𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 84🦋

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Y/N:he said happy birthday. Vallyk:wow he being nice, thankyou. Y/N:now he said shut up. Aya:😂. Vallyk:bett, the next time i see him we fighting. Y/N:he said bett. Vallyk:igh bett. Kaiden:*baby talk* Vallyk:yea ya uncle talking crazy.

*kaiden tried to laugh but he just smiled.

Vallyk:he trying laugh*smiles*

*vallyk came over to me and i put my phone face down.

Valkyk:what are you hiding. Y/N:nun. Vallyk:why you put ya phone down. Y/N:cause..... you want pancakes? Vallyk:yes and don't change the subject. Y/N:do you trust me? Vallyk:yes b- Y/N:trust me. Vallyk:k...

*he went and sat down and i finished making breakfast, when i was done i hung up and wrote happy birthday on vallyk's pancakes with the syrup, I gave him his plate and he laughed a lil then went quite, i went behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

Y/N:whats wrong? you can't be sad on your birthday. Vallyk:what are you hiding i don't like when you hide stuff from me. Y/N:i'll tell you after you eat actually i'll give you hints. Vallyk:mamasss. Y/N:bubsss, i wouldn't keep anything that would ruin our relationship ok, things that i keep from you are ethir for you or i can't tell you yet. Vallyk:k.

*i kissed him then we ate after we ate we cleaned up and i took kaiden from vallyk.

Y/N:go get ready for swimming. Vallyk:in fa- nvm we in vegas. Y/N: exactly.

*he laughed then went and got ready then i went and got kaiden ready then put him the crib in our room, then i went and got ready, when were ready kobe texted me saying they were leaving give us time to set up i texted him ok and told him not to bring snacks, he said ok. Y/N:ok we gotta go get snacks first.

Vallyk:for? Y/N:us i'm not gonna go out and be hungry. Vallyk:are we going to the pool or the Beach.Y/N:idk come on. Vallyk:baee. Y/N:get kaiden.

*he went and got kaiden and put him in the car seat then we went to the car and vallyk put kaiden in the car.

Vallyk:my hair growing back. Y/N:you look grown, hold up. Vallyk:yaaa look at me. Y/N:oop, bae getting old on me. Vallyk:😭.

*we got in the car then went to publix, when we got there we spent an hour in there.

Vallyk:baby its been an hour.

*i gotta text from Kobe.

Y/N:ok we can leave now. Vallyk:who texting you. Y/N:umm someone. Vallyk:😐, kaiden momma keeping secrets. Y/N:bae i will tell you when we get there. Vallyk:where are we going. Y/N:you will see i'm driving. Vallyk:oh god. Y/N: damn you don't trust me. Vallyk:no not while driving cause you be sneezing laughing wheezing yea no. Y/N:boy.

*he laughed then we payed for our stuff and went to Wendy's and i recorded and i was gonna be calling vallyk my husband.

Y/N:hi can i get a chicken nugget meal. ???:yup, drink? Y/N:umm sprite. ???:ok anything else. Y/N:hold on one sec, what you want? Vallyk:same thing. Y/N:ok can my husband also get a chicken nugget meal? Vallyk:*smiles* ???:ofc. Y/N:sprite as well. ???:ok total is $26. Y/N:k.

*we pulled. up.

Vallyk: husband?!?!. Y/N:wym i said bf. Vallyk:stop playing wit me you said husband, shii i'mma proposeeee then we finna get married.

*i laughed then we got our food and left and went to the beach, when we got to the beach i took kaiden out the car seat and vallyk got the chairs.

Vallyk:atleast we had these in the trunck. Y/N:😂.

*he closed the trunck then we went over to the group and vallyk stopped walking and smiled and i was recording him.

Group+me:HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Vallyk:*smiles* thankyou.

*i kissed him then we went over to them.

Kobe:how does it feel to be 20. Vallyk:idk i feel the same. Kobe:😂, same. Gianna: I'm literally still the youngest this aint fair i just turned 19. Derek:young ass. Gianna:boy i got more time then ya old ass so hush. Derek:😐bully. Dior:*giggles* Brooklyn:yes it's vallyk's birthday.

*dior clapped.

Mike:kaiden tinny. Y/N:ik, he don't eat. Vallyk:i wonder who he got that from.

*everyone looked at me and kobe.

Kobe:oh wow. Vallyk:😂. Y/N:bullies. Brooklyn:did we lie?  Kobe:yes, we eat just 2-3 bites and we done. Y/N:right we still eat. Vallyk:ok if you guys say so.

*me and kobe rolled our eyes then i got my chair from vallyk and unfolded it and sat down and kaiden was in my arms we all sat down and talked and dior was playing in the sand and crawling.

Kobe: Dior!

*he looked at kobe.

Kobe:come back over here.

*dior crawled in the opposite direction and kobe got up and got him and sat him on his lap.

Dior:*wines* Kobe:no you not getting down now. Y/N:like father like son. Kobe:shut up. Brooklyn:😂. Dior:*wines* Kobe:dior chill out. Dior:*cries* Kobe:😐.

*kobe put him down and he stopped and he didn't even have any tears.

Skylar:he a whole actor. Vallyk:ha. Kobe: bruh. Dior:*laughs* Brooklyn:😭. Kobe:😐.

*we went live and sat the phone up then dior threw sand at kobe.

Kobe: dior! stop it. Dior:*cries* Kobe:bro. Y/N:ooo dior being bad. Brooklyn:dior no. Dior:*cries*

*dior went to mike.

Mike:nah you did it.

*he went to vallyk and vallyk picked him up.

Vallyk:you can't throw sand, it hurts. Kobe:i got sand in my damn eye. Brooklyn:come here.

*they went and cleaned his eye out.

Valkyk:wanna go in the water? Dior:*laughs*. Valuk:i guess thats a yes.

*vallyk brought dior to the water.

Angel:he is gonna be the fun dad, and when kaiden gets in trouble he gonna go straight to him. Y/N:no other way around. Skylar:girl dior did it, mom's are scary dad's are chill. Kobe:yo that hurt- where dior? Y/N:with vallyk. Brooklyn:where vallyk. Y/N: water. Kobe:igh, he lucky he 10 mouths. Brooklyn:boy you got mad at him earlier. Kobe:he threw an ice cube at me and bit me it hurt. Y/N: damn ya own son beating you up. Angel: right.

*i ended the live cause there was no point then vallyk came back and put dior in the sand.

Dior:dada. Kobe:wha- wait what you say? Dior:*giggles* Kobe:nah say that again. Dior:*giggles* Y/N:he don't understand you😭. Kobe: bruh am i trippin or he said dada. Vallyk:he said it. Kaiden:*cries*

*dior was about to throw sand at kaiden.

Kobe:you better not.

*dior looked at Kobe.

Brooklyn:dior no, what is wrong with you.

*dior started crying and Brooklyn picked him up.

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