𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 77🦋

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Aya:aw hell nah. Brooklyn:😭, he's nice he won't bite you.

*i put hand out for him to sniff me, when he did he licked my hand and i petted him.

Y/N:oh you a nice boy. Aya:i swear to god if he bite me we fighting. Brooklyn:😭, he won't.

*aya got off the bed and pet king

. Aya:oh you nice. Live:😭😭, aya was scared for her life😭. Y/N:right she acting like the dog gonna kill her. Aya:you was scared to. Y/N:yea because i'm pregnant dumbass. aya:oh shut up.

*derek requested to join so i added him then set the phone up.

Derek:yall wanna do a all night live? Brooklyn:sure, all i'm gonna say is when yall go to sleep turn yall volume down cause dior gonna cry.

*Brooklyn picked him up and went over to the phone.

Kobe: don't show his face. Brooklyn:why he my son to. Kobe:bae please just don't. Brooklyn:tell me why. Kobe:cause he is lil and I don't want people to see what he look like then try to take him.

Brooklyn:oh, k. Y/N:where vallyk. Derek:in the shower.  Y/N:k. Mike: it's cold in here. Vallyk: DON'T TURN THE DAMN AIR OFF. Mike:why. Vallyk:CAUSE ITS MY APARTMENT. Mike:i'm doing it anyway! Vallyk:bett. Andrew:bro can i connect the speaker? Vallyk:go ahead.

*vallyk walked in the frame shirtless. Y/N:go get dressed.

Vallyk:i am dressed. Maya:my butt hurt. Mike:tmi. Kobe:😭, i miss dior bruh. Brooklyn:yea he don't miss u he want momma. Kobe:😐, 🖕🏻 Y/N:can we FaceTime? Kobe:sure group chat? Y/N:no i'm staying over Brooklyn house. Kobe:ight i'll call u. Y/N:k. Vallyk:i wanna call her. Kobe:no simp.

*i laughed and ended the live and vallyk called me and i answered.

Koeb:you bitch. Vallyk:haha😭. Kobe:bett. Derek:i'm horny. Kobe:.... Mike:and what are we supposed to do about it? Derek:nun, idk why i said it out loud. Vallyk:weirdo.

*they played music then kobe called Brooklyn.

Brooklyn:what dude?

*she sat her phone up then we got the blankets and stuff and put a movie on and layed down, i was in Brooklyn bed cause i'm prego.

Vallyk:mamas i miss u.

*they stopped playing music and turned the tv on and turned the lights off and vallyk layed on the couch and talked to me.

Vallyk:yall so loud. Kobe:play wit us. Vallyk:i don't have a controller. Kobe:use the one y/n got u. Vallyk:bu- fine.

*he got the controller sat the phone up and played with the boys, me and the girls watched a movie then i fell asleep, A few hours later we all encluding the boys fell asleep, it was 3 am for us and 12 am for them.

*a few months later school ended me and the girls graduated and we were all packing to go to vegas because we moving tomorrow, i was on the phone with vallyk.

Vallyk:Babyyyyyy. Y/N:yesssss. Vallyk:you movinnnnn. Y/N:ik i'm so excited i can't wait to see u. Vallyk:same and now ion gotta leave you i can stay wit you forever. Y/N:and we can have baby boy. Vallyk:*smiles* i finished the room. Y/N:can i see? Vallyk:when you get here. Y/N:bubs please. Vallyk:nope when you move you can see it. Y/N:k. Kobe:i get to see my twin tomorrow. Y/N:period. Kobe:i get to see me twinnnnnnn. Y/N:my energy twinnnn.

*me and kobe laughed.

Kobe:hey mamas. Brooklyn:well you happy. Koeb:yes yes i am.

*i scrolled threw insta and saw pictures that the boys posted months ago.

Y/N:aww yall missed us, vallyk looked so sad. Vallyk:huh- oh you looking at the pictures 😭. Y/N:yup, i think kaiden might come early. Vallyk:wym? Y/M:i been feeling contractions. Vallyk:nooo i can't miss the birth. Y/N:you won't, hopefully i will last till vegas. Vallyk:i'm hoping you do. Y/N: same.

*he smiled then i got my cary own and stuffed all my bears vallyk got me in it and zipped it.

Y/N:i hope they don't have to unzip this. Vallyk:😭, i don't think they will make you. Y/N:i'm scared. Vallyk:why? Y/N:cause i saw this video where the guards didn't belive the women was pregnant and made her take her shirt off, then they pushed her stomach in . Vallyk:i swear if they do that to you i'mma be pissed. Y/N:aya and gigi gonna get them. Vallyk:yea i belive it. Y/N:😭.

*i finished packing my stuff then me and vallyk stayed on the phone for the rest of the day, the next day i woke up and vallyk was still on the phone, i got up threw something comfy on, then dad came and got my bags and brought them to the car, when we got to the airport i said bye to mom and dad then i went in side and waited for the girls i put my airpods in and muted myself cause it was loud and i didn't wanna wake him up, when the girls got here they were excited.

Aya:i get to see my babyyyyy. Y/N:😭. Brooklyn:i get to see my baby daddy. Y/N:yall something else. Maya: it's 5 in the morning.... 5 in the morning. Skylar:fax yall hype. Gianna:i'm still sleep.... Aya:yall boring. Brooklyn:right. Y/N:where dior.

*she lifted her sweat shirt and we saw Dior in the baby carrier and he was sleep.

Brooklyn:gotta stay warm and i don't want people seeing him, cause airport people like to steal babies. Y/N:right, what you gonna do with the baby?

*we laughed then went over to security and got our bags check them we went threw the body scanner and Brooklyn waited.

???:ma'am go threw. Brooklyn:do i have to take him out? ???: there's a baby in there? Brooklyn:yea. ???:no he's fine.

*she said ok and went threw then we got our stuff and went threw the rest of security.

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