𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 33🦋

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Vallyk:why you staring? Y/N:huh. Vallyk:why you staring. Y/N:i was staring? Vallyk:yea. Y/N:oh, idk.

*He laughed.

Andrew:kobe put the vape down. Kobe:no. Jaiden:yes you already getting high.

*andrew went live and Kobe stopped hugging brooklyn and  sat on the curb and andrew set his phone up.

Andrew: wassup ch- Kobe:my dick twitching.

*We all started laughing.

Derek:nigga wha. Andrew:see- see this is why Kobe don't need to vape. Aya:fit checkkk. Derek:fit is wack. Aya:and your about to get wacked. Derek:do it.

*aya went after derek and jumped on him then they started play fighting.

Angel:leave my sister lone. Aya:yea derek. Derek:he ya brother now bett, y/n come here. Vallyk+Kobe:fuck n- Vallyk:she mine the fuck. Kobe:mine first. Jaiden:min- Kobe:shutup. Jaiden:make me.

*kobe bit jaiden then jaiden chased him.

Kobe:*screams* Gio:that happ-

*i smacked gio's neck then stood by vallyk.

Gio:bro. Vallyk:wha? Gio:you smacked me. Vallyk:no i didn't, y/n you smacked him. Y/N:no i didn't. Gio:damn you gonna blame ya gf. Vallyk:i'm no-

*kobe screamed and we all looked at them.

Kobe:NIGGA CHILL! Jaiden:nah come here! Nova:bae come here. Kobe:yea go to ya girl.

*jaiden rolled his eyes and went to nova and Kobe went to me.

Kobe:why gio looking at you like that. Gio:cause she sma- Y/N:i did what about i-

*he picked me.

Y/N:god damnit why am i so damn light, vallyk laughed.

Kobe:i don't know wh-

*jaiden picked kobe up.

Jaiden:yall are both light. Kobe:bro put me down. Jaiden:nope and if you bite me i'mma drop you. Kobe:fuck you. Andrew: Kobe stuck. Kobe:shut up. Aya:fuck i keep messing up. Gianna:what dance you doing. Aya:the new one. Gianna:oh I know it.

*they did it then at the end they twerk and andrew and derek covered their butts.

Derek:no chill. Andrew:ri who you shaking ass for. Vallyk: don't get any ideas y/n. Y/N:gio put me down. Gio: nope i forgot you was up here. Y/N:i need to gain weight this ain't cool. Kobe:bro put me downnnnn. Y/N:put me down!  Vallyk:yall both stuck. Andrew:guys look at the twins.

Aya:you know they not actually twins ri. Andrew:i know kobe is in my grade y/n is in 10th. Kobe:nah i'm a senior. Jaiden:no the fuck you not. Kobe:fuck you and put me down i'mma tell momma.

*jaiden put him down.

Kobe: that's what i though. Gio:you been up long enough. Y/N:put down bitch. Gio:see i was about to now you can keep ya ass up there. Y/N:babyy he won't put me down.

*I looked at Vallyk with puppy eyes.

Vallyk:put her down. Gio:bruh.

*he put me down, i went to vallyk and hugged him, he hugged me back then i smirked at gio.

Gio:ya girl evil. Vallyk:no she not. Jaiden:i move to vegas this yearrrr. Nova:*coughs* we. Jaiden:yea we move to vegas. Nova: exactly. Jaiden:shush. Kobe:see yall need to get married. Jaiden:i'm 18 lil boy calm down. Kobe:ugh.

*Vallyk laughed.

*We hung out some more then everyone went home.

Mom:oh look at that they came home at a decent time. Kobe:mom.

*Jaiden laughed.

Y/N:kobe need sleep he going crazy. Kobe:no i'm not my dick is actually twitching. Y/N:oh my god.. Jaiden:ri.

*we went upstairs, i went and took a shower when i was done vallyk facetimed me.

Vallyk:oop bae still in her towel. Y/N:so are you. Vallyk:i know.

*i sat my phone up then i put my face mask on and brushed my teeth and vallyk took a screenshot.

Y/N:stop it .

*I laughed.

Vallyk:nah i need a new screen saver. Y/N:🖕🏼. Vallyk:i'll do it tomorrow. Y/N:hu- you nasty.

*He laughed, i finished brushing my teeth then i went, I got my clothes and went back in the bathroom, vallyk dropped his towel and started looking at his body.

Vallyk:ooooo damn look at me.

*i took a screenshot.

Vallyk:yo no chill.

*I laugehd.

Vallyk:bullyY/N:and what are you? Vallyk:not a bully. Y/N:nah you a bully. Vallyk:wow.

*I laughed.

*i dropped my towel and started putting lotion on, when me and vallyk were done getting dressed i sat on sink and waited for my face mask.

Vallyk:uhhh you fuckin adorable. Y/N:so are you. Jaiden:y/n you dressed? Y/N:yea.

*he came in.

Jaiden:what you doin? Y/N:nun. Jaiden:oh, well goodnight.

*he hugged me then kissed my cheek and left.

Y/N:jaiden is so nice. Vallyk:i miss y- V/M:VALLY DONDE ESTA LA REMOTA! (Vally where is the remote) Vallyk:EN LA COCINA CREO!(in the kitchen I think)

Y/N:look at you speaking Spanish. Vallyk:shush.

*I laughed, my face started getting stiff so i took the face mask off and vallyk put his hair up then i took a screenshot and he took it down.


*I laughed, i took the rest of the face mask off then he started screen recording and we made silly faces and laughed.

Y/N:wanna see what Kobe doin. Vallyk: sure he better be sleep cause he high.

I laughed, i grabbed my phone and turned my bathroom light off and went to kobe room, when opened the door and he wasn't in his room then he came out the bathroom in a towel.

Vallyk:yo if he aint have a towel on i would of threw my damn phone.

*I laughed.

Kobe:what the fuck are you doing.

Y/N:what are you doing.

*i looked at the lotion in his hand then at him.

Kobe:umm. Vallyk:ya nasty. Kobe: didn't you jerk off while looking at a picture of y-? Vallyk:yea we don't talk about that. Kobe: exactly. Vallyk:shut up. Kobe:are you bored or sum? Y/N:no. Kobe:igh bye. Y/N:whyyyy you being mean.

*i flipped the camera back to my face.

Vallyk:yay i get to see the view. Y/N:boy. Kobe:y/n let me get dressed. Y/N:fine.

*i walked out his room and left the door open on purpose.

kobe:FUCK YOU! Y/N:love you to.

*i went to my room and put my leds on vallyk's favorite color.

Vallyk:red really. Y/N:yup your favorite color. Vallyk:then mine is gonna be red. Y/N:we both like the same color.

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