𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 23🦋

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*he let go of me then got up, i smacked his butt and he looked at me.

Y/N:yup you got cake gimme sum.
Vallyk:gimme some of yours.
Y/N:no you got enough.

*i got up then he smacked my butt and it was loud.


*i sat on the floor and he laughed.

Vallyk:yea how it feel.

Live:😭😭, y/n😭, vallyk that shi was loud😳.

Y/N:my ass hurt.
Vallyk:awww my baby got her ass smacked and now she upset.
Y/N:you don't get no cuddles.

*i got my phone and layed on the bed then vallyk tried to lay on me but i wouldn't let him.


Y/N:stop it, guys look at him.

*i showed vallyk.

Vallyk:ma please.

*he spreaded my legs then layed on me, he had his head on my chest and i played in his curls.

Y/N:such a big baby.
Y/N:😂, guys i'll talk to yall later.

*i ended the live then i put the tv on and cuddled vallyk.

Vallyk:you cute bro.
Y/n:so are you bro.

*He laughed then kissed me then hugged me then i got up.

Vallyk:no come backkkk.
Y/N:come here.

*he smiled and spreaded my legs and layed between them and put his head on my chest and i played with his hair then i put the tv on and turned my lamp off.

Vallyk:*tired voice*can you turn it down?
Y/N:aww you sound tired and yea.

*i turned it down, he buried his face, i watched tv then a few minutes later i looked at vallyk and he was sleep, i watched my show then i put the covers on me and vallyk and went to sleep.

*A week later, we were getting ready to go to the airport cause me,vallyk, derek,kobe,mike,aya,gianna, jaiden and nova were going somewhere with mom dad and m/m, they knew but i didn't.

Vallyk:babe come on wake up.
Y/N:baeee i'm tired.
Vallyk:come on we leaving go change and put something comfy on.
Y/N:why can't i wear this.
Vallyk:cause it's to showy.

*i got up and changed then Kobe walked in my room then mom turned my lights on, me kobe and vallyk groaned.

Kobe:*deep voice* it's fine...

*i went and hugged kobe.

Kobe:whats wrong?
Y/N: nothing you look sad.
Y/N:are you ok?

*mom got me and vallyk's suit case then dad came and helped her.

Kobe:i want a gf...
Y/N:ask brooklyn out.
Kobe:no i don't feel like getting rejected rn.
Y/N:but your not, she said you are cute.
Kobe:but what if she was just giving me a compliment and saying i was cute.
Vallyk:nah i don't think it was just a compliment. Y/N:ri.

*i put vallyk's hoodie on that i took from his house.

Vallyk:when did yo- nvm.

*He laughed and so did I.

Kobe:i'm hungry.
Jaiden:come on we leaving.

*jaiden looked at me.

Jaiden:where you get that from.

Jaiden:oh, i guess we matching.
Kobe:wait i wanna match.

*he went and changed then came back and we went downstairs.

Aya:i look dead.
Y/N:aya you look fine.
Gianna:no i don't look ri.

Derek:*yawns* you look fine, i'm hungry.

*derek walked by her and her eyes went down.

Gianna:he is huge...

*I laughed*

Vallyk:yall weird.
Nova:hey girls, no make up today i guess. Aya:yea i need it.
Y/N:no you don't, you look beautiful with and without makeup.
Y/N:we all still baddies without make up. Nova:and thats on?
Girls: period!
Derek:yall weird as hell.
Mom:yall look so tired, kobe go use the bathroom , we are not about to pull over in the middle of the rode for you to go pee.

*Kobe rolled his eyes and went upstairs, we all got in the car, mom waited for kobe at the door, 2 mins later kobe came to the car and mom got chanel then locked up, she got in the car and gave chanel to me.

Y/N:we can bring her!?.
Mom:no she going over grandma house.
Y/N:dang it.

*chanel licked me then sat on my lap then Kobe fell asleep and dad started driving.

Mike:bro Kobe out already.

*Gianna laughed then Derek moved and kobe flinched.

Derek:damn why he flinch.
Vallyk:idk he sleep.

*we got to grandma house, mom brought chanel and her stuff inside then she came back in the car then we went to McDonald's.

M/M:kobe, Kobe come on.

*she started moving his leg.

M/M:koko wake up.

*he opened his eyes streched then looked around.

M/M:stay awake until we order your food.

*he nodded and slowly started falling asleep and Derek woke him back up.

Derek:broo stay awake.
Jaiden: Kobe!

*kobe opened his eyes and i started recording him cause he kept falling asleep.

Dad:ight, kobe what you want? Kobe:*deep cracky voice* Breakfast sandwich and hash browns and orange juice.

*Kobe went back to sleep with his head on derek.

Y/N:i get to sit on vallyk lap.

*Vallyk laughed.

Y/N:move over i wanna sit next to you. Vallyk:whyyyy. Y/N:you will see.

*he moved over a lil and i squeezed my tinny body in the lil space and kobe randomly flinched opened his eyes then feel asleep again.

Derek:wtf is wrong with him.
Mike:ri. Kobe:*groans*
Mom:yall are squishing him.
Kobe:bro move.

Jaiden:mike is there space back there? Mike:yea for one perso-

*i moved and kobe jumped.

Mom: someone go in the back.

*jaiden climbed in the back then i moved over and nova went in the back and sat on jaiden, then i moved to the window and vallyk moved then kobe stopped.

Kobe:*snores* momma.
Kobe:why you talking.

*She laughed then we pulled up to the next window and dad got the food then he drove off and parked in the parking lot.

M/M:mike wake him up.
Mike:bro, kobe.

*M/M shoke his leg and he opened his eyes.

M/M: here.

*he got his bag then everyone else got their's, dad started driving again and we ate.

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