𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 28🦋

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Vallyk:yea Kobe.
Kobe:i- derek don't look away.
Derek:i aint do nun.
Mom:both of yall are trouble makers.
Kobe:i- wow mom.
Jaiden:she didn't lie thou.
Derek:y'all mean.
Nova:my leg hurt.
Mike:we know.

*I laughed.

Aya: dang Mike so mean.
Derek:who mike? i only know gremlin. Mike:don't make me beat ya ass.
Derek:i'mma g-

*mike jumped on him.

Mom:yea bye.

*she left and shut the door.

Mike:yea i'm staying here now.
Derek:bro.... gigi help me.
Gianna:did you help me at the beach? no have fun.
Gianna:yea karma.
Derek:i will squeeze ya balls if you don't get tf off m- AHHHHH SH*T!

*mike did it to him.

Derek:ok ok ok!

*mike stopped then got up.

Derek:that shii hurt.
Derek:no it hurt.
Gianna: that's not my problem.
Vallyk:you did that to ya self.
Derek:y/n get ya bf.
Y/N:no i'm good.

*Kobe laughed*.

Vallyk:what yall wanna do.
Derek:ding dong ditch.
Aya: didn't mom just say don't get into any trouble.
Kobe:yea come on derek.
Derek:we doin it?
Gianna:nooo stayyy.
Derek:come on.
Y/N: fine i'll go.

*we all went and started walking around, i went live and showed kobe about to knock on a door he knocked and we ran.

*Kobe laughed.

Derek:bro kobe took off.
Gianna:i'mma need an inhaler after this.
Y/N:right to much running.
Vallyk:yall outta shape.
Nova:boy it is too much running.

*we went to another door and knocked then a guy started chasing derek and kobe.


*Derek laughed, the guy went back in his room, we started dieing.

Jaiden:bro you gonna get ya ass beat. Kobe:wanna do it to mom.

*we went to mom door and knocked then ran, they opened the door then closed it, then we knocked again and ran.

Mom:STOP KNOCKING ON THE DAMN DOOR! Kobe:ma chill it was us.
Mom:boy y'all play to damn much.

*Kobe laughed.

Mom:what did yall do?
Derek:ding dong ditch.
Mom:Why- yall are different.
Kobe:I know right.
Mom:boy bye.

*we went back to our room and put manifest on and watched it.

Vallyk:come here.
Kobe:no mine.
Vallyk:bro gimme my gf.
Kobe:my sister.

*I laughed.

Kobe:fine i'll cuddle wit aya.
Aya:huh? What now.
Kobe:I'm cuddling wit you like it or not. Aya:come here.

*kobe went to aya and i went to vallyk, he kissed my head, an hour later we had all fell asleep and dad came in our room.

Dad:come on, wake up.

*he woke us all up, when we got up he said we were going to go walk around Hawaii we said ok and got our shoes.

Jaiden: Kobe mad.
Kobe:yes i am.
Vallyk:why yall mad.
Y/N:they got woken up.
Kobe:ri i'm tired.
Derek:same i was comfy to.

*Vallyk laughed.

Aya:kobe is a good pillow.
Kobe:shut up.

*we laughed then got up, after that we started walking around then we stopped and got something to eat then went back to our rooms.

Kobe:i'll be back.
Derek:where you going.
Kobe:uhh just don't go in the room.
Derek:bro no.
Mike:right we all sleep in there.
Kobe:i really don't care.

*he went in the room and closed then door.

Derek:can i sleep with you gigi.
Mike: you really finna leave me.
Derek:yup i don't wanna lay on nu-
Kobe:the fact yall really thought i was gonna do it.
Derek:😐that was Mike.
Mike:bitch-y'all are all odd.
Kobe:no Derek is he almost kissed me. Derek:why were you so close to me.
Kobe:the fuck? i was in the middle of both of yall and some how you still managed to get yo Little ass to mike.
Derek:i'm not used to sharing a bed and if you do share a bed with me i'm gonna end up cuddling you, and I know you not talking about no damn little, I'm thick as fuck.
Kobe: whatever.

*kobe went live then i took his phone.

Kobe:give me my damn phone.
Y/N:yea i'm good.

*he started chasing me, i ran then i went and layed on vallyk and kobe tried to get his phone.

Kobe:come on y/n give me my phone.
Y/N:why you take my stuff.
Kobe:y/n come on.

*i rolled my eyes and gave him his phone and he set his phone up.

Kobe:y/n is mean.
Y/N:uh how.

*vallyk hugged me.

Derek:wha- eww.
Vallyk:shut up.

*vallyk got up and got his phone then me and him did a tik tok, then i did my own tik tok.

*jaiden put music on, then him and Kobe started doing random dances and tik tok's.

Kobe:*smiles* bro if i didn't have siblings like jaiden and y/n i wouldn't want them.
Jaiden:dang you being sweet.
Nova:for once.
Kobe:see and if ya brother gotta gf like her beat her ass, so come here nova.

*Kobe went over to her and she put her hands up and laughed and kobe grabbed them.

Nova:move boy.
Kobe:nah, you wanna say stuff ri.
Nova:boy if you don't move i'mma kick you in a place you don't wanna be kicked.
Kobe:you not gonna like then ending.

*she looked at jaiden

. Jaiden: don't look at me.
Nova:bro chill.
Kobe:nah now you scared.

*nova kicked him.

Kobe:fuck bruh. 

*Kobe got mad and got his phone then went to his room and shut the door.

Jaiden:that happened.
Nova: I actually didn't mean to kick me but when men are hovering over me and holding my hands my mind tells me to kock them, sorry jaiden. jaiden:i'm not mad at you.

Mike: come on y/n. Y/N:what I do. Mike:nothin, we going to go check on him. y/N:oh.

*We went in the room, when we walked in Mike shut the door and we say Kobe rolling around on the bed and tearing up

. Y/N:aww what's wrong. Kobe:she kicked so damn hard. Y/N:I'm sorry.

*We layed next to him, we talked to him for a while then he fell asleep, we went back in the living room.

Derek:what kobe doin? Y/N:sleep. Jaidne:well yall put him to sleep. Mike:that- ok. Jaiden:your the one thinking dirty i wasn't even thinking that way. Miek:yea ok. Jaiden:shut up. Nova:.... Jaiden:bae you feel bad?

*she nodded.

Jaiden:when he wakes up go talk to him. Y/N:not a hood idea. Jaiden:he talks to you when he gets mad at you. Y/N:i know how to make him go soft before he yells at me. Jaiden:what are you a therapist. Y/N:boy.

*Derek and Gianna laughed.

Aya:really. Jaiden:what. Mike:your different. Jaiden:so are you my guy. Mike:shut up. Jaiden:make me. Mike:i'mma tell auntie what you did in her room. Jaiden:igh chill.

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