𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 99🦋

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*I turned the light off and went to sleep, a few weeks later it was time to go to aruba, my mom and vallyk's mom were in vegas wit us, anyway my alarm went off and i got up.

Y/N:baby come on*yawns* Vallyk:hm? Y/M:we gotta go. Vallyk:ight...

*vallyk got up and stretched then we put something comfy on and i went and got kaiden, i didn't wake him up i just put pants on him and a t-shirt and a zip up so he wouldn't be cold then vallyk got the suit cases.

Mom:look at the bride and groom. Vallyk:*smiles* Y/N:i'm nervous. Vallyk:*deep voice* same.

*i took my sweat shirt off and put the carrier on then vallyk helped me strap kaiden in then i put my sweat shirt back on and he went back to sleep.

V/M:aww adorable. Dad:how can yall talk this early. Vallyk:right having a whole conversation. Mom:boy hush. V/M: exactly. Vallyk:😭.

*vallyk brought the bags to the car then i went out the apartment and kobe walked out.

Kobe: it's cold. Mom:boy go put a shirt on.

*jaiden walked up the steps.


*they dabbed up.

Y/N:i'm getting married. Vallyk: it's cold asf damn. Kobe:ri. Jaiden:go put a shirt on😭.

*derek walked out with a hood on.

Y/N:derek. Derek:hm? Gianna:derek i'm sorry. Derek:i said it's fine. Gianna:no i feel bad. Jaiden:i'm confused. Gianna:he scared me and i accidentally punched him. Derek:it hurt but it's fine. Gianna:no you were crying. Derek:yea it hurt but i'm not mad at you. Aya:bitch come here, cause you growing up to damn fast. Y/N:😭, oh mom dad. Dad:yea. Vallyk:*yawns* what happened? Y/N:you alrrady know. Vallyk:k? Y/N:i'm pregnant. Jaiden:fr?!. Y/N:yea. Mom: congratulations. Dad:damn the baby is getting older. Mom:ik🥺. Y/N:mom don't cryyy. Mom:your getting so old on me. Y/N:😭.

*she hugged me and dad kissed my forehead then we all got in the car we had a big enough car for all of us but jaiden took his car and angel and skylar went with him.

Vallyk:can you pull over real quick.

*dad pulled over and vallyk got out.

Y/N:where you going. Vallyk:i have to pee. Y/N:boy. Vallyk: hush. Kobe:mine as well go.

*Kobe and vallyk ran over to trees then a min later vallyk came back.

Vallyk:igh i'm better now. Mom: BOY HURRY UP.  Kobe:bro i just woke up it aint gonna come out that quick!

*mom laughed and dad laughed.

Dad: it's true thou.

*two minutes later kobe came back and got in the car and shut the door.

Andrew:ya nasty. Kobe:shut up. Andrew:you aint wash ya hands. Kobe:nigga where was i supposed to wash my hands. Andrew:ion know. Aya:😭😭. Gianna:noooo help. Derek:what. Gianna:my boobs hurt. Y/N:😭😭. Aya:well someone's turned on. Derek:😭. Vallyk:how you get turned on in the damn car. Aya:why not. Gianna:right. Vallyk:fuck you and you. Aya:damn you really trynna have a three sum. Vallyk:😐. Derek:😭. V/M: something is wrong with yall. Kaiden:butt. Kobe:hu-. Dior:cheek.

Brooklyn:I'm done. Kobe:they having the same dream or sum. Dior:KAIDEN MOVE! Kaiden:*cries* Y/N:shhh it's ok. Kobe:umm go back to being sperm. Brooklyn: really. Kobe:yea you ate my other kids. Brooklyn:boy- Derek:so did gigi. Andrew:look at that, so technically they in ya stomach so you pregnant. Aya:mean. Vallyk:my hair getting long. Kobe: didn't you cut it😭. Vallyk:yea this bitch now grew back. Kobe:i wanna tattoo, i want my skeleton hand and some other shi then i want Brooklyn name in two places. Brooklyn:where? Kobe:v line and chest. Brooklyn:😭. Kobe:what? see i was gonan get dior name but he a bully.

*dior hit him.

Kobe:*groans* why there bro. Vallyk:ya son got beef wit you. Dad:kobe did the same thing. Mom:yea you would beat dad up all the time. Kobe:no i didn- shii his punches hurt. Y/N:i remember the time Kobe and vallyk used my exercise band and put it on there foot and it hurt them. kobe:yo that shit hurt bruh. Vallyk:right.

*i laughed then we all got to the air port and went in.

Jaiden:ayla come here.

*Ayla went to jaiden and jaiden picked her up.

Kaiden:i got bear. Y/N: don't lose it. Kaiden:k. Dior:i see. Kobe:no leave his bear. Dior:aww i wanna see it.

*we got to security and we all went threw but the boys.

Security:any weapons? Vallyk:nah i gotta vape and my phone. Kobe:same.

*they went threw and got passed. Derek:why they pull us back.

Andrew:right. Gianna:cause y'all look scary. Vallyk:bro how this baby ass face look scary? Y/N:😭

*We went threw the rest of security then got on the plane, we sat in our seats.

Vallyk:my head hurt. Y/N:go to sleep. Vallyk:no who behind me. Y/N:kobe. Vallyk:😏.

*he put his seat back.

Kobe:nigga. Vallyk:😭. Kobe:bro. Vallyk:😭. Kobe:fuck you.. Brooklyn:oh hush. Kobe:😐.

*we all laughed, a few hours later the plane landed and we went threw security then went to where we were supposed to stay, the boys got one area and the girls got the other the kids stayed wit us.

Mom:yk you and vallyk only got today to see each other. Y/N:ik...

*vallyk called me.

Vallyk:mamas i miss u... Y/N:same. Dad:clingy much. Kobe: i can still see Brooklyn so good luck. Vallyk:haha funny. Y/N: can we go to the beach? Vallyk:ye-

*someone threw something at vallyk.

Vallyk:BITCH! Kobe:pussy. Vallyk:Get your brother. Jaiden: omg. Y/N:yea i'm good jaiden can handle him. Ayla:i see daddy. Nova:bae she want you. Jaiden:ight, i'm coming. Vallyk:no you not you still layi- OW! Kobe:yea keep talking back. Vallyk:you know what- bett. Kobe:no i'm joking gimme my vape, bruh i need that gimme. Valyk:nope mine. Y/N:yall are a mess. V/M:😭. Mom:just now figuring that out. Y/N:nope knew that ever sence i mett them.

*jaiden walked in.

Y/N:how y- Jaiden:lock the door next time, come on ayla. Ayla:bye weirdos.

*jaiden started dieing and they left.

Y/N:uh. Aya;well damn. Kaiden:aya say word. Y/N:yea she be bad. Aya:kai kia i though i was your favorite. Kaiden:you are, but say word. Aya:ok i won't say it again. Kaiden:k. Dior: kaiden wanna play car? Kaiden:*giggles*.

*he tried to walk but fell so he just crawled.

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