𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 73🦋

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Mike:calm down it's Christmas lest enjoy the day ok. Jaiden:k.

*we all cuddled and watched a Christmas movie then the adults came back and they talked in the kitchen, a few hours later we ate dinner then we talked with each other and had a good time, after that we cleaned up then everyone went home, me and vallyk went upstairs in my room.

Vallyk:babyyy. Y/N:yes? Vallyk:i love you. Y/N:😂, i love you too.

*he hovered over me and kissed me then we made out until dad and mom walked in, vallyk looked at the door and dad walked out.


*he layed next to me.

Mom:boy get in here. Dad: i am a grown man. Mom:idc. Dad:your mom is mean. Y/N:😂.

*they came and sat on the bed and vallyk went in the bathroom.

Mom:vallyk come back. Vallyk: hold on. Mom:k.

*he went to the bathroom then came back in here.

Y/N:dude let go of it. Vallyk:no. Y/N:you weird  Vallyk:shush.

*they laughed.

Dad:ok serious, has elijah messed with you at all? Y/N:well, i haven't checked my phone i was setting up my new one. Mon:check it.

*i checked it and he was typing when he was done typing he said he was gonna call me, i gave vallyk the phone and elijah called and vallyk answered.

Vallyk:yo. Elijah:give the phone to y/n. Vallyk:k.

*he didn't give me the phone he just moved the phone around to make it look like he did.

Y/N:what. Elijah:can i come over and see my child. Y/N:no. Elijah:why he mine t-. Vallyk: sike bitch he mine! Dad:😭, i can't wit him. Elijah:you got a dna test? Y/N:yea gotta problem? Elijah:ye- Y/N:deal wit it. Vallyk:haha the baby mine bitch.   Elijah:haha the baby dead bitch. Vallyk:you can try. Elijah:when that baby born he dead. Vallyk:ok. Y/N:😭. Vallyk: have fun, can i go now you wasting my time. Elijah:yea ik, bye vallyk and baby. Vallyk:like i said.......ok, and you sound like a toddler.

*Elijah hung up and vallyk put elijah's number in his phone then blocked him on your phone.

Y/N:vallyk i'm not aloud to block him. Vallyk:you didn't you gotta new number. Y/N:you sneaky lil thing. Vallyk:😭.

*mom and dad talked to us then when they were done vallyk went in the bathroom and so did i.

Vallyk: weinerrrrr. Y/N:stop. Vallyk:weinerrrrr. Y/N:stawwp. Vallyk: what 😭.

*i started recording and vallyk went in front of the camera and looked at me then in the mirror and i smacked his butt and gripped it.

Vallyk:baby no. Y/N:😭. Vallyk:noooooo, let go of my butt😭.

*i let go then stopped recording and vallyk grabbed my neck and kissed me.

Vallyk:love you. Y/N:love you too.

*we kissed then it got heated and we did the nasty, after that we took a shower and went and layed down.

Y/N:i'm tired. Vallyk:same.

*we laughed then he kissed me and we went to bed.

*3 weeks later it was vallyk's last day with me before he went back to vegas, actually it was all the boys last day.

Vallyk:i don't wanna leave🥺. Y/N:i don't wnat you to leave ethir🥺.

*we hugged then he kissed me and put all his gifts that i got him in his carry on.

Vallyk:wanna go do sum? Y/N:like what? Vallyk:umm mall, drive around and talk, in foot pool. Y/N:i can't go in the pool. Valkyk:why not? Y/N:can if my water breaks i won't know cause i will already be wet. Vallyk:oh, umm what you wanna do. Y/N:whatever you wanna do. Vallyk:ight come on.

*he got my keys and we left.

Y/N:where we going? Vallyk:you will see.

*i laughed then we got to the beach.

Y/N:what we doin? Vallyk: board walk. Y/N:k. Vallyk:take pictures spend time together and stuff. Y/N:aww your so sweet. Vallyk:*smiles*

*we got out the car and vallyk held my hand, we walked to the board walk.

Vallyk:wanna go on the Faris wheel? Y/N:baby i'm scared of heights. Vallyk:please it will be fun, and we can take pictures. Y/N:wait shouldn't we do that at night they would look cooler. Vallyk:true, ight lets go play some games. Y/N:k.

*we went over to the games.

Y/N:wait i want the giant bear. Vallyk:want me to win it cause i have to hold onto the pull up bar for two mins or more. Y/N:don't hurt your self. Vallyk:i won't you want it? Y/N:yea.

*me and vallyk went over to it and he payed.

Vallyk:shi i'm nervous. Y/N:you can do it. vallyk:*smiles*

*another guy went on the other side then they started, i was watching vallyk's timer and recording him, a few seconds later vallyk was at 1m and 30sec. Y/N:30 more seconds. Vallyk:easy.

*a few seconds later the other guy fell and vallyk made it to 2m and 10secs then he jumped down.

Vallyk:damn. ???:you can get anything back there. Vallyk:igh, baby which one did you want? Y/N: the brown bear.

*he went and got it and i kissed him, he kissed me back then we went to another game.

Y/N:i bet i can beat you in this. vallyk:nope i'mma beat you. Y/N:boy, bett.

*we started the game and had to hit all the lil things that pop up when we were done i ended up losing and he won.

Vallyk:told you lil girl. Y/N:oh hush. Vallyk:😂. Y/N:what is that. Vallyk:foot ball game. Y/N:oh i can't throw a foot ball. Vallyk:😭, yea we know. Y/N:we don't talk about that. Vallyk:no i will forever remember, you threw the ball to kobe and hit his nuts. Y/N:i was 9 leave me alone😭. Vallyk:still, me and jaiden couldn't stop laughing, you were confused and kobe was rolling on the ground. Y/N: shush, he told me to throw it low. Vallyk:yea cause when you threw it high it would go in the air and not to him. Y/N:shut up.

*he laughed and grabbed my hand we walked around and talked.

Vallyk:mamas. Y/N:yea? Vallyk:you hungry? Y/N:kinda. Vallyk:same, what you wanna eat? y/N:what do you wanna eat. Vallyk:idk thats why i asked you. Y/N:😭, pizza? Vallyk:yea, you won't finish the pizza.

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