𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 96🦋

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Mike: Kobe love you. Kobe:😐. Andrew:yk you do you went quite.

*derek hugged him.

Kobe:😐. Derek:hug me back or i'ma suck ya dick. kobe:shi do it. Derek:😮. Kobe:yup keep ya mouth just like that and get on ya knees. Vallyk:nigga wha? Angel:did i here that shi ri? Andrew:😭😭. Derek:this nigga sus.

*we laughed then i started vaping and then out of no where derek and kobe started play fighting.

Kobe:BRO! leave my ass alone. Derek:leave my nuts. vallyk:i-.

*y/n called me.

Vallyk:hello? Y/N:where you go? Vallyk: outside wit the boys. Y/N:my legs hurt. Vallyk:wyd? Y/N:nun i wanna take a shower. Vallyk:can you stand? Y/N:yea.... they just hurt can you cuddle me? Vallyk:yea i'll be up in a few minutes k? Y/N:k.

*i hung up.

*i got up and took a shower, when i was done i changed the sheats and layed down then my hand got really ichy and it was the one that had the ring on it, i took the ring off and i was breaking out i put the ring back on anyway then layed down, a few minutes later vallyk walked in and took his sweat shirt off and layed next to me.

Vallyk:you ok? Y/N:yea...

*he smiled and kissed my head then cuddled me and held my hand then looked at my hand.

Vallyk:what happened? Y/N:idk.

*he took the ring off.

Vallyk:the ring breaking you out? Y/N:yea i'll still wear it. Vallyk:no ill get you a different one. Y/N:but i like this one. Vallyk:same but you can come with me and we can get you another ring. Y/N:k...

*he kissed me and got up,he put the ring back in the box then came back an then layed back down.

Vallyk:now whats wrong? Y/N:my stomach Vallyk:ik for a fact i didn't nut in you. Y/N: period cramps.

*i got up and put a pad on just in case then layed down.

Vallyk:aww i feel bad. Y/N:its not your fault. Vallyk:yea but they seem painful. Y/N:they are.

*i layed on my side and he pulled me to him and put his hand where it hurt and put a lil pressure, i turned the light off and we both went to sleep.

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