𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 36🦋

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Y/N:and i smell fresh. Vallyk:i know right, smell like strawberries. Brooklyn: Kobe smell like y/n sooooo. Kobe:i smell like my mom. Y/N:is you gonna get out. Brooklyn:cover his print nobody need to see it. Kobe:yea y/n. Y/N:i'm not touching my brother dick. Vallyk:yea she touch mine. Y/N:no i don't want that small thang. Kobe: damn. Vallyk:so how i break ya legs when we went to Hawaii? Y/N:.... Valkyk: exactly. Kobe:bro i need help my damn back bruh. Y/N:get up. Kobe:how. Y/N:bro just get out. Kobe:NIGGA HOW!

*Me and vallyk laughed, so did jaiden.


*i pulled his leg and he screamed.


*I started wheezing again.

Kobe: it's not funny.

*i sat in the ground and laughed.


*jaiden added nova.

Nova:lil boy. Kobe: it's not funny shut up.

*kobe tried to get out and his shirt started coming off and a group of girls started staring.


???:your cute. Kobe:i have a girlfriend. ???:and she won't know. Brooklyn:YES THE FUCK I WILL BITCH. kobe:told you i gotta girl.

*he climbed out.

Kobe:damn that hurt.

*I laughed.

Jaiden:i'm tellin mom cause that was funny asf. Kobe:shut the fuck up. Jaiden:make me.

*kobe went back in the car and squeezed jaiden and he yelled.

Jaiden:UHHHH OK! Kobe:now... shut up. Jaiden:get ya brother. Y/N:he ya brother to. Kobe:*smiles* Nova:oop not the smile. Brook:😂. Vallyk:babyyyy i'mma call you. Y/N:kk.

*vallyk left and called me.

Vallyk:hey. Y/N:hey,why is your phone upside down. Vallyk: idk, i miss u. Y/N:same. Jaiden:get in the car lil girl. Y/N:😐.

*i got in the car then we went to chick fil a, we waited in the drive thru.

Vallyk:i missssss uuuuuu. Y/N:you clingy clingy. Vallyk:i want you, i wanna be in your arms. Y/N:well... Vallyk:you know i'm moving wit the boys after school ri. Y/N:nooooo. Vallyk: well me,mike, Kobe and derek are moving, Angel and gio staying here. Y/N:angel gonna end up moving wit us. Vallyk: that's what i said. Kobe:bae look i'm getting fit. Brooklyn:you was fit before. Kobe:no i wasn't.

*he sat his phone up and took his shirt off and put the seat back.

Y/N:😐. Kobe:my bad.

*he put it up a lil then took his seat belt off.

Jaiden: what yall want? Kobe:uhhh nuggets wit a sprite. Y/N:same. Jaiden:igh, i better not have kids like yall. Kobe: what's wrong wit us. Jaiden:yall don't eat. Kobe:if i didn't eat i would of been thin thin i got meat on me and i got mussle

Y/N:"and i got mussle" shut up.

*Jaiden laughed.

Kobe:fuck yall niggas. Vallyk: bae. Y/N:yes? Vallyk:do you think we will be together in the future? Y/N:baby i can't see the future. Vallyk:i hope we are thou, cause i wanna have 2 kids wit you. Kobe:no you don't you said you wanted 3, i want 4. Brooklyn:boy wha? you can have 4 wit another woman. Kobe:no i want 4 with you. Jaiden:damn yall not parents yet? imagine.

*me and kobe looked at him.

Kobe+Y/N:nova is pregnant??? Jaiden: no i was joking.

*Jaiden laughed.

Vallyk:she probably is. Y/N:Jaiden is she. Jaiden:no i'm 18 she 17. Vallyk:how she not in our grade. Jaiden:cause her birthday is in a month. Kobe:oh, mamas drop out. Brooklyn:one thing about black parents, they ain't gonna like that, they will beat ya ass if you ever think about dropping out. Y/N:kobe you should know this. Kobe:I know but shii i aint going to college. Jaiden:same. Y/N:i wanted to. Vallyk:noooo bae please don't go. Y/N:baby, calm down i'm not going. vallyk:*smiles*

Jaiden:yea wassup, can i get two chicken nugget meals both with a sprite, and can i get a chicken sandwich meal also wit a sprite? ???:yes any sauce? Jaiden:uhh chick fil a.  ???:ok is that it? Jaiden: yea. Brooklyn:jaiden sound like a dad. Kobe:fax. ???:how old is your friend? Jaiden:my brother? ???:yea. Jaiden:17. ???:single? Jaiden:no... ???:can i get his number. Jaiden:he gotta girl, his girl is on the phone. Kobe:who? Jaiden:you. Kobe:oh, i'm single. Brooklyn:bett. Kobe:bae i'm joking. Brooklyn:mhmm. Kobe:I was chill.

*she gave us the total then we pulled up to the window and got our food and went home, when we got home i sat at the island and ate and talked to vallyk.

Vallyk:can i come over? Y/N:you gotta key you don't gotta ask. Vallyk: true.

I laughed then i watched him get into his car and drive.

Vallyk: sometimes i forget you still can't drive. Y/N:shut up. Dad:ha. Y/N:dad. Dad:what. Y/N:stop laughing at meeee.

*he laughed then hugged me and kissed my forehead.

Kobe:why the nugget shaped like jaiden head. Jaiden:you think your funny. Brooklyn:that ri there was violation. Vallyk:igh I'mma hug you in like 4 mins. Y/N:k.

*he hung up then a few minutes later he unlocked the door and came in and hugged me.

Vallyk:i got my babyyyy.

*i smiled and went live.

Live:awww, yall are so cute, V+Y for life. Y/N:4lifersss. Vallyk:facts. Kobe:jaiden. Jaiden:shut up. Kobe:jaiden it was a joke. Jaiden:i'm not mad you about to be upset thou. Kobe:huh? Jaiden:omg i found ya dick.

*he picked up a shrimp out the bowl in the sink.

Y/N:*silent laugh* Vallyk:y/n. Mom:why you touching my shrimp. Jaiden:aww kobe hurt. Kobe: that's not funny. Jaiden:y/n think it is. Y/N:stop.

*Vallyk laugehd

Kobe:YALL ARE MEAN! Mom:what happened? Jaiden:he made fun of my head so i came for his dick size and now he mad.
Kobe: it's not funny. Jaiden:middle children are the worst.

*Kobe tried to punch him but mom pushed him away then he got his food and phone went upstairs.

Jaiden:why you still laughing. Y/N:huh, i was laughing at what someone said in the comments. Jaiden:oh. Vallyk:she was laughing but no noise was coming out.

*I laughed*

Y/N:igh what should i do to vallyk guys. Vallyk:huh? i wanted to cuddle. Y/N:omg stopppp doing that face. Vallyk:why🥺 Y/N:stawwwp. Vallyk:🥺. Y/N:baeeee. Jaiden:kobe mad. Y/N:yea when is he never mad. Kobe:yall are mean.

*he went and got his drink, Jaiden laughed.

Kobe:shut up.

*he went back upstairs then me and vallyk went in my room, i layed down and talked to the live then vallyk took his shoes and shirt off and layed on me.

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