𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 80🦋

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Vallyk:what do i do-

*the nurse came back.

Vallyk: she's in pain. Nurse:ok, watch out.

*vallyk moved and the nurse checked to see how far i was.

Nurse:baby coming your 9cm. Y/N:already??? Nurse:yup.

*she called some doctors and they came and started getting ready and valkuyk looked at me and smiled.


*he came and held my hand and kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear.

Vallyk: it's ok you can do this ok? Y/N:k.... i'm scared. Vallyk:ik just squeeze my hand ok. Y/N:k🥺.

*an hour later they finished then they put my feet up on the things.

Doctor:you ready? Y/N:y-ea.

*I started breathing heavy, vallyk grabbed my hand again and whispered in my ear.

Vallyk:calm down mama, you can do this, your amazing, we are gonna see baby boy.

*I nodded he smiled and kissed my cheek, he took a deep breath as well then recorded on his phone for memories.

Vallyk:ma you ready. Y/N:y-ea. Doctor:three two one push.

*I pushed and screamed.

Doctor:good job baby, ok break.

*I started crying alot, vallyk rubbed my leg with his thumb.

Vallyk: it's ok, breath.

*He wiped my tears, I put my hand on his, he smiled and kissed my lips, when he pulled away I started crying again.

Vallyk:a few more pushes and your done ok.

*I nodded.

Doctor:ready. Y/N:yes.. Doctor:three two one push mama, push.

*I pushed and bit down, after a few more pushes I heard crying, I put my head back and smiled then took deep breaths.

Doctor:dad come cut it. Vallyk:i don't wanna mess it up. Doctor:you won't.

*he went and cut it and i smiled, they went and weighed him, measured him, and cleaned him up.

Doctor:born at 2:30am, weighs 5 ½ pounds, and is 13 inches, he is very cute and small.

*they gave him to me and he was crying.

Doctor:breast feeding? Y/N:yea. Doctor:you can feed him.

*i started feeding him and i looked at vallyk and he was tearing up, the doctor went over to him and rubbed his back.

Doctor: congratulations, he's beautiful. Vallyk:*smiles* thankyou.

*she smiled and went and got birth certificate.

Doctor:name? Vallyk:kaiden, martin, pena. Doctor: beautiful.

*she wrote it down and the time he was born, i finished feeding kaiden then the doctor told vallyk to take his shirt off for skin to skin, he did, then they gave vallyk kaiden and he sat down and held him.

Vallyk:hey kaiden.

*i smiled at them then they cleaned me up.

Doctor:ok i'm gonna let you rest for a lil then i'm gonna bring you to your other room. Y/N:ok. Doctor: congratulations again. Y/N: thank you, he so small. Doctor:was someone in your family small? Y/N:me and my brothers. Doctor: probably why but he's cute. Y/N:his dad's lil twin. Vallyk:yup mine.

*she laughed then left the room and i went to sleep.


*i called kobe and jaiden on a group chat.

Kobe:yo? Jaiden: wassup. Vallyk:he's here. Kobe:fr?! Jaiden:lemme see him.

*should him.

Kobe:he look like a mini vallyk😭. Jaiden:ri😭. Vallyk:he my twin, I thought he had my lips but he got y/n's. Kobe: damn he gonna have some big ass lips. Vallyk:leave him alone. Kobe:😭. Brooklyn:babe who are you talking to this late. Kobe: vallyk, kaiden here. Brooklyn:fr?! can i see him.

*Kobe gave Brooklyn the phone and I showed kaiden.

Brooklyn:he looked like a mixture of them both. Kobe:no no he vallyk twin, he got y/n long as eye lashes and her hair but that's it. Vallyk: he barely got any hair. Brooklyn:ri.. Koeb:stil- Dior:*cries* Brooklyn:you get him. Kobe:😐. Jaiden:😭. Nova:why you so loud, go back to sleep. Jaiden:ight hold on, ight i'll come there later today. Vallyk:igh.

*we all hung up and i took a picture of kaiden and sent it to my mom, i put kaiden on y/n.

Y/N:hm. Vallyk:hold him real quick i have to pee. Y/N:k.

*she held him and i went to the bathroom, when i came back the doctor was here and y/n was awake.

Doctor:you guys ready to switch rooms? Vallyk:yea.

*we got all our stuff and i got y/n's stuff as well then we went to the other room, when we got to the other room y/n switched beds and the doctor said i would be able to lay in if i wanted to i said ok then she got kaiden's crib and put it on y/n's side then she left.


Y/N: come cuddle with me. Vallyk:i'mma go shower first. Y/N:ok.

*he got his stuff and went in the bathroom then i took a picture of kaiden and sent it to my mom and dad, then mike texted me asking if i'm ok, i called him.

Mike:yea? you ok? Y/N:yea, i'm just not pregnant anymore. Mike:hu- what happened?!. Y/N: nothing he's born. Mike:oh, bro you scared me😭. Y/N:my bad. Mike:can i see him.

*i showed him and he was opening his eyes.

Y/N:you got kobe eyes that aint fair. Mike:😭😭. Maya: what's so funny? Mike:kaiden got kobe eyes. Maya:kaiden has hazel eyes? already i thought they would be brown then change over time. Y/N:no there hazel, they are darker thou

* vallyk came out the bathroom in boxers.

Y/N:put shorts on. Vallyk:i am lil girl.

*he went and put his shorts and socks on then he got in the bed with me and put his blanket on both of us.

Y/N:this blanket going everywhere? Vallyk:yup.

*he turned so his back was facing me.

Y/N:i don't wanna see your back. Vallyk:to bad. Mike: vallyk kaiden got kobe eyes. Vallyk:you lyin. Y/N:nope. Vallyk:mine are light brown he could of had my eyes. Y/N:nope he got kobe's and Kobe the only sibling with colored eyes.

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