𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 35🦋

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Elijah:why she gotta bruise then. Vallyk: cause her clumsy ass fell off the bed.

Y/N: shut up.

*derek got up and grabbed Elija by his shirt and said something then elijah walked away and derek sat back down.

Kobe:what you say. Derek:just know i gotta gun. Kobe:and yall said i was scary? Brooklyn:you are. Gianna:where the fuck you get a gun from. Derek: somewhere. Skylar:derek finna kill someone. Derek:nah. Kobe:we both finna kill someone if he keep messing wit us. Elijah: DEREK DO IT THEN! Derek:lord he really think i'm playing. Koeb:just ignore him. Vallyk:yall are mean. Kobe: just to make it worse we knew. Valkyk:bett, i'mma get all yall back one day. Y/N:if you say so. Vallyk: don't belive me? Bett. Vallyk: don't belive me? Y/N: nope, cause you gonna forget. Vallyk:ok.

*he smiled then i tried to kiss him and he moved away.

Y/N:give me a kiss. Vallyk:no. Y/M:gimme ki- fine.

*i went on my phone and he kissed my neck then he saw my shirt.

Vallyk:you wore the shirt. Y/N:yes. Vallyk: dude. Y/N: really wanna start?

Vallyk:... Y/N: exactly. Vallyk:🖕🏽. Y/N:do it then.

*vallyk raised one eye brow then kissed me, he tried to move to my neck but i stopped him.

Y/N:damn boy. Vallyk:stop let me kiss you. Kobe:yall fucking freaky. Brooklyn:ri. Skylar:calm down jamal.

*Derek laughed.

Vallyk:shut up, yall getting on my damn nervessssss stop- Baby chill.

*i kept grabbing his d-.

Vallyk:stawwp, baby chill. Y/N:why it's mine. Vallyk:dude. Y/N:dude wha. Vallyk:*sigh*.

*he put my hand in his pants and underwear.

Vallyk:happy. Y/N:yurp. Valkyk:weirdo. Y/N:aye i'm not the weird one. Vallyk:yes you ar-*moans*

*he put his head on the table.

Y/N: what happened. Vallyk:chill. Y/N:or else? Vallyk:i will fuck you ri in front of everyon- shi don't stop. Kobe:i-. Derek:bro, y/n ya evil ass smirk. Y/N:😏. Aya:lil girl. Vallyk:igh ch-chill.

*i stopped and he looked at me. Vallyk:oh i'mma fuck u up.

Y/N:you said don't stop. Vallyk:oh you not gonna be able to walk lil girl. Y/N:...

*Kobe laughed.

Angel:good luck. Vallyk:nethir are you. Angel:huh-. Vallyk:😉. Kobe:yo he gay? Vallyk: bitch that's Derek. Derek:I am not fuckin gay nigga, I got a fuckin girl.

. *vallyk laughed, skip to after school, after me jaiden and Kobe went home, we went in the backyard and did a tik tok.

Kobe:what y'all wanna do? Jaiden: sibling date? Kobe:bett y/n you down? Y/N:y-

*chanel ran to me.

Y/N:hey mama.

*i picked her up and hugged her.

Y/N:i missed you. Kobe:ew, you comin. Y/N:shut up and yea.

*we went in the house, I put chanel down and gave her some, jaiden locked the back door sence mom and dad weren't home.

Jaiden; should we take chanel? Kobe:yea i guess. Y/N:yay.

*i got her lease and harness, I put it on her then i got her travel water bottle thing and a sandwich bag with some oh her food.

Jaiden:you better not pee in my damn car.

Kobe:i'mma die if she do. Jaiden:y/n cleaning it if she do. Y/N:nah. Jaiden:y- Y/N:no boy.

*i went to the car then kobe came, jaiden locked the door then we got in the car and went to cold stone, we got our ice cream and sat in the car and went live.

Kobe:wassup live. Jaiden:yo. Y/N:hey guys.  make me laugh, well us. Live:can we be added? Kobe:yea yall can be added put a black heart in the comments if you wanna join.

*they started spamming then kobe added one.

Kobe:hi. Jaiden:you say hi now? ???:hii. Kobe:hi nah i'm playing yurrrr.

*They laughed.

Jaiden:wait wait. Kobe:yea wait i wanna see u. ???:no i'm ugly. Kobe:i bett you pretty.

*she showed her face.

???:told you. Kobe:no you beautiful. Y/N:kobe. Kobe:wha. Y/N:igh try and make us laugh. ???:umm i actually wanted to get kobe's number. Kobe:i have a girl- ???:she won't kno-

*kobe kicked her.

Kobe:anyway who next. Brooklyn:add me😂😂

*kobe laughed and added Brooklyn.

Brooklyn:😭. Kobe:bae what so funny. Brooklyn:the fact she tried to get you to cheat and you kicked her. Kobe:oh, well yea i gotta girlfriend. Jaiden:atleast he loyal. Y/N:eh. Kobe:wow. Y/N:boy shut up. Kobe:make m-

*i grabbed his hair and pulled him back.

Kobe:AHHHH IGH LET GO. Y/N: exactly.

*kobe climbed in the back and started "fighting me" and tickling me.

Y/N:stawwp! Kobe:nah you wanna pull my hair ri? Y/N:i'm sorryyyyyy.


*i grabbed him.


*he tickled me and i let go and jaiden just laughed.

Live:what in the world. brooklyn:baby leave her alone.Kobe:no she grabbed my n- do it again and i will punch ya tinny ass cherries.

*jaiden added vallyk.

vallyk:they aren't cherries their milkies. Y/N:boy shut up. vallyk:mamas he called them cherrys and they are milkies. Kobe:weir-igh you done.

*he punched me, i punched him.

Kobe+Y/N:OW. Kobe:you fuckin punched my dick. Y/N:and you punched my boob. Kobe:🖕🏼. Y/N:here ill back it up for you. Kobe:nigga. Y/N:I'm playin. Kobe:no.

*he went back in the front but fell and his feet were in the air, me and jaiden started dying.

Y/N:Kobe how. Jaiden:b-ro how. Kobe:STOP LAUGHING AND HELP MEEE! Vallyk:he fell didn't he. Brooklyn:yup probably did.

*jaiden showed the live kobe, vallyk and Brooklyn started laughing.

Kobe:broooo stop.

*Jaiden started wheezing.

Kobe:can yall fucking help me, i'mma pass out.

*i got out the car and opened the door and his legs fell out and he was in a back bend.

Kobe:AHH MY DAMN BACK! jaiden:he about to break his own back. Y/N:*wheezes* Vallyk:baby breath. Brooklyn:cover that. Y/N:no. Brooklyn:please. Y/N:no it probably musty. Kobe:bitch i smell good as fuck.Y/N:lies cause i smell must. Kobe:and i smell fish. Y/N:boy i'm fresh. Vallyk:I know. Y/N:lil boy. Vallyk:what. Kobe:fishy help me. Y/N:no musty. Kobe:nigga i smell fresh.

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