𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 83🦋

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*Brooklyn laughed and left then vallyk played the music but lower so he could still hear the game, he was sitting on the counter.

Vallyk:ight i'll go live later.

*he ended it then watched the game then Kobe called him.

Vallyk:yo? Kobe:you saw what he did ri. Vallyk:yea he stupid. Kobe:right like why tf would you do that. Y/N:weirdos. Kobe:shut up. Y/N:make me. Kobe: Brooklynnnnnn i'm hungry. Brooklyn:boy i'm about to cook. Kobe:k. Vallyk:i'm getting nachossss. Y/N:😂, can you check on kaiden? vallyk:yea.

*he went in his room and i finished cooking the meat then started chopping some peppers up then vallyk came back with kaiden and sat in the couch, An hour later i was finished cooking and vallyk and kaiden were sleep i took a picture of them then my mom called me.

Mom:he's hereeeee. Y/N:yea. Mom:My phone broke why i didn't answer but he's adorable. Y/N:thankyou, look at them.

*i showed vallyk and kaiden sleep.

Mom:awww, i bet he's happy. Y/N:he is, he's a really good dad. Mom: that's good, hows vegas? Y/N: it's nice the apartment is nice, wanna see kaiden room vallyk decorated it. Mom:yea.

*i went in his room and showed it.

Mom:aww thats cute. Y/N:ikr, he said he didn't know what to do so he did mickey mouse but it's still cute.

*i went back in the  kitchen.

Mom:what you cooking? Y/N:nachos vallyk wanted it. Mom:look at you cooking for ya bf. Y/N:😭, mom. Mom:😂, i'mma let you guys eat, you better call me. Y/N:i will trust me i'll be calling you and dad alot. Mom: ok love you. Y/N:love you too.

*she hung up then vallyk's phone started ringing and he answered it.

Vallyk:*deep voice* hello? V/M:did i wake you up? Vallyk:yea it's fine. V/M:ok congratulations, are you happy? Vallyk:yea he small. Y/N:bae the food is done. Vallyk:k. V/M:anyway i just wanted to say hi and check on you. Vallyk:k, baby his diaper full.

*i came and got kaiden from him and he talked to his mom for a lil then hung up,i changed kaiden then went back in the living room.

Vallyk:this good. Y/N:not you eating out the pan. Vallyk:i'm hungry and it's not like anyone else coming over to eat. Y/N:boy. Vallyk: it's just me and you and we did way more then just kiss  you will be fine. Y/N:your different. Vallyk:ik thats the point duhhh.

*i pushed his head a lil amd he laughed, we both got our food then sat on the couch and watched manifest.

Vallyk:no go back to season one i don't remember shi. Y/N:kk.

*i laid kaiden on the couch sence he was sleep then me and vallyk ate, after we ate i got up and put the food away and cleaned up and started washing the dishes then vallyk came and put his plate in the sink and hugged me from behind.

Vallyk:i love you, food was good. Y/N:i love you to and glad you liked it.

*he smiled and kissed my neck then kaiden started crying and vallyk let go of me and went and got him, then he went and put the chain lock on the door and closed the curtains and locked the balcony door.

Y/N:you got two cribs i didn't even know. Vallyk:yea cause your gonna wanna keep him in the room then when he turns a few months you will put him in his room. Y/N:how you know. Vallyk: cause my mom did it with kenny. Y/N:oh. Vallyk:umm can you bathe him i don't wanna hurt his thingy. Y/N:how- oh i forgot he got the surgery yea i'l bathe him. Vallyk:k i'll finish cleaning up. Y/N:k.

*i took kaiden and he started cleaning up, i went in his room and got his baby tub then i went in bathroom and put the tub in the sink and filled it up, when it was full i got him undressed then put him in the water and he did not like it.

Kaiden:*cries* Y/N: it's ok it's just water.

*i calmed him down then i started bathing him after he was done i got his towel and wrapped him in it then i went in his room and put him on the changing table and got him dressed, After that i sat on the chair in the room and fed him so he would go to sleep, when he was sleep i brought him to me and vallyk room and put him in the crib and put a blanket on him then i went in the bathroom with vallyk and he was shaving his face.

Vallyk:i'm cutting my hair. Y/N:k. Vallyk:see this why i love you, you don't just like me because of my hair. Y/N:ofc not i love you for you, yea your hair is cute but i wouldn't care if you cut it, your choice. Vallyk:k, i love you, i can't wait to Marry you. Y/N:me too.

*he hugged me then we got ready for bed and went to sleep.

*a few months later it was vallyk's 20th birthday, me and vallyk woke up and i layed on him and gave him kisses.

Y/N:happy *kiss* birth *kiss* dayyyyyyy. Vallyk:thankyou baby.

*he kissed me.

Y/N:i can't belive your 20. Vallyk:me ethir and kaiden is already 2 months. Y/N:ik it feels like yesterday. Vallyk:right. Y/N;anyway what you want for breakfast i will make you anything. Vallyk:can i have you? Y/N:i'm on my period and it's heavy. Vallyk:dang it. Y/N: you can have me when i get off my period. Vallyk:k, i'll eat whatever you make me. Y/N:kk. Kaiden:*cries* Vallyk:i'll get him. Y/N:nooo i'll do it. Valkyk:i still gotta be a dad baby. Y/N: fineeee. Vallyk: thank you thou.

*he kissed me and we got up and he got kaiden and i went and started cooking then the group chat called and i put my airpods in.

Aya:we still going out? Y/N:yea. Kobe:i was really about to say beach in fall but i forgot it's still hot here. Aya:duhh dummy. Kobe:shut the fuck up. Aya:😂. Andrew:watch he gonna throw you. Kobe:is jaiden coming? Y/N:no he spending time with nova and ayla. Kobe:k. Angel: does vallyk know? Y/N:nope. Vallyk:who you talking to. Y/N:kobe. Vallyk:k.

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