𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 56🦋

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Y/N:i miss u...  *i cried in the hoodie then dad walked in and sat at the edge of my bed and rubbed my back . Dad: it's ok, you will see him soon ok. Y/N:i miss him. Dad:come here. *i went to him and hugged me and kissed my forehead. Dad: it's ok, call him tonight ok. Y/N:k. Dad:ok i'mma give you your space, want anything? Y/N:chick fil a. Dad:😂, ok i will ask your mom to get some on her way home. Y/N:k. *he rubbed my back then left and closed my door and i layed back down amd scrolled threw tik tok, like 4 hours later mom brought me my food and i was eating on my bed and scrolling threw tik tok in the dark, then kobe's tik tok came on my fyp, it was him amd derek do stupid stuff i laughed then kept scrolling then vallyk texted me.

The TikTok


*He face timed me, i went in the bathroom and turned my light on

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*He face timed me, i went in the bathroom and turned my light on.

Vallyk:where you get that from. Y/N:You left it her.

*We laughed*

Vallyk:oh, wyd? Y/N:nun bored, upset hungry. Vallyk:go eat. Y/N:my food is on my bed. Vallyk:go eat, i'm going to the store.

*chanel came in my room, i picked her up.

Y/N:you can be my cuddle buddy tonight. Vallyk:damn, i'm here by my self. Kobe:so what are we. Vallyk:yall don't live here, this my apartment yall live next door.

*Angel laughed.

Kobe: someone's in a better mood. Vallyk: weren't you just crying? Kobe:shut up.

*Derek laughed.

. Andrew:you was crying thou. Y/N:yall different,angel lucky he got to drop out. Angel: technically i graduated cause i got held back for no damn reason.

Kobe:bad ass lil boy. Y/N:kobe your bad as well. Kobe:shut up, i saw ayla. Y/N:is she tinny? Kobe:yea, jaiden said she was only 5 pounds when she was born. Y/N: that's small. Kobe:i mean she was born a month early. Y/N:oh, i was early. Kobe:yea that's why your tinny. Y/N:shut up. Vallyk:leave my baby alone. Kobe:clingy ass. Vallyk:finna be in ya ass in a min. Derek:nigga wha. Kobe:pause, straight up pause- nah I'm playin come do it. Vallyk:woah! It was a joke nigga.

*Angel laughed.

Andrew:vallyk. Mike:the fuck did i just hear, you finna be in his ass yea normally derek sus. Derek:bitch-. Vallyk:i'm joking, but he just said do it. Kobe:Nah do that to Derek. Derek:nah i'mma do that to you, come here daddy. Kobe:fuck n- AHHH BITCH MOVE! HE TRYING TO FUCK MEEEE, RAPEEEEE!

*I laughed, vallyk just stared at them.

Kobe:*moans* nigga if you want a nigga dick just say that I'll give it to you for free Derek:igh lest go in the room. Kobe:bett.

*vallyk flipped the camera and i watched them walk into the room and shut the door then he flipped the camera back.

Vallyk:😮. Angel:no they didn't. Mike: vallyk face is killing me.

*they started banging on the door and moaning.

Kobe:*Groans* Derek:AHHHHH! Andrew: damn without me. Vallyk:tf-

*vallyk flipped the camera and they came out the room, kobe didn't have a shirt on and Derek's pants were saging.

Y/N:boi what the hell.... Vallyk: what she said, wtf did yall just do.

Kobe:i stuck it in and pounded his shi, nah i'm playin. Mien:yea i'mma go back over here. Vallyk:bitch i'm st- shi save me. Y/N:well you all the way across the world so good luck. Vallyk:i gotta deal with this for a year bruh.

*I laughed.

Kobe:you next. Vallyk:yea no, i'm going to the store. Angel:wait the girls said call the group chat. Vallyk:yall can i'm staying on the phone with y/n. Angel:k.

*vallyk went and got in his car.

Vallyk:igh, what should i eat. Y/N:idk...🥺. Vallyk:mamas noooo don't cry you were just laughing. Y/N:i miss u. Vallyk:same, but you gonna make me cry. Y/N:vally i miss u.

*i started crying again then he looked away and broke down, we were both crying on the phone for a good 20-30 mins.

Y/N:i'm sorry. Vallyk:no it's fine it's not your fault. Y/N:i sat on the floor and sat the phone up, I put the hood on my head and hugged chanel.

*i looked at the phone and vallyk's eyes were pink and he had tears on his face, he started driving, when he got to the place he ordered then went to the window, a girl started talking to him, i didn't care cause he would never cheat on me.

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