𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 46🦋

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Y/N:damn i though i was ya baby. Vallyk:you are.

*he kissed me and i stroked him.

Vallyk:mhmm, stopp I don't feel like having sex. Y/N:just trying to please my baby. Vallyk:not right now, i'm tired. Y/N:k.

*i kissed him then we got dressed and cuddled and went sleep.

*A few months later school ended and jaiden was packing to move with nova and i was emotional, anyway everyone was still in their relationships and doing fine well all but skylar and gio, skylar thinks gio is being destant, and i got the abortion.

*while jaiden was packing i was sitting on his bed tearing up.

Jaiden:y/n can you pass me th- whats wrong? Y/N:i don't want you to leave me. Jaiden:aww don't cry.

*he got up and hugged me and i cried more.

Jaiden:look you will see me soon i swear. Y/N:in like two years... Jaiden:ik but you will still see me, I might come down here for Christmas and i'll face time you at night when you want to, ok? Y/N:the time zone is different. Jaiden:snap, text me when you going to sleep and i'll call you ok. Y/N:k. Jaiden:and i'll stay on the phone untill you fall asleep. Y/N:*smiles* k love you. Jaiden:love you too.

*he kissed my forehead then let go of me and i helped him pack then kobe walked in.

Kobe:do you have to leave? Jaiden:damn yall both emotional, I thought y/n would be the emotional one. Kobe:eh.. Jaiden:kobe you will see me before she does. Kobe:true, but still i won't be able to do the things i did with you with her. Jaiden: teach her. Kobe:how to blow a smoke ring, yea no she don't vape or smoke. Y/N:it gives me a head ache. Kobe:oh well then if it gives you a head ache i'm not gonna make you do it. Y/N:😐. Jaiden:😂. Mom: sibling time. Jaiden:i guess. Kobe:you leave tomorrow or the day after. Jaiden:uh not telling yall, i don't feel like hearing yall cry. Kobe:bro. Y/N:i would cry ethir way so it don't matter.

Jaiden: tomorrow.

*kobe put his head down and i just stared at the wall.

Jaiden:see then kobe gonna go to his room and start crying and y/n finna cry on me. Mom: kobe. Koeb:hm. Mom:you ok. Kobe:mhm. Mom:you sure. Kobe:no🥺.

*he went to his room and shut the door and i pulled myself together.

Y/N:i'm fine. Jaiden:no you not. Y/N:stoppp i'm trying not to cry. Jaiden:😂.

*he pushed my head and i smacked his butt.


*I laughed, he laughed then finished packing the stuff he wanted to take.

Jaiden:what you wanna do? Y/N:idk. Jaiden:you wanna hang with vallyk or me and nova. Y/N: what are yall doing. Jaiden:uh idk you probably gonna get bored. Y/N:well yall are gonna be doing boring stuff.
Jaiden:shut up.

*I laughed then Brooklyn walked in.

Brooklyn: Kobe ok? Jaiden:no he upset that i'm moving. Brooklyn:ohhh, he was crying on the phone, he in his room? Y/N:yea. Brooklyn:kk, ya dog keep biting my feet. Y/N:yea that sounds like chanel. Jaiden:😭.

*chanel ran in the room and layed on jaiden bed.

Jaiden:no move.

*chanel barked at him and i laughed.

Jaiden:i'm not scared of ya tinny ass.

*he tried to pick her and she bit him.

Jaiden:get her. Y/N: you get her. Jaiden:no she bit me.

*vallyk called me.

Y/N:yea? Vallyk:you busy? Y/N:no. Vallyk:k, can i come over? Y/N:sure. Vallyk:you don't sound happy. Y/N:😐.  Vallyk:she don't want me, she said she hate me. Y/N:😐. Jaiden:😭. Y/N:stop laughing. Jaiden:you laughing. Y/N: cause you making me laugh.

*Jaiden laughed.

Vallyk:do you want me or not. Y/N:yes. Vallyk:she don't want me... Y/N:bae. Vallyk:yes🙃. Y/N:come overrrr. Vallyk:open the door. Y/N:you gotta key. Vallyk:yea i forgot it at home.

*i went downstairs and opened the door and hung up.

Vallyk:sup. Y/N:sup. Vallyk:copy cat. Y/N: copy cat. Vallyk:stop it. Y/N:stop it. Vallyk:😐. Y/N:😐.

*he went upstairs and i followed him into jaiden room.

Vallyk: wassup. Jaiden:sup bro.

*they dabbed then kobe screamed.

Jaiden:now why he screaming. Vallyk:idk, bae gimme kiss. Y/N:no. Vallyk:whyyyyy, i want a kisssss. Y/N:i don't feel like kissing. Vallyk:fine i'll go find someone that does. Y/N:noooo, jaiden he gonna leave me.
vallyk:no i won't i just want a kiss. y/n:no. vallyk:your mean. jaiden: ight i'm leaving. y/n:k.

*jaiden got his keys and left and vallyk went to my room.

vallyk:please i get beso🥺.

*i went over to him and held his arms and kissed him.

vallyk:*smiles* yay. y/n:such a baby. vallyk:😐.

*he pushed me on the bed and started giving me kisses and i laughed.

y/n:stawwp. vallyk:nope.

*he gave me more kisses then stopped.

vallyk:i'm putting my song on. y/n:lord here we go again. vallyk:wha i wanna slow dance to this. y/n:then go slow dance. vallyk:dance with me. y/n:bo- vallyk:please. y/n:fine.

*he put the song on then closed the door and put his hand out for me to grab it, i grabbed it then he pulled me to him, we danced.

Vallyk: imagine you in a very beautiful white dress  in the center of the floor just slow dancing with me. Y/N: wedding? Vallyk:yurp, shi i wanna have a future with you, i want  you to be mine and only mine, have my kids,love me, be there for me and everything. Y/N: i have a feeling you gonna be proposing pretty soon. Vallyk: yea same.

*we laughed then kissed and stopped dancing but left the song on.

Vallyk:mamas. Y/N:hm. Vallyk:i love you. Y/N:aww i love you too baby.

*he smiled then we layed on the bed, and i layed between his legs and went live.

Live:why you so close to his d-👀, it's her bf let her be, yall don't even know if that's vallyk all you see is legs. Y/N:yall funny.

*i put my head closer to his thing.

Vallyk:wyd? Y/N:nun. Vallyk:why you move closer to it. Y/N:cause i can. Vallyk:😐. Y/N:😂.

*he closed his legs on my head.


*He laughed.

Y/N:open ya legs. Vallyk:woah thats weird. Y/N:😑, vallyk. Vallyk:yes baby mama. Y/N: I'm not ya baby mama. Vallyk:but you are.

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