𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 51🦋

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Brooklyn:you ok now? Kobe:mhm.

*kobe rubbed her stomach and kissed her.

Vallyk:shii i'mma miss them. Derek:ri watch them all start crying. Kobe:then I'mma cry. Y/N:i won't let go if you hug me. Vallyk:😂. Angel:yo we gotta go get dressed. kobe:what time is it? Angel:2:30. Maya:where tf the day go. Jaiden:send me pictures. Y/N:k love you. Kobe:love you bro. Jaiden:love you guys too.

*we hung up then we went home.

Kobe:hey mom. Y/N:hey dad. dad:hey, why yall so happy Kobe:prom. Mom:aww have fun. Y/N:k

*me and kobe went upstairs.

*i got in the shower,I  took a hot shower, when i was done showering i put the product in my hair then i did a side part for my hair style, i put a head band on to get my hair out the way then i dried my body and put lotion on, then i put my red under wear set on and put on my hygiene things and brushed my teeth, after that i did my make up then kobe walked in with a towel on.


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Kobe:my bad can i use some of your lotion. Y/N:the sented one or the dove one? Kobe:dove. Y/N:go ahead.

*he got the lotion the left the room then vallyk called me.

Y/N:hey. Vallyk:he- damn you looking extra sexy. Y/N:😂so are you my love, should i wear hop or stud earrings? Vallyk:hoop. Y/N:ok.

*I finished my makeup while talking to vallyk then i put my earrings in and put lip gloss on the looked at vallyk looking at him self in the mirror.

Y/N:how i look.

*he looked at me and made a damn your hot face.

Vallyk:hot asf, i like it. Y/N:*smiles* ok you look niceee. Vallyk:i actually did my curls. Y/N:I see😭.

*i got up and vallyk took a screenshot.

Y/N:boy. Vallyk:i need a new screen saver. Y/N:take a better one then. Vallyk:pose.

*i posed then he took a screenshot, i smiled.

*i then went and got the dressed, I put the dress on then looked at my self in the mirror to make sure it looked good.

Y/N:ok go me. Vallyk:shii i'm hard again. Y/N:vallyk. Vallyk:you look good not my fault.

*we laughed then kobe walked in.

Y/N:ok bro. Kobe:ok sis, you look nice. Y/N:so do you.

*he smiled then zipped my dress up.

Y/N:thankyou. Kobe:yw.

*he went in front of the phone. V

Vallyk:stop it. Kobe:what i'm feeling myself. Vallyk:😭, ight bae how i look. Y/N:cute,hot, handsome,sexy, and amazing. Vallyk:*smiles* thx, bro you look good. Kobe:ikr, nah i'm playing thx you look good too.

*brooklyn walked in and my draw dropped and so did kobe's.

Kobe:i-. Y/N:damn girl you look hot. Brooklyn:😂, so do you. Vallyk:yall ar weird i'm coming over. Y/N:k.

*he hung up.

*then i looked at kobe, he was looking at Brooklyn and checking her out.

Kobe:this my gf?? my baby mama?? whaaaaa, you look hot.

*kobe kissed her.

Brooklyn:and you look sexy. Y/N:we finna be the hottest group there. Kobe:facts.  Brooklyn: period.

*vallyk walked in.

Vallyk:oh thats why yall mouths dropped, you look nice. Brooklyn:thankyou. Vallyk: don't look at me like that it was just a compliment. Y/N:i didn't d- Vallyk:my baby jelly. Y/N:boy shut up.

*he laughed and kissed me then the group chat called and we forgot gio was in it.

Gio:wassup. Kobe:leave the group. Gio:why. Skylar:cause your a cheater and you ditched us. Y/N:right. Gio:yall all going to prom and didn't invite me? Kobe:see how it feels to be left out. Gio:🙄.

*he left and left the group.

Angel:yall ready? Y/N:yea come to my house i have a feeling my mom wants to take pictures. Vallyk:oh yeah my mom coming over. Y/N:k.

*we all said ok to coming over my house then we hung up.

(B/M=Brooklyn mom)(V/M=vallyk mom)
*me vallyk Kobe and Brooklyn went downstairs, mom,dad, V/M and B/M looked at us.

V/M:aww. Mom:yall are so cute.

*we all smiled then angel called me.

Angel:yo we all outside. Y/N:k.  Mom:they here? Y/N:yea. Dad: pictures. Kobe:😂.

*we went outside.

Aya:omg look at youuuuu, beautiful both of you. Gianna:right. Y/N:the black really does look cute. Skylar:ri this dress is so cute. Kobe:oh mom. Mom:yea. B/M: Brooklyn you told him? Brooklyn:yea. Mom:yes? Kobe: look at Brooklyn. Mom:wha- your pregnant. Brooklyn:yes*smiles* Mom: congratulations. Dad:oh my i'm a grandpa to two babies. Kobe:dad😂.

*we all laughed then we took pictures with our partner then the girls took pictures then the boys took pictures, then me and vallyk took selfies together, after all that a limo pulled up then the driver got out.

Driver:kobe morris? Brooklyn:you got a limo???? Kobe:😉. Derek:hold tf up, when you do this. Kobe i didn't buy it the school got it I just put it under my name for us. Vallyk:i'm about to say, damn man. Mom:have fun. Y/N:k. Vallyk:wait.

*vallyk put the flower bracelet on my hand .

Y/N:aww this is cute. Kobe:yes Brooklyn you got one. Brooklyn:😂.

*the boys put the flowers on then the girls put the flower pin on the boys suits then we all got in the limo, the driver closed the door then got in and we talked.

Kobe:i'mma tell you this all night, you look beautiful. Brooklyn:😂, thankyou.

*they kissed then vallyk held my hand and looked at my lips so i kissed him then we made out.

Derek:bro chil. Gianna:well they picked the right color.

*vallyk couldn't hold his laugh in, he started dying.

Vallyk:really. Derek:😭. Angel: there's a spider next to you mike. Mike:bitch where!

*he started freaking out and maya started dying and so did i and everyone else.

angel:i'm joking. Mike:😐, remember that. Maya:omg. Y/N:this boy had a whole heart attack. Mike:i don't fuck with bugs or spiders like no.

*we laughed then we got to the school, the driver opened the door then vallyk got out, i got out, everyone got out then we walked in. 

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