𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 4🦋

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Gio:damn nigga.

*derek was chasing them.

Lunch aid:SIT DOWN!
Y/N:i- just happened?

*we saw mike on top of derek then mike and gio ran away and derek was just on the ground.

Derek:yall are fucking weird yo.
???:what happened?
Derek:what the fuck does it look like happened.
???:rude ass.
Gianna:derek what you do.
Derek:me? Mike squeezed my nuts.
Gianna: sounds like a you problem.
???:why you so nice to her.
Derek:stop talking to me damn, and what the hell Mike.

*Mike laughed then I looked at vallyk and he was giving Elijah a dirty look.

Elijah:vallyk whats your problem?
Vallyk:do "it" again and you will find out. Elijah:do what?
Vallyk:i'm not gonna say it.

*Elijah looked at me then Kobe walked in.

Kobe:igh i got me foo-

*Gio went and punched him.

Kobe:what the fuck I do?
Derek:bruh Mike that shit hurt.
Kobe:the fuck he punch me for?
Gio:you're on derek team.
Kobe:so you punch m- bett watch when i'm done eating.
Y/N:Why y'all keep hitting each other.
Kobe:to be honest I have no idea...
Angel: it's just fun.
Y/N:touching each other is fun?
Derek:yea? Wanna join.
Y/N:no y'all touching each other like weirdos. Derek:you next nah i'm playing.
Elijah:better be.
Kobe:this bitch-
Derek:😐now i really should do it just to make your ass mad.
Elijah:do it and we fight.
Kobe:fight him you fight me soo.

Elijah: what's funny?
Vallyk:i'm not starting with you.
Elijah:yea cause you scared.
Vallyk:i'm scared?.
Derek:you must not know vallyk, if you think he sc-

*elijah pushed Derek into kobe.

Derek:tf you push me for?
Elijah:kept talking.
Derek:y/n you about to be single.
Vallyk:good she doesn't deserve him.
Elijah:come babe.
Y/N:why can't we stay here.
Vallyk:right we all chillin.
Elijah:cause i wanna be with MY gf.
Kobe:and I wanna be with MY sister.

*elijah rolled his eyes, he grabbed my hand and I held onto vallyk then elijah pulled me away, we walked out the lunch room and I started shaking alot.

Elijah:what the fuck did you tell vallyk.
Y/N:t-that you hit me.
Y/N:cause he's my best friend.

*he squeezed my hand, I saw my hand turning purple, I started crying.

Elijah:why does he need to know our business huh?
Y/N:i-i'm sorry let go of my hand.

*he hit me, I felt my face and it hurt to touch.

Elijah: don't tell me what to do.

He let go of my hand and my fingers were bruised and shaking, my arm had a bruise. I pushed him.

💭:Shit why did I do that.

*he looked at me and pushed me into the lockers, i wimpered, he hit me and pinched me and i cried more then i kicked him and pushed him away and tried to run but i couldn't cause he tripped me, i fell and hurt my ankle.
💭:Fuck! My ankle.

Y/N:please e-lijah🥺.

*he pulled my hair and brought me to my feet.

Elijah:fuck with me again and see what happens.

*he put me down, i went back to the lunch room in tears, i was limping i didn't even know i had a whole bunch of bruises but i didn't care, I saw Vallyk get mad and the others were confused and shocked.

Vallyk:yo ima kill him.
Kobe:kill wh-what the the hell.

*he looked at me then looked at vallyk smiling cause he was mad.

Y/N:please help me.
Derek: it was elijah wasn't i-
Elijah:baby what happened.
Y/N:no get away from me you-

*he sat next to me and hugged me and whispered.

Elijah:say it and your dead.

*I started crying.

Vallyk:it was elijah, y/n i'm sorry it was elijah he did it and now i'mma fuck him up.
Kobe:it was Elijah? Y/n you better tell me the damn truth, don't make me get Jaiden to get the truth out if you.

*jaiden gets the truth out of me no matter what but i couldn't tell kobe it was the truth, he called jaiden. Jaiden came to the lunch room then came to us.

Jaiden:yo... y/n.
Jaiden:what happened, I'm not playin ethir so you better tell me.
Y/N:he hit me he pinched me tripped me made me fall and this all because i won't let him take my virginity, please don't hurt me.

*all I heard was Jaiden laughing.

Jaiden:elijah get up you wanna hit her do everything you did to her to me.
Elijah:no you're older then me.
Jaiden:you're older then her almost by two years and you decide to bruise her up? get up i'm not joking.

Gio: elijah you fucked up cause now you gonna die.

*Elijah laughed then looked at me, he jumped at me I jumped then went to Derek, I sat on his lap and hugged him, I cried on his shoulder he hugged me.

Derek:calm down, we got you ight.

*I nodded.

Jaiden:who throwing the first punch cause it ain't me.

*he laughed, Kobe laughed then punched the shit outta Elijah.

Kobe:that's for pissing me off.

*Elijah nodded then Kobe punched him again.

Kobe:that's for abusing my sister.

*Elijah laughed then went after Kobe they started fighting, then Elijah's friend jumped in Jaiden also jumped in, Mike came over to me.

Mike: explain what he did again.
Vallyk:y/n tell what happened again.

*i explained what happened, vallyk got even more mad and so did mike, I looked at Kobe teachers tried to pull him off.

Kobe: nah yo cause this nigga fucking put his hands on my sister.
Jaiden:get the hell off me.

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