk got my back he know what's up.

Elijah:who asked you.

*Kobe walked over*

Kobe:here we go again.

💭:Aw shit what about to happen.

Vallyk:aye i'm just sticking up for my friend.

💭: exactly.

Elijah:you like her don't you.
Vallyk:no she's my friend.
Elijah:yes you do yall have been hooking up. Vallyk+Y/N: huh?

💭:The fuck is this nigga talking about? He sound real fuckin stupid.

Y/N:no we haven't.
Elijah:i don't want you hanging  our or talking to him anymore.
💭:He think I'ma listen 😂.

Kobe:woah woah woah, that's not happening.💭:that's what I'm saying.

*Derek came over*

Derek:what happened?
Kobe:he tryna fuck up vallyk and y/n friendship.
Derek:the fuck, vallyk was here before you were even in the picture
Kobe:real shit.

*i sighed and went with him, he pulled me where nobody could see us then he hit me.
💭: Don't cry don't cry.

Elijah:now you tell me everything you and vallyk have done.
Y/N:*shaky voice*all we did was cuddle i swear.

*he grabbed my neck.
💭:He tryna kill me...

Elijah:why you in the same bed with another man?
💭:why you in the same bed as another women?.

Y/N: we were watching a movi-e.
Elijah:if i find you were doing anything else but that your done.
Y/N:but you were with another girl.

*he hit me again then walked away, I slid down the locker and cried, I tried to pull my self together before I went to class, After I some what got my self together I wiped my face then went to class, When I got to class my eyes started tearing up again.

Teacher:y/n are you ok?
Teacher:want me to call your brother down?
*he called Kobe's teacher. A few minutes later Kobe and Derek came downstairs. Kobe had his air pods in, I went to Kobe and hugged him he hugged me back then asked if I was ok, I nodded then we sat in the back.

Kobe:what happened?
Y/N:Elijah is always fucking rude to me.
Derek:what happened?

*i looked at him and started crying, Kobe hugged me.

Derek:bro what happened.
Y/N:I don't know what I did.
Kobe:you did nothing.
Y/N:but he hates me...
Kobe:I'll talk to him and if he still don't change his ways then fuck him and get a new nigga.
Derek:for real I know it's gonna be hard but still get someone who is gonna treat you right.
Kobe:I love you ok, don't let anyone ruin ya mood especially a nigga that acts shitty toward you ok?

*he kissed my head, I thought he was actually being nice to me.

Kobe:Ard now get the hell off me.
Y/N:fuck you.

*derek and aya laughed.

Derek:I ain't even see aya, wassup.

*he put her hand up to dab her up, aya rolled her eyes then was about to but Derek took his hand away.

Derek:nah fuck you.
Aya:bro I was about to.
Derek:nah you rolled ya eyes.
Aya:remember that.

*derek laughed then some girl came up to him.

???:you're cute
???:wanna hang out some time.
Derek:nah I got eyes on someone.
???:forget them.
Derek:yea no.
???:I don't even want you no more.

*she looked at Kobe.

Kobe:don't look at me wit ya ugly ass.

*she rolled her eyes,Derek started dying.

Kobe:what did you think this was.
Teacher:Kobe be nice.
Kobe:she's ugly thou
Kobe:....fine, yo I'm sorry.
Y/N:no you're.
Kobe:of course not.
Kobe:Ard Ard.

* he got up and gave the girl a hug and apologized then sat back down and talk to Derek.A few minutes later Kobe went to the bathroom I put my head on Derek's lap and look up at him.

Derek:I used to like you. Bf at
Derek:you deadass!?
Derek:damn I could've had a girl.
Aya:stop flirting.
Derek:nigga this ain't flirting dummy.
Aya:shut up

*Derek laughed then we talked.

*Derek laughed then we talked

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Gianna/Gigi^^ (15)

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Gianna/Gigi^^ (15)

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