𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 48🦋

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*3 hours later we woke up and sat there.

Vallyk:*groans* Y/N:bae. Vallyk:hm. Y/N:come on we gotta get up. Vallyk:no can we just sleep. Y/N:babe come on. Vallyk:one question, are you actually on the pill? Y/N:uh you gonna have to find out. Vallyk:bae fr. Y/N:yes i am. Vallyk:igh.

*vallyk looked at me and smiled.

Vallyk: round two?

*i got on top of him and started kissing him and he grabbed my butt, after we finished he shot out cum.

Vallykk:i-gh t-hat felt good. Y/N:ikr.

*i was still sitting on him in riding postion so i just layed on his chest and tried to catch my breath.

Vallyk:you tired. Y/N:mhm. Vallyk:s-ame.

*we both laughed then kissed then he got hard again so we did round three.

*After that my legs were shaking and we were covered in hickeys and out of breath.

Vallyk:igh i'm done. Y/N:s-ame.

*he saw me shaking and falling asleep so he hugged me.

Vallyk:legs hurt? Y/N:y-ea.

*i turned facing him and dug my face into his chest, we cuddled for a lil then he got up and went to the shower and turned the bath on so we can take a bubble bath together, when he got it ready we got in.

Vallyk:i love you. Y/N:i love you too.

*he laughed at me cause i had put my head down and he could feel my legs shaking, he started recording me.

Vallyk:mamas. Y/N:hm? Vallyk:whats wrong. Y/N:s-toppp my legs hurt.

*he laughed then i lifted my head.

Y/N: stop it. Vallyk:come here.

*i went to his side of the top and sat on him facing him and put my head on his shoulder.

Vallyk:awww, my baby hurt. Y/N:you did it. Vallyk:it was worth it.

*he ended the video and saved it in his camera roll, then i put my head in his neck and he took a picture and put it on his story.

*then he went live and i didn't know and i almost turned around.

Vallyk:wait i'm live. Y/N:oh my bad.

*i wrapped my arms around his neck and put my head down and he rubbed my back.

Live:yea they fucked😭, aww they look so cute. Vallyk:she the cute one. Y/N:🥺. Vallyk:whats wrong mamas. Y/N:my legsss.

*i teared up a lil and he felt bad he told the live he was gonna go live in a few minutes if he could.

Vallyk:ight come on.

*he got out and wrapped a towel around him then he helped me out but i couldn't stand, he carried me in the room and helped me get dressed then he changed the sheets and told me to lay down, i layed down and watch him get dressed.

Vallyk:why you watching me. Y/N: cause i can.

*He laughed, he finished getting dressed then he got my lotion and put some on his legs then he sat on the bed.

Vallyk:want me to massage your legs? Y/N:please. Vallyk: anything for you.

*he kissed me then i smiled and turned the tv on, we watched tv, he massaged my legs.

Vallyk:am i hurting you? Y/N:no. Vallyk:k.

*a few minutes later my legs were feeling better so he stopped and cuddled me, we were about to fall asleep until mom walked in the room.

Mom:what ya doing. Vallyk:about to go to sleep. Mom:did yall eat? Y/N:no. Mom: go eat something. Vallyk:mom i can't move i'm tired. Mom:yall need to eat. Y/N:can we eat later. Vallyk:right, i can't move. Mom:fine yall better eat. Vallyk:we are. Mom:ok.

*she left and closed the door.

Vallyk:*mumbles* wake me up when your hungry. Y/N:k.

*he turned on his stomach amd went to sleep, i put my head on his back and went to sleep.

*a few hours later it was 2 in the morning and me and vallyk were hungry but still tired.

Vallyk:*sleepy voice* shii my abs hurt. Y/N;my legs feel a lil better. Vallyk:atleast you feel better, idc about me. Y/N:but i do, you wanna use my heating pad? Vallyk: later. Y/N:k, can we get food. Vallyk:yea come on.

*we both got up and put our shoes on then we went to vallyk's car and drove to different places.

Y/N:can i flash people. Vallyk:we aren't doing this. Y/N:yea but this time i'mma do it fr. Vallyk:😑. Y/N:what just show them my tinny nipple. Vallyk:stop.

*i took it out.

Vallyk: bae stop it's not funny.

*i turned to the window and put it away and acted like i flashed people.

Vallyk:babe stop🥺. Y/N:aww bubs i didn't really do it. Vallyk:no thats kinda what my ex did. Y/N:wym? Vallyk:she kept showing people her body and let people touch all over her. Y/N:i'm sorry i was just messing with you i would never show my body off to ramdom people. Vallyk:k*smiles* Y/N:your smile is so cute.

*he smiled again and his dimple showed.

Y/N:wait a min you gotta a dimple. Vallyk: yea, after all these years you are just now figuring out i gotta dimple. Y/N: shut up.

*he laughed, then he put music on and it was the there goes my baby song, i looked at him.

Y/N: babe. Vallyk: yea. Y/N: again. Vallyk:yes again.

*we laughed then we got some food and ate in the car and vallyk went live.

Vallyk:ok so um we kinda fell asleep.

*I laughed.

Vallyk:anyway what yall doing. Live: watching your live, nun really, nothing i'm bored asf. Vallyk:oh, y/n keep messing with me. Live:y/n that YouTube video you did a few months ago was funny vallyk actually exposed himself.

Vallyk: bro. Y/N:you did thou. Vallyk:stop.

*then we heard scratching on the car.

Vallyk:what the hell. Y/N:tf was that?!?!. Vallyk:idk.

*we heard it again and we went silent then i touched vallyk and he jumped.

Y/N:damn boy. Vallyk:you scared me. Y/N:i touched you with my finger. Vallyk:shut up.

*we laughed then we started messing with each other.

Vallyk:stawwp lemme lone. Y/N:why i want it. Vallyk:you already got him. Y/N: please can i  hold him.  Vallyk:she is weird. Live:she your gf. Y/N:pleaseeee i want him. Vallyk:fine damn. Y/N:yay!

*i put my hand in his pants and he looked at me and i smiled.

Vallyk:fuckin weirdo.

*I laughed.

Vallyk:she really s-

*the group chat called.  Vallyk:igh guys i gotta go.

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