𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 55🦋

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Jaiden:nope. Brooklyn:weirdos. Kobe:oh hush.

*Brooklyn laughed.

Vallyk:just go wait in the car. Y/N:can we get food? Vallyk:yes. Y/N:kk.

*i got my phone and went in the car, I talked to jaiden while i waited for vallyk, he came to the car then he looked at me.

Vallyk:can you get my phone. Y/N:sure😑.

*i went and got his phone then came back and he was acting different.

Vallyk:*girly voice* thankyou boo. Y/N:... Jaiden:wtf. Y/N:ri. Vallyk:ok girl where we going.

*me and jaiden went quite.

Vallyk:girl where tf are we going. Y/N:to get food..... Jaiden:yea i'mma go. Y/N:no don't leave me with...... him. Jaiden:good luck.

*he hung up and i looked at vallyk and he played bundles.

Vallyk:purr. Y/N:vallyk. Vallyk:who vallyk? my name valentine. Y/N:stop. Vallyk:what girl, bad bitch ass fat 40 ich ha- Y/N:vallyk stop it.

*we went to chick fila and he talked in his normal voice to order food then  we got our food, when we got food he went back to his girly voice.

Vallyk:babe. Y/N:no i'm not your babe. Vallyk:you broke up with me girl? Y/N:😐.

*i went on my phoen and ate my food then vallyk started "twerking"

Y/N:stop. Vallyk:purr look at that ass, i got more then my gf. Y/N:😐🖕🏼.

*he laughed then sat back down then we parked somewhere and ate, then i got clingy and sat on his lap.

Y/N:can you stop. Vallyk:stop wha girl. Y/N:babe🥺. Vallyk:ok look behind you.

*i turned around and saw the camera.

Y/N:you do to much.

*He laughed then got the camera then looked at me.

Vallyk:igh i guess i got her.

*i hid my face.

Vallyk:bae show your face. Y/N:no i look ugly. Vallyk: never, your beautiful. Y/N:*smiles* you love me😏. Vallyk:😐. Y/N:You love me.

*i put my face on the side of his face.

Vallyk:yes i love you.

*he kissed me.

Vallyk:igh i'mma end this.

*he ended it then put the camera down and put the seat back and hugged me.

Vallyk:whats wrong? Y/N:nothing... Vallyk:baby. Y/N:hm? Vallyk:talk to me, what's wrong? Y/N:i think i'm ready for a baby.. Vallyk:you sure, I'm not forcing you we can wait. Y/N:no you really want one. Vallyk:yea ik i do really want one but i don't wanna force you into something you wanna wait on. Y/N:are you sure. Vallyk:mhm positive.  Y/N:k.

*i kissed him then i sat on him in riding position and put the windows up.

Y/N: can i get him.

*he put the seat back more and took him out.

Vallyk:go ahead.

*i bit my lip.

Keep going.

*i started stroking him then i pulled his pants down more and took mine off and rode him.

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