𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 6🦋

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Y/N:but then when i don't spend time with yall, you guys get mad.
Kobe:shut up and cook.
Y/N:you cook.
Kobe:idk how to cook i know how to cook some damn eggs.
Y/N:mom needs to teach you.
Kobe:why not like i'mma have kids or a gf.
Y/N:wanna make a bett?
Kobe:sure what is it?
Y/N:if me or you get a boyfriend or girlfriend in the next year we owe eachother 20 dollars. Kobe:bett mine as well gimme my money now.
Y/N:no boy cause i'm not dating no time soon. Kobe:yea ok.

*jaiden laughed.

Mom:jaiden should do it to. Jakden:i can't i'm already talking-

*someone called him and he answered and set the phone up.

???:hi jaiden.
Jaiden:hey what you doin?
???:nun bored what you doin?

Jaiden: helping my mom and sister cook. Koeb:who that.

*he took the phone.

Kobe:yo. Jaiden:bro. Kobe:i don't want her. She's cute but but ion want her......what's her name thou?
Jaiden:stop flirting wit her.
Kobe:bruh if i ain't know her name i would've called her lil girl or it nah i'm playing.
Nova:your kobe ri?
Nova:then who are you.
Kobe:breeezo, nah i'm playing yea i'm kobe. Nova:play to much.
Kobe:nah I'm just not boring like the rest of you.

*She laughed*

Jaiden:can i get my phone back.
Kobe:no go cook.

*jaiden rolled his eyss then we finished cooking.

Kobe:i gotta peeeee.
Nova: don't need to know that.
Kobe:now you comin with me.

*kobe ran upstairs and jaiden chased him.

*kobe's pov*
*i ran to my bathroom and locked the door.

Kobe: ight now you be quiet and let me use the bathroom.

*i put the phone on the sink then was about to use the bathroom but Jaiden burst in the door.

Jaiden:your fucking annoying.

*i looked at him.

Kobe:bro she's looking at the ceiling dick head.
*I laughed*

Jaiden: it's not funny.
Kobe:take ya girl friend
Jaiden:fuck you.
Kobe:come here, ass up face down hands behind ya back.
Jaiden:fuckin freak.

*I laughed*

Kobe:igh for real get out i have to pee.

*he set the phone up and talked to nova then I just went, When I finished I attacked him then i went back and flushed the toilet and washed my hands then he smack my butt.


*Jaiden ran downstairs and i chased him.

Jaiden:yea kobe.
Kobe:momma he smacked my ass.
Mom:Jaiden spank him for me.
Kobe:wait what- NO

*jaiden set his phone up then tackled me onto the couch then we started wrestling.

Jaiden:you the one in a head lock.

*then he tickled me.

Kobe:*screams* JAIDEN ST-OP😭😭.

*he kept tickling me and i tried to get out but my pants started falling down.

Kobe:bruh my pant-

*I started dying laughing

Jaiden:yea how it feel.
Mom:what the hell.
Y/N:i wanna help.
Jaiden:get kobe.

*she started tickling me, i started wheezing.


*Y/n started laughing really hard*

Nova:yall are a mess.
Kobe:bro please my pants.
Jaiden:my bad.

*he let go of me and i fixed my pants and caught my breath.

Kobe:bruh y/n now scratched me with her long ass cat nails.

*Jaiden laughed and y/n squinted her eyes at me.

Kobe:like them things feel like knifes going down my skin damn.
Y/N:so dramatic.
Kobe:shut up.
Mom:go eat.
Kobe:k, bye my nigga.
Nova:boy bye.
Kobe:damn i thought you was my bro.
Nova:yea sure i guess.
Kobe:ya girl mean.
Nova:i'm joking you are.

*She laughed*

Kobe:yea ok.
Jaiden:you like her don't you.
Kobe:she cool.
Jaiden:igh she mine.
Nova:boy i'm no ones.
Nova:nooo i'm joking, can i come over? Jaiden:yea,i'll text you when to come over. Nova:k.
Mom:ok yall have food, put the food away when yall are done eating i have to go to work don't destroy my house if friends come over.

Jaiden:we won't.

*she laughed.

*Y/N's pov*
*when mom left jaiden hung up then we all ate.

Kobe:can we have a movie night.
Jaiden:yea tell ya friends to come over.

*kobe called the group chat then me and Jaiden's phone's rung but we didn't answer then i cleaned up. i went in my room and joined the call.

Kobe:ewww y/n.
Y/N:shut up.
Vallyk:anyway what do you want?
Kobe:can yall come over for a movie night. Gio:you look like your about to fall asleep. Kobe:no i'm stuffed i ate to much.
Derek:nobody told you to eat so much.
Koeb:shut up.
Kobe:shut up.
Jaiden:why you so mean to aya what she do.

*He laughed*

Kobe:i'm playing wassup.
Aya:damn you're mean.
Derek:why you laughing.
Gianna: cause it was funny.
Y/N:are yall coming over or not.
Kobe:demon time.

*the leds went red.

Jaiden:bro no purple.
Kobe:oh my god. we doin blue idc.
Y/N:yea kobe purple.

*i changed it from my phone.


*he left the call then everyone said they were coming over so i said ok and left the call, I went downstairs and sat next to kobe.

Jaiden:oh no.

*i went and hugged jaiden, the he called nova.

Jaiden: nova.
Nova:yea, and hi y/n.
Jaiden:come over everyone coming we watching a movie.
Nova: k lemme change into something comfy. Jaiden:k.

*she set the phone up then moved out the camera.

Jaiden:whyyyy you keep doin that.
Nova:doin what?
Jaiden:i wanna see you.

Nova:boy i'm changing.
Jaiden:i change in front of you.
Nova:ugh fine.
Jaiden:yay! i get to see ass.
Nova:shut ya horny ass up.

*He laughed*


*Kobe started staring at the phone.

Kobe:igh i'm sorry that caught my eye.
Jaiden:you like him?
Nova:no i like you.
Kobe:i don't want ya girl friend.
Jaiden: she's not my gf.
Kobe:so she single???

*Kobe laughed*

*there was a knock at the door, I went in the kitchen and sat on the counter. kobe opened the door, it was derek, vallyk and mike.


*i opened my arms for him while smiling, he smiled then came over to me and spreaded my legs since then hugged me.

Nova:aww are they dating.

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