𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 13🦋

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Kobe:omgggg i just want my mom.
Kobe:you heard it...

*i nodded and a tear went down my face.

Y/N:please don't do it.
Kobe:i'm sorry...

*i laid on him and hugged him, he hugged me back.

Y/N: promise me you won't do it.
Kobe:i won't i swear.
Derek:now can we do something to get yall mind off the bad things? its Friday lest do sum.
Y/N:oh i need brooklyn.

*i called aya.

Aya:yea? are you ok?
Y/N:yea can you get brooklyn's number for me? Aya:ik you so well, i'll text it to you.

*she said your welcome then hung up,She texted me the number then i put it in my phone and texted it then she called me.

Brooklyn:y/n it's ok we can work on it later, your mom was hurt and she needed you don't stress about the project.
Y/N:*smiles* your nice.
Brooklyn:i wouldn't say nice but thankyou. Kobe:nah she cute.
Derek: finally kobe is back.
Kobe:shut up.
jaiden:*yawns* what yall doin.
Vallyk:mike still sleep.
Mike:no i'm not.
Vallyk:never mind then.
Y/N:can we go out?
Y/N: brooklyn wanna hang wit us? Brooklyn:sure, can my friend skylar come?. Kobe:you can defs cum.

*Jaiden laughed, Derek shook his head.

Vallyk:never mind i don't want this k-

*kobe smacked him.

Vallyk:you are so lucky your upset.

*Kobe laughed then got up and went in the bathroom.

Derek: should i mess wit him?
Jaiden:get his nerf gun.

*Derek got it then opened the door to the bathroom and shot him.

kobe:nigga let me me pee!

Derek:nah did this to me right, yea you finna pay. Kobe:bruh i will flash you.

Derek:you won't.

*he turned around then derek closed the door.

Kobe: told you i would dumbass.

*i started jumping up and down in excitement then kobe came out the bathroom and looked at me.

koeb:the fuck you doin.
Y/N:mom is ok*smiles*
Jaiden:damn girl calm down.

*kobe went downstairs then ran back upstairs.

Kobe:i'mma see MY mom i'mma see m-
Derek:yall sound like the damn birds off of nemo. Kobe+Y/N:damn.

*Vallyk laughed*

Mike:MY aunt is ok.
Koeb:nigga she mine.
Jaiden:mine first.
Koeb:oh here you go with the mine first shit. Jaiden:she was mine first thou.
Kobe:shut up.
Brooklyn:ok whats the address?

*she hung up then i told aya and gianna to come over and they said ok then angel came over and came upstairs.

Derek:omg it's my boyfriend.
Angel:nah Kobe my bf.
Derek:damn kobe you was my boyfriend you cheated on me.
Kobe:the fuck-
Angel:so you got two dudes? fight me.

*angel jumped on kobe then Derek jumped on them then Brooklyn and her friend walked in, so did Aya and gigi.

Y/N:when did yall get here.
Aya:just now.
Kobe:ugh my nuts bruh.
Derek:nah cause you cheated on me.
Angel:boy he was mine first.
Derek:uh no.

*Derek and angel started play fighting and kobe got up and took his shirt off, Brooklyn started staring.

Kobe:take a picture it'll last longer.

*brooklyn started blushing then she covered her face and kobe put his head down and laughed.

Kobe:what we doi- what the fuck are yall doing. Derek:idk i'm bored.

Y/N:well tell me when yall done.

*i went in my room and vallyk followed me and stood at the door and watched me make a tik tok then i fell off the bed and vallyk started dying.

Y/N:owww stawwwp.
Vallyk: bro.
Kobe:bro you good.

*Vallyk started wheezing.

Y/N:shut up.
Vallyk:are you ok?
Y/N:oh now you ask me.
Vallyk:ight i'm sorry.

*he helped me up then i pushed his head and he laughed then hugged me

. Kobe: can y'all like date.
Vallyk:no she don't like me like that and i don't like her like that.
Y/N:bestie vibes.
Kobe:yea ok.

*he walked out the room and vallyk went to kobe room, yep it hurt cause vallyk doesn't like me but i like him i know crazy i like my best friend and he doesn't like me back whatever.

*i went and got my shoes then vallyk scared me.

Vallyk:my bad i didn't even mean to scare you.
Y/N: it's fine.
Vallyk:we leaving gio just got he- Gio:y/n hurry up. Y/N:boy shut up cause you just getting here.

*Gio flipped me off.


*kobe came to the room.

Kobe:no your not doing that with my sister. Jaiden:doin what.
Gio:bro i put the middle finger up.
Kobe:oh.... y/n you do to much.
Y/N:so do you.

*Kobe flipped me off*

Y/N;now you wanna fuck me, damn i aint no sex doll.
Gio:you.... ok
Kobe:..... anyway come on.
Jaiden:wait nova c-
Jaiden:igh we can leave now.

*we all got our shoes then left, we started walking around.

Kobe:ight Derek race me.
Kobe:umm that tree and back.

*they raced and kobe won.

Derek:bro i got forces on i'm not creasing them. Kobe:i got Jordan's on.
Derek:shut up.
Kobe: exactly.
Angel:i'm hungry.

*the boys walked in a group and the girls walked in a group and we started  talking bout the boys.

Gianna:not gonna lie derek fine asf.
Y/N:oh god.
Nova:look at my baby.

*I laughed*

Aya:y/n who you like?

Aya:omg i knew it, gigi you owe me five bucks. Gianna:ugh y/n you could of lied.
Brooklyn:ight but kobe, kobe just mmm.

*Skylar laughed*

Skylar:.idk something about gio caught me but then angel also caught my eye.
Brooklyn:wait do you know there names? Skylar:ik kobe,angel and gio.
Brooklyn:oh same.

Gianna:well their names are, kobe,derek,vallyk,mike, angel,gio and jaiden. Brooklyn:ok so vallyk and jaiden are baby face kobe is freak, derke is also freak.
Y/N:oh no baby, derek is the sus king.
Derek:i heard that.
Y/N:you will live.
Derek:yea but you won't. 
Kobe:you won't ethir.
Derek: forgot about u.

*we laughed then went into McDonald's.

Kobe:ooo she hot.
???:you too.
Kobe:how old are you?
Kobe:bett, can i get ya number.

*he got her number then she winked at him and left.

Kobe:i'mma smooth dude.
Brooklyn:no you not.
Kobe:shut up.
Brooklyn:make me.
Kobe:nah i'm good.
Brooklyn: exactly so shut u-

*kobe kissed her.

Kobe:now, shut up.

*Derek laughed.

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