𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 68🦋

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*it was Christmas morning and i got up before vallyk and sat in my closet and finished wrapping his gifts and everyone else's gifts that i got for them, i even got something for ayla and dior, i was so happy, when i finished wrapping them i brought them downstairs and put then with the other gifts under the tree.

Mom: someone's in a good mood. Y/N:*smiles* i love Christmas.

*Mom laughed.

Y/N:where dad? Mom: getting groceries for dinner, we having a big dinner with all yall friends and a few family members. Y/N: that's nice, vallyk needs to wake up.

*She laughed, i went back upstairs then went and sat on vallyk and gave him kisses.

Vallyk:*groans* baeeee. Y/N:wake up! it's Christmasssss. Vallyk:ight calm down.

*he hugged me and kissed my neck and i smiled.

Y/N: can we match now*smiles* Vallyk: yea come on.

*we got up and brushed our teeth then changed and went downstairs.

This for vallyk just in men^^

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This for vallyk just in men^^

This for vallyk just in men^^

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This for y/n^^

Jaiden:eww they love each other. Vallyk:shut up.

*Nova laughed.

Jaiden:i wanna open a gift. Vallyk:me and y/n have the same gift for c. Y/N:yea you copy cat. Vallyk:no no i thought of it then we both went to it and got it i just don't know which one you got me. Y/N: that's the point. Vallyk:wanna take pictures? Y/N:yea.

*me and vallyk went outside and it was cold.

Y/N:no i need shoes. Vallyk: i got socks on.

*i went and got socks and put them  on then me and vallyk took pictures.

The picture^^

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The picture^^

Vallyk:kiss me.

*I kissed him.

Y/N: it's cold. Vallyk:ight go in.

*i was walking in then it started snowing.

Vallyk:well look at that your wish cam true.

*i got excited then vallyk came to me and kissed me then we went inside.

Vallyk:mamasssss. Y/N:yes? Vallyk:i love you. Y/N: i love you too. Mom:ok when everyone gets here we will do presents. Y/N:k, when is Kobe coming home? Mom:on there way back. Y/N:yay. Jaiden:girl calm down. Y/N:wha i'm excited gimme Dior. Jaiden:mhm. Y/N:shut up, gimme my niece. Vallyk:i have a feel she is not gonna let me hold kaiden. Y/N:nope kaiden mine. Vallyk:mine too, even thou i might not be the biological dad, he still mine.

*i took ayla from jaiden.

Nova:where ay- oh. Jaiden:she took my kid, mommmm. Mom:yes. Jaiden:y/n took my baby. Mom:i'm cooking can't help you. Jaiden:wow. Nova: watch she gonna take dior. Y/N:sure am.

*Mike,maya and m/m walked in.

Mike:wassup my nigga-

*m/m pushed his head.

M/M:watch ya mouth. Mike: i'm 19. M/M:and i'm ya mother.

*Mike looked at her.

Maya:yea mike. Mike:shh.

*we laughed then mike took ayla from me.

Y/N:mikeeee. Mike:what i can't see my cousin? Y/N:you mean.

*Vallyk laughed.

Y/N:so are you. Vallyk:how am i mean. Y/N:idk but you are. Vallyk: what?

*m/m shut the door then went in the kitchen, five minutes later i went live then the door nob started moving and we heard keys.

Y/N:please be kobe please be kobe. Vallyk: damn you really wanna see his babym Y/N:yes and i miss him. jaiden:y/n hate me. Y/N:no i don't.

*i went and hugged him then kobe and Brooklyn walked in with the car seat.

Kobe: damn it's cold asf out there. Mom:watch when dad get home. Kobe:momma.

Y/N: can i hold him can i hold him. Kobe:no your live. Y/N:please I won't show his face. Kobe: up to Brooklyn. Brooklyn: she's your sister go ahead.

*kobe put the car seat next to me and i took the blanket off him and took him out.

Y/N:your warm.

*i played the blanket on the floor then Chanel came sniffed him.

Y/N:girl move.

*Kobe laughed.

Kobe:momma. Mom:yes? Kobe:i'm hungry. Mom:then go make something to eat. Kobe:no i can't cook. Vallyk:we know. Kobe:bully.

*i put dior on the blanket and wrapped him then picked him back up.

Y/N:guys he so tinny. Live:can we see his face, can we see him, face reveal? Y/N:no Kobe told me not to show his face. Kobe:wha? Y/N: they asked to see his face. Kobe:oh, no.

*Brooklyn laughed.

Y/N:wait Kobe come here.

*Kobe came to me and i looked at dior then at him then i looked at Brooklyn.

Y/N:dior my twin. Kobe:lil girl we look alike. Y/N:ik thats why he my twin dumbass. Kobe:bett watch, just watch. Y/N:noooo. Kobe:nope.

*he went back in the kitchen.

Y/N:kobe being mean.

*vallyk sat next to me and went on his phone then he put his head on my leg and dior kicked him.

vallyk:oww nigga.

*I laughed.

Jaiden: did he just kick you. Vallyk:yes that hurt.

*Nova and Brooklyn laughed at him.

Brooklyn:haha. Vallyk:bro ya son just kicked me in the head. Y/N:dior why you kick ya uncle. Vallyk:nah that actually hurt alot why he so strong. Kobe:wha?

Vallyk:he kicked me. Kobe:see his kicks hurt. Brooklyn:he didn't kick you he punched you. Kobe:same thing. Brooklyn:no its- Kobe:shush.

*Brooklyn laugehd.

Mom:kobe here.

*kobe went in the kitchen then someone knocked at the door and jaiden opened it.

Derek:wassup- shi dior here move. Jaiden:well fa get you. Derek:i'm joking.

*Derek dabbed jaiden then went in the kitchen and messed with kobe.

Kobe:broooo. Mom:hi merry Christmas. D/M:merry Christmassss. Kobe:nigga move. Derek: why dadd- I:m playin. Gianna:boy sit down somewhere. Derek:no.

*gigi gave him the look.

Derek:my legs hurt, I should go sit down. Gianna:good idea.

*Derek's mom laughed.

Kobe:yea listen to ya girl. Derek:suck my d- Gianna:derek.

*He rolled his eyes, then went and sat down.

Derek:meanie Gianna: hush. Kobe:haha. Brooklyn:lil boy. Kobe:i'm older and taller then you. Derek:wait i'm dating a miner? Kobe:gigi is not still 17. Derek:i'm joking.

*Vallyk laughed.

Gianna:fuck you.

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