𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 49🦋

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Y/N:you wanna stay on live i can answer it on my phone. Vallyk:igh.

*i answered.

Kobe:nigga who called. Y/N: kobe you was sleep? Kobe:yea. Jaiden: bro i forgot i was in here. Angel:derek you called it didn't you. Derek:huh no i didn't i was about to fall asleep. Gio:i did. Y/N:why. Gio:cause. Aya:what bitches. Kobe:😑. Andrew:baby calm down. Aya:no they calling me late asf what yall want. Gio:are any of you guys live? Vallyk:yea me. Gio:end it.

*he ended it.

Gio:ight, um i might break up with skylar. Kobe:bro why. Gio:cause i like someone else. Angel:your gonna break her heart. Gio:she will live.

*kobe,derek,angel,aya, andrew and me left.

Vallyk:damn. Y/N:wha. Vallyk:you just left. Y/N:yea cause skylar is gonna be broken. Vallyk:ik thats sad.


*i looked at him.

Vallyk:wha- no i would never do that to you.

*he hugged me and kissed me.

Y/N:you sure? Vallyk:yes i fucking love you, if we were to break up and get with different people i wouldn't be happy, and i wouldn't like seeing you with another man. Y/N:did you get jelly when i dated Elijah. Vallyk:ok we don't talk about tha- Y/N:did you? Vallyk: yes. Y/N:awww bestie was jelly Vallyk:🖕🏼. Y/N:yea you already did that. Vallyk:girl.

*he went live again then i smacked him and he acted dramatic and threw himself back and the seat went back.

Y/N:dramatic behind, i sat on him in riding position. Vallyk:AHHH SHE TRYNA FUCK ME!! Y/N:yeaaaa come here daddy. Vallyk:*screams* Liev:wt-, yall are a mess. Vallyk:moveeeee Y/N: nope, gitty up horsey.

*i started moving back and forth and waving my arm.

Vallyk:*groans* nvm don't stop.

*i got off him.

Vallyk:yo. Live:😭.  Vallyk:well fuck you. Y/N:you did that like 3 hours a- Valkyk:AH, they don't need to know all that. Y/N:i'm prego. Vallyk:😳, you said you was on the pill. Y/N: damn why you get so scared.

Vallyk:cause ykw. Y/N:oh.

*we talked to the live for a lil then vallyk got clingy witch ment he was tired and wanted to cuddle.

Vallyk:babeee. Y/N:ik your tired and wanna cuddle. Vallyk:damn you know me. Y/N: it's been 16 years sence i've known you. Vallyk:😂, i can't wait to start a damn family with you. Y/N:same are kids finna be cute. Vallyk:yea cause they got you as their mom. Y/N:no because they have you as their dad. Live:when are yall planning on having kids? Vallyk:after school is done, not right after but when we not in school. Live:will yall stop doing social media? Vallyk:ok heres the thing, we might take a break from tik tok, but i wanna start a YouTube family channel. Y/n:we can do that. Vallyk:ight so we gonna do a YouTube family chanel.

Y/N:i'mma get stretched out. Vallyk:yea but it will be worth it. Y/N:true.

*we laughed then ended the live and went back to my house and went to sleep.

*1 year later, gio and skylar broke up but everyone else is still together, me and vallyk woke up for school well only i had school seniors had to get ready for prom and stuff.

Vallyk: babe can you go to prom with me? Y/N:am i aloud to go? Vallyk:yea i can bring a guest. Y/N:ok i gotta get ready for class. Vallyk:k love you. Y/N:love you too.

*we kissed then i went and got in the shower then vallyk got in with me when we were both done we got dressed and went downstairs.

Kobe: finally yall are ready. Y/N:shut up. Kobe:make me. Brooklyn:she is gonna make you. Kobe:😐
*we left, i drove sence i can drive now.

Vallyk: don't kill us now. Kobe:shii yall finna die not me.

*we looked at him and he had two seatbelts on him.

Vallyk:😭. Brooklyn: dramatic ass. Y/N:😭.

*we got to school and went inside, when we got inside derek jumped on me.

Y/N:ow. Derek:hey. Y/N:why you being so nice. Derek:cause we are moving soon and i am gonna miss u. Y/N:oh i'mma miss u too. Gianna:she stole my bf. Derek:girl shush you said you was mad at me. Gianna:fine. Derek:noooo.

*derek got down  and went to gigi and hugged her from behind but gigi tried to get away.

Derek:stopppp i want you. Y/N: weirdos. Aya:ri. Gianna:he the weirdo. Derek:baeee I'm sowy don't leave me. Gianna:awww. Brooklyn:i want a baby. Kobe:fr?!?! can we have one?!?! pleaseeeeeee. Brooklyn:when we get married. Kobe:thats to longggg. Brooklyn:thats up to you. Kobe:you mean. Brooklyn:ho-

*the bell rung and we all went to class.

*When me,angel, Brooklyn,aya and gigi got to class we sat in the back.

Teacher:yall not going to prom with the boys? Y/N:they don't know if we can go. Teacher:oh ok. Angel:i'm not going ethir way. Y/N:why? Angel:i don't have a gf. Brooklyn:and just go and have a good time, next year i'm not going. Y/N:same i have a feeling i'mma be pregnant. Gianna:y/n-. Aya: girl your 17. Y/N:ik but still.

*the teacher laughed then we got to talk sence it was the end of the year.

Angel:whats yall future looking like? Aya:moving to la. Y/N:you not going to vegas? Aya:no andrew wanted to go to la. Brooklyn:oh we will miss u. Aya:same i will come and visit. Y/N:anyway, i'm moving in with vallyk in vegas, we are gonna try for a baby, and start our family and the rest is up to him cause idk when he proposing. Gianna:knowing vallyk it will be soon.

*we laughed then kobe,vallyk, Derek and andrew came to the room.

Vallyk:mamas. Y/N:hm? Vallyk:come on. Kobe: Brooklyn gigi and aya come on. Y/N:all of us. Derek:yea yall can go to prom wit us. Andrew:aya don't look at me like that . Aya:😏.

*we laughed then go our stuff said bye to angel but..

Derek:come on angel. Angel:why. Derek:your going we not leaving you out. Angel:🙄.

*he got his stuff then we left and went to the mall (btw we had got mike maya and skylar, gio was acting different so we didn't invite him.

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