𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 17🦋

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*A month later we all became closer to Brooklyn and skylar, mom is out the hospital and she is better, anyway it was my birthday, i woke up and got dressed then went downstairs, everyone was acting like it was a normal day so i went along with it even thou i was hurt.

Kobe: finally you woke up.
Kobe:whats wrong with you.
Y/N: nothin.

*i went in the kitchen, mom told me good morning and so did dad and i said it back then got something to eat and called vallyk.

Y/N:what you doin?
Vallyk: getting ready, happy birthday.
Y/N:thankyou, see this why you my favorite.

*He smiled*

Vallyk:what you doin?
Y/N: eating.
Vallyk:wanna hang out?
Y/N:i'm not in the mood to go out.
Valkyk:better get in the mood cause i'm coming to pick you up.
Y/N: vallyyyy.
Vallyk:vally nothin.
Y/N: bro.
Kobe:i wanna hang with yall.
Mom:no kobe.
Vallyk:bro nothing you better be ready.
Y/N:i am ready.

*I rolled my eyes*

Vallyk:quit rolling your eyes, i have something important to tell you.
Kobe: finally gonna tell her?
Kobe:then what the fuck is it.
Vallyk: something.

*vallyk smiled then he hung up, when he came, i went outside to his car and got in it then we drove away while listening to music and hung out

*Kobe's pov*
*we all were planning a surprise party, so vallyk was supposed to take her out and hang while we got the house ready, you know whats not fair? y/n got a whole damn puppy, lucky ass.

Jaiden:igh, come on chanel.

*the dog fell, I laughed.

Jaiden:don't laugh at her.
Mom:poor thing.

*Me and dad laughed.

Mom:you to are different.

*I laughed more then mom rolled her eyes then me and jaiden started putting the presents outside and putting the decorations up, then we set the table outside up, I put her happy birthday slash on the couch, then dad went to the store to get ballons, when he came back we tied them to one chair, the chair she was gonna sit in, by time we were done all our friends were here, and some of our family.

Kiya:awww this is cute
Kobe:who asked.
Kiya:see you testing me.
Kobe:oh hush.
Aya:always messing with people.

*i laughed then vallyk face timed me.

Valkyk:yall done she's sad, she said yall forgot about her birthday.
Kobe:mom can they come back.
Kobe:ight bring her back.

*he hung up then we put chanel back in jaiden room then we turned the lights off.

*Vallyk's pov*
*y/n was getting sad, kobe said i can bring her back.

Vallyk:i have a surprise for you.
Vallyk: come on.

*we went to the car and got in, i started driving then i put a blindfold on her before we got to ther house, when we got to the house i helped her walk to the door then we walked in and I placed her in the living room.

Y/N:valkyk what is going on?
Valkyk:hold on i'mma take the blind fold off but keep your eyes closed.

*i took the blind fold off then kobe counted down from three with his fingers then...


*the lights turned on, she opened her eyes and smiled.

Kobe:happy birthday lil sis.
Y/N:aww thankyou.

*she hugged Kobe.

Kobe:jaiden bring it.
Mom: happy birthday my babyyyy.
Dad:happy birthday princess.

*she hugged them and said thankyou.

*Y/N's Pov*

Y/N:so yall didn't forget.
Aya:of course not.
Kobe:how could i? You have been talking about it since last month.
Derek:right,"guys guess what it's almost my birthday"
Kiya:happy birthday girllll.

*she hughed me by the way Kiya is our cousin, jaiden came downstairs with a big box, he put it down then hugged me.

Jaiden:happy sweet 16.
Kobe:oh shii i forgot about sweet 16s.
Y/N:not gonna lie so did i.

*Me and Kobe laughed*.

Angel:what is that?
Kobe:you will see.

*I looked at Gio.

Gio:i don't know what it is so don't look at me. Kobe:only me jaiden mom dad and vallyk know.

*I looked at Vallyk*

Vallyk: don't look at me open it and find out.
Y/N:i'm scared is something gonna jump at me. Mom:no well it might i don't know.
Y/N: momma.
Mom: i'm jokin it's just a snake.
Y/N:hell nah uh uh.

*Gigi laughed*.

Brooklyn:girl just open it.
Skylar:i would of been scared.
Y/N:ok i'mma open it.

*i opened it a little then something moved and i jumped,kobe and jaiden laughed at me.

Vallyk: it's not gonna hurt you.
Y/N:stopp bro what is it.
Kobe:open it.

*i took a deep breath then opened it, it was a puppy.


*i picked him/her up.

Y/N:are you a girl or a b- you a girl, whats her name?
Y/N:hey chanel.

*she licked my face and i smiled.

Kobe:i'mma take her from you just so you know. Y/N:no my puppy.
Kobe:i picked her out.
Mom:ok go have fun in the pool and outside.
Y/N:k let me go change

*i put chanel down then kobe looked at her and i picked her back up.

Kobe:can i hold her .

*i gave her to kobe then i went to change then we all went in the back and everyone had their swim suits on already.

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