𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 100🦋

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Y/N:he just gave up😭. Brooklyn:😭. Gianna:he know hpw to talk for a one year old. Y/N:ik its still off but he's one. Vallyk:get readyyyyyy i wanna grip sum.

*i rolled my eyes then went in the bathroom and got ready and so did everyone else when we were all ready we went and met the boys at the beach when we got there vallyk walked up to me and gripped my butt.

Vallyk:hey baby. Y/N:boy. Vallyk:what.

*I laughed then went live and vallyk didn't  know cause he was to busy trying to give me a hickey.

Y/N:aye ion need no dark spots before the wedding. Vallyk:*smiles*

*he started rubbing my stomach.

Vallyk:can i see the dress. Y/N:nope you can see it when i walk down the ile. Vallyk:noo your gonna make cry. Y/N:then i'm gonna cry.

  *vallyk kissed me then we made out and i ended the live.

Kobe:YO WE ARE LIVE DAMN! Vallyk:stfu.

*vallyk grabbed my face and looked me in my eyes.

Vallyk:i love you. Y/N:i love you too.

*he smiled and kissed me again and then we walked down to the water.

Vallyk:look a peacock. Y/N:nigga that's a flamingo. Vallyk: that's what i said. Y/N:you said a peacock 😭. Vallyk:i did😭. Y/N:yea😭.

*we looked at each other and laughed.

Vallyk:i wanna touch it. Y/N:go ahead.

*i started recording him and he walked up to the flamingo and touched it and that thing got mad and started chasing him.

Vallyk:*screams* YO CHILL! V/M:vallyk what did you do.

*i started crying laughing then i went back up to the group.

Kobe:i turn my head for 2 mins and then he getting chased by a fuckin ostrich. Derek:you mean flamingo ri? Kobe: same thing it's still a damn bird. Dior:dada look. Kobe:what you make? Dior: castle. Kobe:good job. Dior: kaiden make to. Kaiden:😐. Y/N:kaiden why you look at him like that. Kobe:right😭. Vallyk:god damn- thing is annoying. Y/N:you decide to touch it. Vallyk:you said go ahead. Y/N:😭, i though they was nice. Vallyk:no.

*vallyk sat down and i sat on his lap.

Dad:yall better go enjoy company cuse tomorrow yall can't see each other. Vallyk:ight come on, kaiden. kaiden:yea. Vallyk: come on. Kaiden:no gandma.... V/M:he can stay with us. Vallyk:ight.

*vallyk lightly pushed me and ran and i chased him.

Y/N:get back here. Vallyk:nah. Y/N:boy i'm a month pregnant i can't be running everywhere. Vallyk:ight come here.

*he stopped and i went to him and he put his arm around me and we walked around then went to the board walk.

Vallyk:wanna make some memories on this board walk? Y/N:yea.

*he smiled then we walked around and played some games then we took pictures in the same poses as the last time we went on a board walk.

Y/N:yk what's funny. Vallyk:wha? Y/N:the last time we went on a board walk i was pregnant and now i'm pregnant again. Vallyk:😭, almost a two year difference. Y/N:yup kaiden turns two next year.....dang. Vallyk:he getting older i remember when he was just born. Y/N:yea same, i hope we have a girl. Vallyk: same baby Niya or should we name her something else. Y/N:Niya is cute or we can do ari. Vallyk: i like ari better the middle name stil faith, ari faith pena. Y/N:dang kaiden got your last name before me. Vallyk:yea but you about to get it. Y/N:ik i'm nervous. Vallyk:same. Y/N:if i see you cry i'mma start crying. Vallyk:😭. Y/N:i have a hair and make up salon happening. Vallyk:😭, bruh ya dad said he fixing me up. Y/N:well he see you as a son so. Vallyk:yea son in law. Y/N:😭.

*we walked around some more and talked then we went back to the group and kaiden crawled to vallyk and he was crying.

Vallyk:whats wrong? Kaiden:he throw sand me. Ayla:dior threw sand at us. Kobe:i'm not doing this today, dior stop. Dior:sowy. Brooklyn:you can't throw sand ok. Dior:k...

*vallyk calmed kaiden down then we packed up and went back to the hotel.

Vallyk:nah you not leaving yet. Mom:you guys have till 12. Vallyk:k all i need, we can't be on the phone? Mom:you can't see eachother so no face time. Vallyk:k.

*everyone went in there room, me and vallyk hung out then went in the boys room. Kobe:why you in here. Y/N:gotta problem. Jaiden:no, i want my lil sister.

*jaiden hugged me and i hugged him back.

Derek:mike move. Mike:i was in here first tf. Derek:idgaf i have to pee. Dad:🤦🏽. Y/N:yea have fun with them.

*me and valkyk laid on his bed and made out.

Kobe:they came in here to fuck. Vallyk:no i can't kiss my wife? Kobe:she not ya wife yet. Vallyk:still.

*he poked his lips out and i kissed him and we made out again then he grabbed my butt and the kiss got heated but i pulled away.

Vallyk:mamas ..

Y/N:they are here. Kobe:yea vallyk. Jaiden:he gonna beat ya ass. Vallyk:i wanna cuddle.

*i layed down and he layed on me.

Andrew:yall wanna go to a party tomorrow? Angel:bett. Vallyk:yall are funny. Andrew:the girls going. Y/N:yall are funny. Kobe:yall can go just don't be near each other. Derek:😭. Y/N:yall are mean. Kobe:and what are you. Jaiden:nice. Kobe:bruh. Y/N:thankyou. Vallyk:nah you mean, you be hitting me. Y/N: when's the last time i hit you? Vallyk:uh on the plane. Y/N:i was sleep. Vallyk:yea you hit me in your sleep. Dad:y/n you got 30 mins. Kobe: yea then get out. Derek:😭. angel:ik exactly what i'mma say on mic. Kobe:wha? Angel:the time we scared vallyk and he almost fell in the urinal. Vallyk:bro i was using the bathroom and yall came out of no where and scared the shit outta me.

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