𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 74🦋

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Y/N:we can get one slice and ask them to cut it in half, sense they are huge. Vallyk:ight..

*we went over to the pizza spot.

Y/N: damn it's huge, I thought when you ment huge they were like bigger then your hand, this shit bigger this my head. Vallyk:😭 i told you, want plain? or pepperoni? Y/N: don't matter. Vallyk:ight.

*vallyk ordered it then we got it and sat down and cut it in half.

Y/N:ok but this pizza is fire. Vallyk:Not kobe's word. Y/N:😭.

*we finished and threw our trash away and finished our drinks and threw the cups away.

Y/N:i have to pee. Vallyk:the bathroom over there. Y/N:come with me. Vallyk:i can't go in the women bathroom. Y/N:i don't wanna go alone. Vallyk:i'll wait by the bathroom. Y/N:k.

*we went over to the bathroom and i gave him the bear and he held it while i went to the bathroom, when i was done i washed my hands and went outside, he wasn't there then he came out the men bathroom.

Vallyk:my bad i had to pee. Y/N: i figured. Vallyk:😂.

*i took the bear then we did a few more games then we wanted to take a picture, we asked someone to take the picture for us and they did we took five pictures.

Vallyk:thanyou. ???:your welcome. ???:wait mom, you took pictures for vallyk pena!!. ???:i guess. ???:omg hi. Vallyk: wassup 😂. ???:hi y/n, i hope your baby is healthy and safe when he is born. Y/N:aww thankyou. Vallyk:whats ya name? ???: Kaylie. Vallyk:pretty name. Kaylie:thankyou can we take a selfie? Y/N:ofc.

*we took one together then she hugged us and went back to her mom and we said bye and walked away.

Vallyk:she was sweet. Y/N:ri,  she was excited. Vallyk:her mom was mad confused 😭. Y/N:right she was probably like who are these people?? Vallyk:😭.

*it was getting dark so we went on the fairis wheel and took pictures in it, when we got off we went to the car.

Vallyk:today was fun.Y/N:it was, we need to do this more often. Vallyk:fax.

*he kissed me then he got in the car and i put the bear in the back seat and shut the door then got in the car, we drove back to the house while listening to one day.

Vallyk:if you let that ass spend one day with me. Y/N:you know how this gonna go down, cause you know I am a freak.. Vallyk:true.

*he put his free hand on my thigh and i put my hand on his hand and he smiled.

Vallyk:shit i'mma miss you. Y/N:same, i don't want you to leave me. Vallyk:shit i wish i didn't have to.

*i smiled a little then he rubbed my thigh with his thumb, when we got back to the house i got the bear then we went inside, when we walked in Kobe and jaiden were playing gta on the tv.

Jaiden:kobe run across without getting hit. Kobe:you do it. Vallyk:not this again 😭.

*vallyk shut the door then i watched jaiden run across and him get hit by a car.

Kobe:😭😭. Jaiden:😭, bro go.

*kobe did it and he went flying, and him and Jaiden started dieing.

Jaidem:nigga flew😭. Kobe:😭😭. Vallyk:wait where he go😭. Kobe:idk😭.

*they laughed then i went upstairs and took a shower, then i felt arms around my wasit.

Vallyk:shower without me? Y/N:😂, not anymore. Vallyk:wow.

*i laughed then i washed up and got out, he was still in the shower, i got dressed did my hygiene stuff then layed down, then i heard sniffles in the bathroom, i went in the bathroom and vallyk was crying.

Y/N: baby what's wrong? Vallyk:i'm gonna miss you🥺. Y/N:awwww🥺.

*i hugged him, then after a while i let go and he kissed me then i went back and layed down and he got dressed, when he got dressed he came and layed next to me then put his head in the crock of my neck,he rubbed my stomach and i got emotional because it finally hit me he's leaving.....again, i took deep breaths trying not to cry.

Vallyk:i love you... Y/N:i love you too.

*we kissed then cuddled and went to sleep, in the morning valkyk alarm went off and he tried not to wake me up but i woke up.

Y/N:where you going? Vallyk:i have to go now🥺. Y/N:can i come.... Vallyk: to the airport?

*i nodded and he said yea, i threw something on and so did he then he went downstairs and kobe was on the couch crying and holding dior.

Kobe:i'm gonna miss u.... be good for mommy. Brooklyn:awww, this emotional 🥺. Vallyk:.... Jaiden:y/n. Y/N:yea? Jaiden:here.

*he gave me the picture frame of us and when i say us i mean me kobe and jaiden.

Y/N:awww thankyou. Jaiden:*smiles* your welcome.

*i hugged him then i went and put it in my room then vallyk came and got his blanket off my bed and i sprayed more perfume on it for him then we went downstairs.

Jaiden:yea vallyk is not ginna let go of that. Mom:you guys ready? Kobe:nooo i can't leave him or Brooklyn. Mom:kobe look at me, you will see them soon, then you will be with them forever ok. Kobe:k... Brooklyn:you can hold him in then car i'm coming with you. Kobe:k.

*we went to the car and put the stuff in then we got in, I was hugging vallyk the whole ride, when we got there the boys got out and kobe really tried to take dior.

Brooklyn:baby. Kobe:mamas, can you come. Brooklyn:i can't i have to finish school.

*he put his head down and gave dior back to her and she put him in his car seat then i got out and hugged vallyk and he picked me up and hugged me.

Vallyk:i love you.

*then the rest of the boys got here.

Mike:nope can't do- Maya:baby come here. Mike:i'm gonna cry. Angel:you? Kobe gotta leave his kid. Skylar:i love you. Angel:i love you too, we see each other soon ok? Derek:*cries* Mom: Derek whats wrong? Derek:nothing.... Gianna:baby it's ok to cry.

*he hugged gigi, vallyk put me down then kissed my stomach then he kissed me and we made out, after that the boys went inside and aya was crying.

Gianna:aww whats wrong. Aya:we had so much fun and now he's leaving........again.

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