𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 103🦋

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*i acted like i was gonna toss it then i looked at derek and went and gave the flowers to gigi.

Gianna:huh? Y/N:turn around.

*she turned around and derek was on his knees.

Gianna:your joking🥺.

*she started crying.

Derek:will you marry me? Gianna:yes yes i will🥺.

*he put the ring on her finger and the crowd cheered and they kissed.

Kobe:bro stop i'mma cry. Vallyk:see told you she would say yes she loves you. Mom:awww, sharing your wedding with one of your best friends.

*i smiled then andrew came over and hugged me.

Andrew:congrats lil sis.

*he let go of me and dabbed up vallyk.

Andrew:congrats bro. Vallyk: thanks.

*music played and we all danced and had a good time, after a few hours me and vallyk said bye to kaiden cause he was going to Kentucky with mom then me and vallyk got in the limo, all of our stuff was in the limo already.

Vallyk:aruba for a week. Y/N: it's beautiful here. ???:how are you liking my country so far? Y/N: it's beautiful the water is so clear. Vallyk:yea it's nice but them flamingos don't play. ???:😭, yea don't mess with them around this time they layed eggs. Vallyk:oh that's why the damn bird chased me. ???:yea they will chase you.

*i laughed then before we closed the door kaiden came to me.

Kaiden:mama i come. Y/N:no baby you have to stary grandma. Kaiden:aww🥺 pwease🥺. Vallyk:kai kai we will see you soon ok? Kaiden:*cries*

*i picked him up and gave him kisses.

Vallyk:wanna take him? Y/N:we won't be able to go to parties. Vallyk:igh true V/M: come on kai kai, momma and dada see you soon. Kaiden:k🥺 bye bye. Vallyk:aww, bye.

*he waved then they shut the door and i heard kaiden's cry get farther from the car then we drove off.

Y/N:awww🥺. Vallyk: don't cry we see him soon ok? Y/N:ok. ???:i'm gonna give you guys yall privacy the seats will go back and yall do what ever but when i put the window up i can't see or hear anything. Y/N:ok.

*he put the window up and the seats went back then vallyk smirked and we dis it then put our clothes back on and went to sleep, a few hours later the driver woke us up and told us we were here, we got up and got our bags and when we walked in people cheered and we smiled and got our room key and went to our room, when we got to our room we took a shower and changed.

Vallyk:alone time. Y/N:😭, aruba is so beautiful. Vallyk:ik, we need to come here again.

*he hugged me from behind and i smiled, we took pictures on the balcony and posted them on Instagram, we also Posted pictures from the wedding on Instagram.

Vallyk:damn i married my best friend. Y/N:😭, and i married mine. Vallyk:😭.

*he kissed my neck.

Vallyk:we been threw ups and downs and got threw it. Y/N:yup and Elijah is getting a death penalty. Vallyk:shii that's on him.

*i laughed then kissed him and we made out.

Vallyk:wanna do it on the balcony. Y/N:they can see us. Vallyk:ight lets take it in side.

*i laughed and we went inside, and vallyk pushed me on the bed and started kissing me.

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