𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 7🦋

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Vallyk:you miss me.
Vallyk:clingy thing.
Y/N:so are you.
Vallyk:only for you thou.

*he turned around so now his back was facing me, he was still between my legs, i played in his hair.

Derek:damn you don't play with my hair no more.
Y/N:cause you won't cuddle with me, vallyk always cuddles with me so he gets his hair played with.

*Nova laughed.

Kobe:y/n called me a bitch.
Nova:i mean.
Nova:i'm joking.
Y/N:now you know i was playing.
Kobe:no you weren't.

*i rolled my eyes then everyone else came over, when everyone was here we got snacks, turned the light off then sat on the couch an watched a movie.

Y/N:i wanna cuddle.
Derek:cuddle with meee.

*i smiled then sat next to derek, I cuddled with him then i fell asleep.

*Kobe's pov*
Kobe:she sleep?
Kobe:now i'm tired.

*i woke y/n up then the girls went in her room and the boys went in mine, jaiden and nova went in his room then we all went to sleep.

*the next morning i woke up in my bed which i do not remember getting in, anyway i got up and saw aya and gigi next to me sleep, i looked at the time and saw that it was 1pm, we skipped school i didn't care i just went back to sleep, a couple hours later aya woke me up.

Aya:girl wake up it's 3:00.
Gianna:wait for real, we slept that long.

*me aya and gigi laughed then we went to kobe's room and they were all still sleep.

Y/N:so everyone slept in.
Aya:i guess.
Gianna:derek all on kobe😭
Angel:*yawns* yall just woke up?
💭:Damn why his voice so deep.

*angel got up and went in the bathroom then I took the hat off gio face.

Gio:*groans* stop.
Y/N:no get up.

*he put his middle finger up then i laughed and layed on vallyk,he hugged me.

Vallyk:*morning voice* wassup.
💭:damn his voice-
Vallyk:tf- what time is it?
Vallyk:damn bruh.
Gio:lazy asses.
Gianna:bitch you slept in to.

*gio laughed, then we woke up


*i pulled the covers off kobe and Derek.

Y/N:kobe derek get up.

*derek moved away from kobe and layed on his stomach, he started shivering. I put the covers back on them.

Y/N:wake up it's 3.
Y/N:no pm.

*kobe got up and looked at derek.

Kobe:why he in my bed.
Y/N:i don't know but he was on you then he moved.


*kobe streched and got up then derek woke up.

Derek:*groans* why yall looking at me. Mike:cause we can.

*derek got up and jumped on mike.

Mike:get- moveeeee.
Mike:broooo i don't wanna fell ya balls on my arms.
Derek:then stop f-

*mike did something that made derek scream.

Derek:IGH IGH I'LL GET UP! KOBEEE! Kobe:nope good luck.
Derek:Damn bru- MIKE OK LET GO!

*he let go, derek got up, I went back to my room and took a shower then i did a tik tok, i posted the video then aya came in my room.

Aya:are you bored.

*She laughed*

Y/N:you saw the video already.

*I laughed*

Aya:yes you need help.

*We both laughed.

Y/N: I'mma do that video with vallyk later.
Aya:oh lord
Vallyk:what video.
Y/N:you will see.
Vallyk: tell meeee.
Y/N:you will see when we go outside.
Vallyk:you're mean.
Aya: vallyk is your big baby.
Vallyk:i'm her baby.
Y/N:nah derek is.
Y/N:i'm jokingg.

*i hugged him and he hugged me back then we fell onto the bed and laughed then i grabbed his butt.

Vallyk:y/n no😂.
Y/N:gimme ya booty.
Vallyk:noooo, YOOOOO nah gotta go.
Y/N:come back.

*he laughed then went in the bathroom, i chased him into it.

Vallyk:*screams* Y/N NO!

*I started laughing.

Aya:what the fuck-

*aya walked into the bathroom.

Vallyk:bruh leave my butt aloneeee.

i rolled my eyes then started brushing my teeth and he went to the bathroom.

Aya:he uses the bathroom in front of you. Vallyk:yea.
Y/N:it doesn't bother me, Kobe does that shit.
Kobe:yes yes i do you gotta problem.
Jaiden:you're weird.
Nova:we slept in.
Kobe:ri i didn't even know it was that late.
Y/N:and yes i do have a problem.
Kobe:well deal wit it.
Vallyk:why yall all in here.

*Vallyk finished using the bathroom*

Jaiden: cause we can.
Derek:Daddy come here.
Kobe:the fuck.

*Mike and Derek ran in the room and jumped on my bed and started wrestling.

Derek:yeaaaaa bitch.
Kobe:oh ok.

*vallyk pushed me out the way so he could wash his hands.

Vallyk:how you end up on the ground.
Y/N:oh mabey because i got pushed!
Vallyk:oh hu-

*Kobe started laughing*

Mike:take your foot outta my ass.
Angel:take ya what outta what now?!?!.
Gio:I'm dead.

*He laughed*

Aya:you don't look dead.
Gianna: Aya now when he beat ya ass.
Gio:aya you have 3 seconds.
Aya:1 2 3-

*gio picked her up and threw her on top of derek and mike then she sat there.

Aya:this is comfy.
Vallyk:y/n you good.
Y/N:you pushed me.

*He laughed*

Y/N:you mean. Vallyk:am i am i really

.*he finished washing his hands then started getting dressed.

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