𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 30🦋

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*he opened his arms and i went and layed in them he then gave me kisses and i smiled.

Vallyk:so for your first time doing it how was it? Y/N: terrible. Vallyk:oh... Y/N:boy i'm joking, it felt good. Vallyk:I made you feel good😏. Y/N: boy. Vallyk:what you liked my dick in you. Y/N:i-. Vallyk:go ahead say you did. Y/N:no i'm not saying it. Vallyk:just say it you know you want to. Y/N:no. Vallyk:yk you did. Y/N:ok ok i did but it hurt. Vallyk:ik i saw it in your face. Y/N:but i did not know you was that big. Vallyk:i am not big. Y/N:vallyk. Vallyk;i'm not look at em he tinnie.

*i got off vallyk and took the covers off him.

Y/N:he's tinny? Vallyk:yurp, no touchy. Y/N:boy i can touch if i want. Vallyk: nope he off duty. Y/N:never wanted him to be on duty

*i started poking it.

Vallyk:stawwp that shii tickles. Y/N:what? this?

*i poked it.


*i didn't stop then he grabbed my hands but i got one hand out his and started tickling him.

Vallyk:Bae! stawwwpppp.

*he started dieing and moving around and i laughed.

Vallyk:stawwp it😭. Y/N: nope.

*he got my other hand then we started play fighting then i smacked him.

Vallyk:uh- bett. Y/N:nooo.

*he went live and set his phone up.

Vallyk:you wnana hit come here.

*he junped on the bed and stood up on it and i gently kicked him in his nuts.


*He laughed then he fell on the bed then he tackled me and we started play fighting again.

Vallyk:yea stay there. Y/N:boy move. vallyk:not.

*i grabbed his nipple then his grabbed my boob.

Y/N:ow ok. Vallyk:let go of my nipple.

*I let go then he let go and got off me and got his phone and layed next to me.


*he gave me his phone then he sat on me in riding position.

Y/N:yea vallyk ride me. Vallyk:lil girl.

*he grabbed my boobs and started playing with them.

Y/N:what is wrong with you,guys look at him.

*i flipped the camera.

Vallyk:stawwp. Live: vallyk 😭,😭😭😭, valkyk is different 😂.

*then he buried his face in them and i flipped the camera back to my face.

Vallyk:i'mma act like you. Y/N:hu-. Vallyk:uhhh vallyk your in my stomachhhhh. Y/N:😐. Vallyk:BABY MY STOMACH FEELS WEIRD!

Y/N:two can play that game.

*i got up and set the phone up and he watched me.

Y/N:*groans* maaa i'm gonna nut, fuck your beautiful, AUHHHHHHH! Vallyk:wow. Y/N:ye-

*he tackled me.

Vallyk:yea nothing. Y/N:aye you did it first.

*We laughed then vallyk kissed me then got off me.

vallyk:guys y/n won't call me bab-

*i smacked his butt.

Vallyk:you must like getting beat up. Y/N:oh hush.

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