𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙 64🦋

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*Brooklyn threw a shoe at him.

kobe:oww damn what was that for. Brooklyn:you not slick i heard you. Kobe:it was a joke, damn girl, dior you gotta watch out for momma she finna throw shoes when you do sum bad. Brooklyn:no he my baby, you yes i would throw a shoe at you. Kobe:damn i was here before him. Brooklyn:idgaf.  Kobe:yall see how mean she is, she be abusing me guys🥺 she be abusi-

*she threw another shoe and he dodged it.

Kobe:ight chil, guys she don't abuse me it was a joke.  Brooklyn:its about to not be a joke if you keep playing with me. Kobe:i'm sorryyyy. Vallyk: it's fine y/n hurts me too. Kobe:we in this together. Y/N: Bett lemme tell that girl you want her. Vallyk:noooo.

*i got his phone and went to the messages.

Kobe:oop. Vallyk:y/n. Y/N:i'm joking don't cry.

*mike came in and pushed me and i almost fell but vallyk caught me.

Vallyk:bro she's pregnant. Mike:fr? my bad.

*he hugged me.

Kobe: everyone here? Mike:yea we all got on the same flight. Y/N:oh. Mike:whats wrong? Y/N:nothing. Mike:you sound sad what happened. Vallyk:mamas?

Y/N:hm? Vallyk:are you ok?

*i tearded up and hugged him.

Vallyk:whats wrong, you were just laughing. Y/N:your not staying forever your leaving soon. Vallyk:now your making me emotional.

*he picked me up and i wrapped my legs around him.

Vallyk:i'm staying for 3 weeks ok. Y/N:k.... but then your gonna leave and i'm gonna be alone again... Vallyk:stop crying ok, we are going to enjoy the time that i'm here with you ok. Y/N:k...

*he kissed me then told the live bye and ended it.

Mike:i'm going to hang wit derek and them yall coming? Vallyk:in a lil bit. Mike:ight.

*he left, me and vallyk cuddled and watched a movie.

Vallyk:wanna do a challenge? Y/N:for yt or just for fun. vallyk:both. Y/N:k whats the challenge? Vallyk:we have to find eachother gift for our last name. Y/N:k, so morris and pena. Vallyk:wait you got more letters, actually we gonna do for the alphabet one gift for each letter. Y/N:ok i have to go gift shopping anyway. Vallyk:bett.

*he grabbed my keys.

Vallyk:come on.

*i laughed and got up but then i sat down.

Vallyk:you ok? Y/N:yea just a cramp, ok i'm good come on.

*he smiled and we left and got in the car.

Vallyk:you hungry. Y/N:no. Vallyk:you gotta feed him. Y/N:ik i'm just not hungry i tried to force my self to eat to feed him when i wasn't hungry and i threw up. Vallyk:ight we won't do that.

*we laughed then got to target.

Vallyk:here or the bigger target? Y/N: bigger one theres more stuff. Vallyk:true.

*we went to the other one then when we got there we went to a empty Aisle and did our intro.

Vallyk:wassup guys today we doing a alphabet present challenge i guess, we needed to go Christmas sh- bae come here. Y/N:i found a cute pillow. Vallyk:girl get over here.

*i went over to him and he hugged me from behind.

Vallyk:oh snap and if your guys didn't know this my beautiful gf  y/n. Y/N: guys he love me. Vallyk:you cocky. Y/N:how is that being cocky. Vallyk:idk.

*We laughed, then I looked at myself in the camera.

Y/N:i look better then you. Vallyk:now you being cocky, i look better then you we both know that. Y/N:nah you ugla. Vallyk:So are you.

*we both laughed and kissed eachother.

Vallyk:ight we both gonna have a camera and we going our separate ways. Y/N:i need a cart. Vallyk:same i'm not caring all that sh*BEEP* in my hand- Y/N: family friendly. Vallyk:my ba- you look like Kobe. Y/N:ik he my twin.

*jaiden called me.

Y/N:yea-*BEEP* Vallyk:ight so actually Jaiden and his gf coming so we gotta wait.

*i started twerking and vallyk zoomed in on me.

Vallyk:what is she doin. Y/N:no i look ugly. Vallyk:no you don't. Y/N:i know right thats you.

Vallyk:ight, tip number one never give y/n a compliment. Y/N: i'm joking come here cutie. Vallyk:i'm a orange now? Y/N:hu- oh.

*we both started dying. *BEEP*

Vallyk: bruh, i swear me and y/n would start dying over the dumbest shi. Y/N: it's not my fault all we gotta do is look at eachother.

*we looked at eachother and died.


*BEEP* *jaiden called me.

Y/N:yo. Jaiden:where yal- *BEEP* Y/N:ok here is my wonderful brother and his gf. Jaiden:stop. Y/N:bro see this why i'm not nice. Vallyk:😭. Nova:hey b-*BEEP* Ayla:*cries* *BEEP* Vallyk:what is going in. Jaiden:you cuss to much. Nova:ik you not talking. Jaiden:can we go get our stuff. Nova:yea, what y'all doin? Y/N: challenge. Nova:oh, have fun.

*jaiden put ayla back in the carseat then they walked away.

Vallyk: ight here. Y/N:yay i get my own camera. Vallyk:ew. Y/N:f*beep* you. Vallyk:you already did thats why you gotta ba-BEEP* Y/N:vallyk being a lil baby rn cause i punched him. Vallyk:you punched my nuts. Y/N:cause you punched my boob we even. Vallyk:bett i was gonna get you that pillow now i'm not. Y/N:nooooo baeee. Vallyk:yea.

*i flipped him off then turned my camera on and started walking away.

Vallyk:she leaving me. Y/N:oh i though we started. Vallyk:no gimme kiss first.

*i went over to him and he poked his lips out and i licked his lips.


*I laughed, we did threw pecks then we started and walked away from each other.

Y/N:ok guys for the letter a.... i'mma get hi- he need a new phone, apple phone yea that will work- or should i get him an actual apple, nah i'mma get him a apple phone, i'mma be nice.

*i went over to the electronics.

Y/N:shi they don't got phone's, oh wait apple produc- oh snap theres a apple store in this damn Walmart

*i walked over there then realized i said Walmart.

Y/N:ok so i realized i said walmart and not target, i ment target lemme lone.

*i laughed and stopped the camera till i got there then i started it again when i got there.

Y/N:wait a min, i want the 12- this for him i'll get him the 12, should i get white or red.. we getting white he can get a red case.

*i got white then bought it and walked around.

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