𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 102🦋

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*We all got food and sat down and ate then they brought out a mic and derek got it first.

Derek:yur ight lemme stop, anyway yall see that lil girl the one that just got married yea we finna say some stuff.

*the crowed laughed.

Derek:ight so first i wanna say i love both of yall from the bottom of my heart, don't make me take it back. Vallyk:😐. Derek:anyway- Dior:Ah. Brooklyn:shh. Derek:anyway, i remember that time we all thought y/n and vallyk was dating but they really weren't, i also remember that time me and y/n pranked vallyk and he almost fell down the steps. Vallyk:oh wow😭.

*the crowd laughed and so did me and kobe.

Derek:and by the look on vallyk face he probably gonna  get me back so i'mma give this to someone else.

*vallyk's mom got up and got the mic and derek went and sat back down.

V/M:ok first hello i'm vallyk's mom, and i'm so happy you guys are together, i can't wait to have more grand babies, and see you guys grow old together, i remember that time vallyk and y/n were about 5 or six years old and they went to school and came back home and came to me and y/n's mom and said, we love eachother.

*vallyk laughed and smiled..

V/M:vallyk has always loved y/n from the day they met, on y/n's sixteenth birthday he came to me and said mom, i'mma ask her out i want her to mines for the rest of my life. Vallyk:mom. V/M:yk it's true. Vallyk:ok it was but i didn't want her to know that. Y/N:simp. Vallyk:oh hush.

*we all laughed then she said she loved us and gave the mic to aya and mike.

Mike:ight wassup, i'm y/n favourite cousin, sike nah lemme stop. Aya:heyyyy i'm aya the party girl, anyway y/n remember that time you had a dream about vallyk. Y/N:oh no. Vallyk:nah i wanna hear this. Mike:yup me, aya and y/n were watching a movie in her room and  she had fell asleep right. Aya:then she satrted talking in her sleep, she sat there and had a whole Convo. Mike:now i would say what she said but its rated r and there kids so we not gonna do that. Kobe:yea please don't. Mike: anyway, vallyk take care of my lil cousin even thou she growing up on me but still take care of her and y/n you will always be my best friend no matter what Jaiden& Kobe:yo. Mike:yall will live.

*the crowd laughed.

Aya:hey gurl you thought i was done? yea no. Y/N:sit down. Aya:nope, remember that time you was running away from kobe and vallyk cause you smacked them and then you fell down the steps? Y/N:girl you walked in a wall.

*Kobe started dieing.

Kobe:😭😭. Aya:ykw, bett who want the mic😭. 

*i got up and got the mic.

Y/N:why did i do this to my self. Kobe:😭. Y/N:you good bro? Kobe:yea go ahead. Y/N:ok if i cry don't mind that, um vallyk yes i had a crush on you before i got with you know who, and even when i was with him the love i and for you never went away, and i never in my life though i would ever get married, then you asked me out and here we getting married and starting a family, and i love you, you made me happy and you still are making me happy.

*i smiled and a tear came down my face.

Y/N:come on girl don't cry.

*i looked at vallyk and he was tearing up, he got up and got the mic and i sat down.

Vallyk: damn- ight umm y/n tbh i think i had a crush on you ever sence we met it just grew more as we got older, but fr who wouldn't have a crush on you your beautiful your everything that i would ever want in my wife, um i love you death and i also thought i wouldn't get married or ever have a gf that stayed with me because i kept getting heart broken but you changed that you made me feel wanted- shi vallyk don't cry stop.

*he looked up and i smiled.

Vallyk:ight you made me feel wanted and that i would be able to accomplish my goals, you gave me a crazy son and soon hopefully a beautiful baby girl. Kaiden:i not crazy. Vallyk:yea you are. Kaiden: meanie. Vallyk: anyway i love and i can't wait to have more kids with you, oh and btw if yall didn't get the hint she pregnant with baby number two.

*the crowd cheered and vallyk sat down then music played and we ate, After everyone ate they brought the cake out and me and vallyk got up to go cut it, I grabbed the knife and he stood behind me and held my hand so we both would cut the cake, we cut the came then fed each other.

Y/N:*smiles*. Vallyk:you put cake on my nose😭. Y/N:ik.

*he smiled then i sat in the chair in middle of the floor because vallyk was gonna take my garter off, the crowd watch and vallyk sat on a towel they put on the floor and put his head under my dress and laughed cause he started kissing me, i felt him pull it down my leg then he took it off with his hand when it got to my ankle, he stood up then it was time to toss the flowers to see who will get married next.

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